Little Fighters 2
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If you have some trouble playing LF2, here's how you get your game started. Just follow every step and you'll be right in the game just like the others. I suggest you get a faster internet connection, because there are lots of pictures in here to show you how each step looks like.

1. Setuping the game - downloading the game and saving it on to your computer.
2. In the game - where do you want to go?
3. Single player + multiplayer games
4. Internet games
5. Game controls

Setup - Downloading the game and saving it on to your computer.
1. First, you need to make a file anywhere you want. I suggest it's the place you are easy to get to (e.g. desktop) so that 
2. when you play you don't have to go all over the place to find it. It's also easier to change any files you want (cheats). 3. Name it "LF2" or any file name you would like.
4. In that file you made, make another file called "zips". It would make things easier and neater later on.
5. Then, go
download the 3 zips of the game and save it in the "zip" file in your "LF2" folder.
6. Unzip all 3 zips in to the LF2 file. You should see one folder called "data", one folder called "?", a readme file and the  actual game "LF2". (Also, the zip file you made)
7. Now, what you need to do is just click on the LF2 game icon! Get started!...for the ultimate battle...


In the game - where to go, multiplayer, on-line playing, stage mode...etc.

Once your in the game, you'll see a list of buttons or links. There, you can choose where you want to go and what kind of mode you want to play.

game_index.gif (6275 個位元組)
       Main list

Single player and Multiplayer games (Game Start)

When you go in the single players mode (Game Start). There will be another list of options. Including, VS mode, Stage mode, 1 vs. 1 championship, 2 vs. 2 championship, Demo, and quit.

 If you go into the VS mode, you will go in the characters screen, and you and your friends can choose characters and play (you can also vs. the computer, team modes). 

   game_choosing_characters.gif (70390 個位元組)         game_vs_mode.gif (109058 個位元組)
  Choosing characters      VS mode (playing)

If you go in the stage mode, you will also go into the characters screen (MORE THAN 1 PERSON CAN PLAY IN THE STAGE MODE! BUT THE ENEMY PLAYERS WILL DOUBLE!). Then, you start! After you beat each level, the next time you play, you can select levels after you select your characters. 

game_stage_mode.gif (97623 個位元組)
Stage mode (stage 1)

When you go in the "1 vs. 1 championships", you can choose characters, but one player at a time. The rest of the players will be set as computer. Then, they will change order of duels and will ask you if you like the order. If you don't, you can re-do it again. Then, you start! When you win, you go up, losers are gone, until there is a champion.

  game_championships_choosing.gif (25541 個位元組)    game_championships1.gif (15971 個位元組)    game_championships_mode.gif (55834 個位元組)
Choosing characters      order of duels       1 vs. 1 championships (playing)

The "2 vs. 2 championships are the same as the "1 vs. 1 championships", except that its 2 vs. 2 not 1 vs. 1. Everything else are the same!

  game_championships_2on2.gif (25887 個位元組)      game_championships2.gif (16438 個位元組)   game_championships_2_playing.gif (52396 個位元組)
Choosing characters       order of duels       2 vs. 2 championships (playing)  

The demo mode just shows you how to play, and how they fight. Nothing really important. I don't think you'll ever need to go there. Just play in the other parts!~嚙瑾


Internet games

If you choose the internet games, there's another 2 selections. One is the waiting for opponent, and the other is connect to opponent.  On the top it also shows your IP if you want to let the other players know what you IP is. If you want to wait for an opponent, phone or chat on messenger and tell your friend you IP address while waiting. They will connect on soon...But, if you want to connect to another guy's computer, you'll have to ask them their IP address and type in the address in the empty space....

game_internet.gif (15659 個位元組)   game_inter_waiting.gif (13773 個位元組)   game_internet_connecting.gif (14757 個位元組)
  Internet games   Waiting for opponent  Connecting to opponent

Game Controls

If your not comfortable or didn't know that controls, you can click on the game controls. There, you can setup your controls.  What you do is, there is 4 players, click on the player and the key they want to key. Type in what ever else they wanted to change to. Simple!~

game_controls.gif (34736 個位元組)
   Game Control



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