David "Deep Freeze" Friesen
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Welcome to the rather quickly thrown together, yet cost efficient web page of Dave Friesen.

Pardon the old college photo (circa 1998) to the right.

Latest Update: Studying Electrical Engineering at Lakehead University. Some of my classes include:

ENGI 5036: Analogue Integrated Circuits

Phy3211: Electromagnetic theory

ENG 5054 - VLSI

Sociology 2455:Computers and Society

30 sec clip (3.6 MB) of my son's birthday.

Static Free Software Electric is a program that is useful for designing integrated circuit chips

The Spice Page for simulating electronic circuits

The Octave Page for solving mathematical problems similar to Matlab.

What I've learned recently

Long lost buddies:

I would like to catch up with the following friends of the past. If you can assist me, I would appreciate it.

Jason Ewert, Sysop of Total Rekall II BBS in Brampton, classmate at J. A. Turner Secondary School, 1990's

Rick Graesser, classmate at classmate at J. A. Turner Secondary School, 1990's and Gordon Graydon Senior Public School, 1980's. Last contact was at Pizza Hut, in Brampton.

Greg Lutes, with whom I attended Madoc Public School and Gordon Graydon Senior Public School. Last I heard he was working at Randy River in the Bramalea City Centre.

Michael McCormick, another Madoc and Graydon classmate, I think moved to wasseosas road in Huntsville, On, 1985 or so.


My Favorite Links:
Check your watch
Check the weather A favourite site: Fourmilab
Check out the web pages of other people I know:
My Info:
Name: David Friesen
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