The Official Website for Safety Training

Thank you for choosing Vitality Safety Group for your safety and training certification needs. We look forward to hearing from you and providing you with the extensive training you have requested. Please feel free to use the tools on our website to get most of the answers to your questions. If you still have questions after visiting our site we have a contact form for all your questions. Normally we will respond within 2 - 4 hours. Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can assist you for effectively. Contact Information: 2300 Highlands Park Atlanta, GA 30331 (404) 123 - 1234 [email protected]

Benefit Information

American Heart Association, American Red Cross and ASHI certification CPR classes • 1 to 1 manikin ratio reduces class time saving you time and time is money • Instructors are fully licensed and insured • Online CPR class scheduling available 24/7/365 • Open to anyone - nurses, babysitters, doctors, educators, business owners, EMS, etc. • On-site training at your home, business, medical office, church, or school • CPR classes held day and night to accommodate your busy schedule • CPR classes are stress-free and fun, incorporating real-life scenarios • Our pricing is fair and does not include any hidden charges.





Commonly Used Links
The American Heart Association National Safety Alliance
American Red Cross Internation Institute of Safety
Available Classes Training Materials
Prerequisites Employment