The quest for a sorority that met the needs of Latina's at the Loyola Marymount University campus began in the Fall of 1997 with a group of young ladies determined to make a difference at the university. That's because there were only a few clubs that catered to the Latino community, none of which were greek letter organizations.  During their weekly meetings, the group of women discussed what type of organization they wanted to proudly represent. And, after looking into several sororities, it was obvious and undisputed that Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Incorporated, was the choice for them!
     At the time, it was the road not taken. No other Latina-based sorority or fraternity had been established or had tried to be established at LMU.  But things soon changed! After months of feverishly working as the Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., a small but significant group of young ladies became Sisters of Lambda Theta Alpha.   On July 25th, 1998...Rochelle Rodriguez, Noemi Mai, Milena Salas, Claudia Serme�o, Karina Moreno, Carla Del Toro, and Yahaira Garcia founded and established Beta Zeta chapter.
      A year later, three young ladies who also felt compelled to give back to their community and believed in what Lambda Theta Alpha stood for entered our Sisterhood.  On November 19, 1999, Erin Lopez-Roman, LaRonda Ortega, and Crystal Ceballos became part of the Beta Zeta family.
     And the family kept on growing! November 21, 2000 was an exciting day for the chapter and an unforgettable day for three beautiful and determined ladies.   On that day, Kristy Ramirez, Elisa Valencia, and Ama Daetz...became what they worked so hard for...Sisters of Lambda Theta Alpha.
      In the Spring of 2001, the National Board of
Lambda Theta Alpha honored the chapter by presenting it with the Chapter of the Year Award. From dozens of nationwide chapters, our chapter was recognized for maintaining the goals of the organization.
Founding Sisters
(Not Pictured:Rochelle)
National History
Photo Album
Interested Ladies
Sister Profiles
Chapter History
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