
-Customer Testimonials-

Lightning Fast VCR Repair has had many customers over its 40 years. Here are some testimonials from our most satisfied customers.

Mr. Plinkett

"A couple years ago, I called the repair guys Mike and Jay at Lightning Fast VCR Repair to come over and fix my VCR so I could watch my Night Court tape. They showed up lickty split; I didn't have to wait at all. I was so impressed by how quickly they showed up I told them they could take as much time as they needed fixing my VCR."

"That was around 5 years ago and my VCR is still trashed. Everyday they show up telling me "Don't you worry, Mr. Plinkett. We'll fix your VCR today so you can watch your Night Court tapes", but instead they just sit on their keesters, drink beers, and talk about movies all day and then leave. I still haven't gotten to watch my Night Court tapes and I don't think I ever will."