













Yes yes, i know im still here, the planned trip this month "July" has been postponed due to pregnancy complications, but we will be making the trek back to Africa in January 2008.


At present lm fund raising for my work with HIV affected & infected babies & children in Namibia, South Africa, & Mozambique. I need your help to continue in the struggle of fighting HIV/AIDS.

Im also in the process of helping set up a new centre on the outskirts of Pretoria. We are in the early stages & are looking for donations & Volunteers, all help is appreciated. If you would like to make a donatation, a few Australian dollars can go such a long way to feed a family in Africa. These families have no hope unless "we" the more fortunate do something to help & we can its so easy. The older children in these families support the younger brothers & sisters, by anyway they can. I met a young boy in Namibia who came to ask if he could wash my car, & after talking for a while told me of his little sister who was 5 he cares for since his parents died from Aids, but he always looked at the brighter side, he was now the head of his family & proud of it, its his duty to look out for her he told me, shes all i have now. (see pic below). This is one of many stories i can tell you about the struggle of the innocent in Africa. Now the rest is us to YOU!!!

If you are not comfortable to donate money, any of the below is desperatly needed & will be appreciate more than you could possibly know.



BandAids, Bandages, Baby Bottles, Baby Wipes, Liquid Anti-Bacterial Soap, Latex Gloves, Dummies, Childrens & Baby socks, Childrens underwear, books pre-school aged, coloring pencils etc....

For Direct Deposit

 Westpac Banking Corporation
BSB    733 688
ACC    679100
Hirani Chambers

Cheque's, Money Orders etc

Hirani Chambers
PO Box 2661
Bendigo DC


A Proud Namibian




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