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The Memory RPG:

Role Play?

   Got an e-mail from Chaosmage. Apparently the Memory World is actually a very immersive RPG game between Yami and Yami Bakura... very much like the Monster World game in the first series. Yami's goal is to reunite with his aibou and regain the Item pieces represented by playing cards (I think). Every Egyptian character in the memory world is represented by a card in the real world. If their ba runs out, or if they are no longer needed, their card is placed in the graveyard pile and they turn to sand in the memory world (so far, this has happened to Karimu and Thief Bakura). Yami Bakura's goal is  to kill Yami and resurrect Zoku Necrophadisu... what that will accomplish, I'm not entirely sure, but if history were to repeat, I'm assuming he'll be able to make some sort of contract and gain a lot of power. 

     This means that three things are going on so far:
     1) Yugi's search for Yami's real name
     2) RPG game (Yami vs. Yami Bakura)
     3) Memory war within the game (Pharaoh Yami vs. Akunadin/Zoku Necrophadisu)

**squints** Huh? I can't see...

     The game is actually taking place in a museum where the tablet of the Nameless Pharaoh is stored. Interestingly enough, the museum is owned (at least in part) by... Ryou's dad!! (O_O) Supposedly the gaming table and everything was set up by Ryou under the orders of Yami Bakura. Bakura's all snide about it too, and Yami gets mad at Bakura for taking advantage of his host.

Close your mouth or you're gonna catch flies!  ^_^ Behind Bakura is the corpse of Akunadin, which was to be put on display (can we say "ick"?) and above the game table hangs the Puzzle. On the back of the playing cards are Ankhs instead of the usual duel monster swirl pattern.  As it stands, within the game, Pharaoh and his team of priests are losing badly, because of Akunadin, has betrayed the Pharaoh, placed all the Items in the tablet, and is summoning the demon(?!) Zork Necrophadisu to grant him dark powers (by giving Akunadin a piece of Zork's soul... or so the rumour goes). **deep breath**

     There's also something about Bakura being able to control time within the memory world. The priests are frozen and Pharaoh Yami, although aware, has been rendered equally immobile. Akunadin seems to be the only one unaffected by the time-freeze and is free to place all the Items in the tablet. 
     Meanwhile, the bodies of Yugi and Co. have been trapped (shrunk?!)  within the game at Bakura's end of the board. Their souls are still loose, however, and they seem to be snooping around Yami's tomb (probably still searching for Yami's real name). Yami, gets all upset (understatement) about this Bakura takes the moment to taunt him. Same old, ne? This is really quite uncomfortable...

     Go check out the Administrator of Memories spoiler for a bit more info.

     Thanks to Tuulikki and Eruantale for e-mailing me!

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