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Crossing Charts in Plain Text

This is another experiment, which I hope will work out better than the original graphics charts. I was finally able to convert my old crossing chart files from a software program called, "Q&A" to ASCII DOS delimted text. The result is a plain text type file that I hope will retain the formatting of the original document, give a better result that is easier to print, much easier to edit and put on line and will result in a vastly reduced file size. The files were still too big for Microsoft Notepad to handle correctly, so I was forced to try Microsoft Wordpad instead. The chart looks good in the latter, but is much too wide to fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 page. I am currently making changes to correct that and at this time, all charts should reflect these latest changes. Also, the charts for the Galveston Sub have been the most recently modified and reflect badly needed updates, such as that for Rosenberg which has seen numerous crossing closings. Please give these charts a try and let me know how it works out!

Conroe Subdivision
Ft. Worth Subdivision
Galveston Subdivision
Mykawa Subdivision
Lampasas Subdivision

There are several ways to print the plain text charts above. The first and easiest is the most undesirable, and that is just to go to "File" and "Print" with the Web Page open -- this prints the entire Web Page and may include the extra clutter. The other way is to "Right Click" with your mouse on the filename itself, then choose the "save target as" option. This will save the text file to your hard drive, usually to your "download" file folder, where you may retrieve it in either Notepad or Wordpad and print it out. Other text programs may work, but as they are proprietary and often use programming of their own, the charts may not retain their formatting and may not "line up" as they were laid out. As mentioned earlier, not all of the charts are formatted to fit an 8 1/2 x 11 page, so you may have to do some experimenting to print out a copy that will meet your needs.

Crossing Charts -- Palm Pilot Format

And now, the charts are available in the Palm Pilot format. These first versions are rough -- a bit large and clumsy, but they are all there and readable. As noted elsewhere regarding .PDB and .PRC files, my server will not let me upload them, so the workaround at this point has been to "zip" them and upload them to make them available. Once you "unzip" them, you should have the original file for "hotsyncing" to your device.

In the future I hope to reformat these charts in a way that will make them more readable and easier to use on the Palm Pilot -- but until that time arrives, please give the following a try. There have been some improvements made to all the Subdivision charts, however it will be necessary to use the Aportis Doc Reader set to WIDESCREEN format and the MONOSPACED FONT option. If you have any questions about this, please email me.

Conroe Subdivision -- 08/21/01
Ft. Worth Subdivision -- 10/07/01
Galveston Subdivision -- 06/15/03
Mykawa Subdivision -- 07/07/01
Lampasas Subdivision -- 08/17/01

This is starting out as an experiment, and with some feedback from you, I hope to make improvements to this area as time goes by. Comments and feedback ARE very welcome. Give them a try and let me know how they work out for you.

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