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or as the was by them a "sapience" homo fluxus the lust of whose "benefaction" reached elements inexistent whose "loose boyconnell flux" matched "acumen" reservoirs tooth and tithe as by them was said to scathe soothe or sour complaint too "lutulent" to have been highly esteemed with iteration every of which scarcely indebted all accident to all the up desires whereby countenance of corpulence could have loosed deceit of infidelity rused but the proverbial arousal not opulence not scarcely optimized but so bared the women remnants irreparable ineluctably steamdozed by then "Lacus Mortis" mutatis mutandis come si come sa i stati uniti et cetera circumventing aporia prescribed to have halved half a heifer’s

nigredo, agrarian heart, "Omphalos with an obelisk", which left a glyph, for three days thought she, addressed form, redressed, againdeath, eft he to ward went thusly, a mere wound, wayfarer, wherefore?, to Mareswomb, cockscomb, and therefrom was aghast within, Urform, inghost, deceased perverses, albedo, blesséd was he passed, Ulysses, of melanin, hornblende, a mêlée ensued, a hymen assumpted, "Mater Dei", dematerialize, "figlia di tuo figlio", ailing infrastructure, the infear outlasts us, a scent of gnosis emasculates, to coin a phrase, "death pence", our guest one hair from Hermetic fare, rubedo, a dubious flow, passed through, sewer of æther, origin, feigned other, rather than mead it sat to barter

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