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The Memory World:

     Okay, let's see if I can present this spoiler with some semblance of coherency, shall we? I'll try my best, I promise... It would probably help if you've read the Zoku Necrophadisu spoiler.

The Maze

Arg! Sakura, I told you to leave the Maze Card at home! You *know* I'm useless when it comes to Clow Cards.      The Memory World is basically the Ancient Egyptian arc of the series. Yugi and Co enter Yami's soul maze in hopes of finding the "true door" (door leads to the Memory World) with the help of Bobasa and the Ankh. If you dunno who Bobasa is, he's basically Shadi's henchman. Looks like a walking, talking, dark-skinned balloon and he's charged with the safekeeping of all seven Items.

      I think it's the same door that Shadi was looking for at the end of Duelist Kingdom and it's the door that Yami B's looking for now (in search of that "Pharaoh's power" Malik mentioned).  

     He's one step behind Yugi's gang, ready to hitch a ride when they finally uncover the right door. (**insert patented evil laugh #223**) ...Not that they have much luck in the beginning. 
     There's a funny little scene where Jou draws a little smiley-face on one of the doors of Yami's soul-maze so he can keep track of which doors they've checked. The rest of the gang comments that only Jou would draw graffiti on other people's souls.  ^_____^ There's an equally funny doujinshi where Yami B. comes in after and draws Yugi's hairstyle on the smiley-face.

     Anyway, they do eventually find "The True Door" (**cue trumpet music**) just by clearing their minds and concentrating or something. @_@ 
     Hey, don't look at me... I'm just a happy kinda guy.
For every door that closes... a really BIG door opens.      If I understood correctly, the other doors were all  false leads... none of them would've lead to the Memory World... The Maze is actually supposed to shift according to the insecurities of the invaders. Yugi figures out that the more lost and hopeless the group feels, the worse the traps become. 

     Bobasa goes on to mention something about the Puzzle's power being connected to unity and Yugi and Co. pile their hands together and wish reeeaally hard to see Yami (Ah, memories of the very first duel against Kaiba with the cheesy happy-face Tea scribbled on their hands). Lo and behold, The Door appears!

     FYI, one of the other rooms that were not monster/trap filled contained a more recent memory: Duelist Kingdom. Seto perched on top of castle ramparts, asking Yami if he's willing to risk Seto's life in order to win (what happened to all the Kuriboh?!). Yugi has a near breakdown at the reminder.

Step right up folks! Best seats in the house. No more nose-bleed section for you, no-sir-ee!

The Relation to Zoku Necrophadisu?

    The Puzzle seems to contain all of Yami's memories (most of them sealed) but if Zoku Necrophadisu was in fact trapped in the Puzzle too, then his memories had to be stored somewhere in the Puzzle as well, ne?

   Maybe... just maybe... we can get a little philosophical and think of it this way: History as we know it is based on perception. The usual clich� states that the victor (of war) gets to write history in their favor, whether they're actually in the right or wrong, and then we have to accept that history as fact. So, this war is between two sets of biased memories stored in the puzzle. 

     Theory: A person's memories are kinda like the essence of someone. If Yami gets killed in this memory world, i.e. if Zoku's biased perception of the past is carried out and overwhelms Yami's memory, I'm thinking the Puzzle will accept the dominant memory as truth and make it happen. The losing memory/persona would be pushed out/erased, essentially killing the loser. The remaining persona would then be left sole owner of the Puzzle, giving him the powers of the Pharaoh: the ability to shape history as he sees fit. Did that make sense to everyone?

     The modern characters are the wild-card. They're the variable that could tip the scale in favor of Yami or Necrophadisu. I get the impression that there's been a 3000/5000 year stalemate between the two spirits and that the present-time cast are just what's needed to determine a winner once and for all. Necrophadisu gets Yami Bakura to work for him, and Yami gets Yugi and Co. 

     We get a sense of just how important Yugi and Co. can be when Yami and Thief Bakura face off in one of their numerous show-downs. Yugi comes in at the last moment and gives Yami just enough strength to kill Thief Bakura (yes, I said "kill". I'm pretty sure throwing up blood and then collapsing over your horse with a creepy blank-eyed stare qualifies as being dead). 

      Yami Bakura (modern one) upon seeing this, says something interesting... Basically, to paraphrase... "Dammit, this wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to get rid of the pharaoh tonight!" O_o Alarm bells! Is that true? Yami B. doesn't seem to have lost his memories like Yami has, so you'd think he'd know what he's talking about... x_x
   Ew. Poor Bakura (even though he is evil and sadistic... x_x)

     In any case, Yami B. doesn't seem too concerned. Right after that, he goes off and says something like: "Oh well, Necrophadisu's on the move."

     Apparently he was right not to worry. Thief Bakura, true to form, gets resurrected (hands up, how many people saw that coming?). Necrophadisu, it seems, has the ability to rewind the Memory World (**Snicker** I can just imagine him sitting on a couch with a remote control and clicking away... Ffw! Rew! Slow mo!). So Necrophadisu does his rewind thing and stops just before Yugi can reach Yami. He says that Yugi's presence was an unforeseen interference that should never have occurred (which is probably true).
Then Yami B. intercepts the modern-time cast to ensure that they stay away. 

     Without backup this time around, Yami loses! 

Outta the way Bakura! There's no way you can stop *all* of us from returning to the mother-ship.

     ....No, Yami doesn't die... he just gets thrown off a cliff and gets his Puzzle stolen (baka pharaoh! Now Thief Bakura's got the Puzzle and the Ring!). Priest Shadi's there to bear witness, but he's pretty much useless and just stands there on the other side of the chasm yelling as Bakura stomps all over Yami's fingers in the patented villain "you're clinging to the edge of a cliff with one hand so I'll remove all your fingers one by one until you fall to your doom" ploy.


     There are three timelines to be aware of: Zoku's memory, Yami's memory and the "Real" memory.

     The Real memory doesn't play much of a role, except when it comes to things like "Yami got sealed in the Puzzle"... We know for sure it happened because... he's in the Puzzle. Otherwise, we have no idea what really happened in AE time. The bits and pieces of so-called history being acted out in the AE arc are mere memories and are subject to bias. Doesn't help that we shift frequently between one memory to another. The Real memory is mostly acknowledged in the RPG aspect of the arc.
     We're not sure if the things Necrophadisu says will happen actually did  happen. As for Yami's memory... he's reacting to events as they play out (and so far, it seems like he's playing right into Necrophadisu's hands x_x). 

     Alternatively, you can think about it like this: they're writing history as they go, so what happens, happened. Take everything at face value.

     Makes for the interesting possibility for paradox though, especially with Yugi and Yami Bakura floating around. I get the impression the whole reason they even need to have a memory war in the first place is because both Yami and Necrophadisu were sealed in the Puzzle, thereby creating a stalemate. Maybe this time around Yami won't be sealed in the Puzzle...  in which case the Memory War would never have happened and... Yami would have never met Yugi?

P.S. Kinda puts what I'm saying into perspective too, doesn't it? 'Cause I'm telling you how I read the AE arc so far and then you have to interpret what I say... which leaves a gap for possible misunderstandings. @_@

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