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More Guns n' Roses Biographies - coming soon

W. Axl Rose W. Axl Rose, Vocals
Born: 6. February, 1962; Lafayette, Indiana

Showing an early gift for music, Axl Rose was a choirboy, gospel singer, pianist, and even taught Sunday School in his childhood. However, his extremely strict upbringing led him to rebel by the age of sixteen. Getting into trouble left and right with over 20 terms (he only admits to guilt on about 5 occasions), Rose felt that leaving Indiana was his only option so he took off in search of his friend Jeff (Izzy) Isbell, who had already left to seek fame and fortune in Hollywood. And as they say, the rest is history. He's multi-talented with an extreme and powerful vocal range, piano skills, and has even recently taken up the guitar to add to his abilities. Axl is presently working on releasing his present project, "Chinese Democracy".

Duff McKagan Duff McKagan, Bass
Born: 5. February, 1964; Seattle, Washington

Throughout his early career, Michael McKagan would try his hands at Guitar, Drums, and Bass with more than 30 bands before landing with Guns n' Roses. Influenced heavily by Sid Vicious of The Sex Pistols, and because of the cut-throat competition in LA with the guitar, Duff turned to Bass and headed for LA. There he would begin a career with Guns n' Roses that would span a decade. With the progressive downfall of the band however, and a near-death run in from excessive alcohol abuse, Duff cleaned up his life, took to the martial arts, especially kickboxing, and decided not to continue his career with the band. From there he would again return to music making by performing solo and with several bands including the "Neurotic Outsiders" and "The Presidents of the USA". He has also, like his former bandmate Slash, took to performing on the screen as an actor performing as a vampire in the television show "Sliders".

Slash Slash, Guitars
Born: 22. July, 1965; Stoke-On-Trent, England

The blues-based rock legend was born to fairly well-off parents Anthony and Ola Hudson. Both were involved heavily in design aspects of the music industry with notables such as Joni Mitchell and David Bowie. Slash was a reckless kid growing up and at age 14 and as fate would have it, he ran into another reckless youth named Steven Adler who had just been in a skateboard accident. The two became friends and it just so happened that Steven owned a guitar that would turn the tables in Slash's life. Before long, Slash was putting in some 12 hours a day on the guitar (by some accounts) and began trying his part with various bands. Slash left Guns n' Roses to pursue another career in music with his own band, "Slash's Sakepit", releasing two albums including the most recent, "Ain't Life Grand". His impressive skills are also in great demand as he's performed for countless well reknown artists from Rod Stewart to Michael Jackson.

Izzy Stradlin Izzy Stradlin, Guitars
Born: 8. April, 1962; Lafayette, Indiana

Izzy was the only Gn'R member to graduate from High School, but not looking forward to spending his life in his hometown of Lafayette, Indiana he took off for Hollywood upon graduation. Influenced heavily by The Rolling Stones and punk/glam bands, he tried his hands at several instruments including drums, bass, and eventually guitar. Considered the glue that held Guns n' Roses together, Izzy left the band frustrated with the drugs, business side of things, and feeling his views weren't being taken seriously anymore. After a layoff from music, Izzy returned to release several solo albums including "Ride On" and "117 Degrees", as well as an album with his band "The JuJu Hounds".

Steven Adler Steven Adler, Drums
Born: 22. January, 1965; Cleveland, Ohio

Steven "popcorn" Adler also grew up a rebellious individual, getting kicked out of his home at 12 and on his own account, getting the boot from 8 or 9 different schools. Early on, Steven was influenced by KISS and played his hands at the guitar but would later on change over to drums. Totally self-trained, Steven never took a lesson in his life, but rather trained by hitting on what he could, including tupperware and books and didn't even own a drum kit until he was 18. Adlers performance with Guns n' Roses as a premeir Drummer seemed assured until he was fired for inability to control his drug use. Years later, he would turn around and sue the band. Steven presently continues to perform on the scene and after multiple drug related medical complications, has allegedly come clean and is said to presently be working on a book about his years with Guns n' Roses, all while hoping for a reunion.

Dizzy Reed Dizzy Reed Keyboards Real Name: Darren Born: 18. June, 1963; Born in Hinsdale, Illinois, Raised Boulder, Colorado

Dizzy joined Guns N Roses in 1990. Not to replace anyone, just to give the band a new and stronger sound. He had been a friend of the band for a long time. Dizzy is married with a beautiful family and now lives in California. Other than GNR work, Dizzy has worked with some of the other past GNR members on their solo works: Slash's "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" and Gilby's "Pawnshop Guitars". He has also done his own solo thing with a song on the "Steinway to Heaven" cd. Most recently, besides working with the new GNR, he also did some work with Motorhead. Dizzy is the only GNR member still working with Axl on the new CD "Chinese Democracy" and he will be on the Chinese Democracy Tour, so look for him.

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