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Emory Lehman's Fantastic GO/GN and other Palm Pilot Files

Entire Current Update File -- Zipped, Updated: 11-17-03

The above zip file contains all of the current General Order and General Notice updates, and most of the time contain several other worthwhile Palm Files and text versions of those updates, etc. Various text files are also included, but are not necessary to have for your Palm device. Primarily, just look for the file extensions .PRC and/or .PDB for files to use with your Palm device. The Engineer doing these files got a life and hasn't updated them as often as he once did before. If and when I get the updates from him, they will appear here.

And here is another source for Palm Files for our Divisions -- they are formatted slightly different, but best thing of all, the files aren't zipped, they are ready to download, hotsync and use. Many thanks to Sam Bailey for this great link and the work on the Palm Files for all the different Divisions!:

Crazyhorse Palm Files

Sam Bailey may not be able to edit and keep the Texas and Gulf Division files on his Crazy Horse site due to personal time limitations, etc., I am sure we can all relate to. Sam has recommended "Franks's Handheld Updates" (which currently have the Texas Division, but not the Gulf Division), on the:

www.BNSFSUCKS.com site.

The following were also done by Emory. They are Palm versions of the Timetables that serve as reference information until the BNSF gets the Texas and Gulf Division Timetables up on their site. To view these properly, one needs AportisDoc set up in the Wide Screen Format under Preferences. Otherwise, the tables and other formatted information will not render correctly. At this time, AportisDoc is the only reader I know of that has this feature available.

Gulf Division Timetable #4, Updated: 01-10-02
Texas Division Timetable #5, Updated: 01-20-02

The Gulf Division is now officially available on the BNSF Web Site, but doesn't appear to have tables or formatting like the ones above, but it does contain updated information from the General Orders.

Crew Board Movement Codes
BNSF Train Symbols

Union Pacific General Order Files for BNSF Gulf Division Trackage Rights crews are now available here. Most of them anyway. This is just something I did for myself and I make no guarantees as to completeness or correctness. Primarily they are just available to aid in searching for hard to find instructions. Click here: Union Pacific General Orders. I try and update them every payday (the only rationalization I could think of) when I get around to it. LAST UPDATE: 09-14-04.

This is starting out as an experiment in an effort to make these files available to more people and allow wider, quicker ciculation with less work. My first attempt is to allow the files Emory makes and "zips" to be available as a complete "set". If this works, you should be able to RIGHT click on the hypertext file name and then a menu will pop up allowing you to save the file to your computer ("Save Target as . . ."), where you can specify where on YOUR computer you want the .ZIP file (Download Folder, etc.). The file may take five to ten minutes to download depending on connection speed and speed of your computer. You will then have to "unzip" the file, something my browser does automatically when I get off line. If your does not do that, then you will have to locate where the file downloaded with Windows Explorer, etc., then just double click on the file name and that should start your unzipping program to extract the files.

My server does not seem to accept uploading of the individual .PRC or .PDB files so far, calling them invalid filenames, so the .ZIP files are being included. I have, however, listed some of the individual files and their most recent editing dates for reference above and set them up as hyperlinks in case I ever get them to upload. Obviously, it is not desired to download a large .ZIP file containing the Timetables at each updating of the GOs and SNs, so I hope to separate those files and provide a couple of different .ZIP files for downloading, depending on your needs.

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Report any problems to either myself or Emory Lehman.

BNSF Rulebooks and Instructions

Palm Pilot Formatted Rulebooks & Instructions
Palm Pilot Formatted Division Timetables

There are some good files to be had from the sites below, although the BNSF frowned on some of the helpful files they had available, and they may have been removed.

Some Good Palm Files from Arizona
More Good Palm Files from West Texas

Some Helpful Palm Files I Created

Distance Between Road Crossings at Sidings Charts
Frequently Used Railroad Phone Numbers

R.J.'s Home Page

Page created 05-09-01 and last updated April 24th, 2004.
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