
·        Our Individual Home Energy Audits


·        Solar Panels

-         Akeena Solar Seminar

-         Kwan’s Solar Panels

-         Solar Panel Diagram


·        Energy Sources


o       Renewable energy sources

-         Wind

-         Solar

-         Geothermal

-         Biomass

-         Ocean


o       Non-Renewable energy sources

-         Natural Gas

-         Coal

-         Nuclear




·        How to Upload Your Own Website














Lego Cats is a rookie First Lego League team.  Each year, FLL presents a new Lego Challenge.  2007’s challenge is called the Power Puzzle.


The research topic is to pick a community building, talk to experts, suggest improvements, and share what we find with the public.


We chose to do our own houses because it seemed easier for people to relate to, and from research we found out that energy consumption from houses was 22% of the total US energy bill.  So we would be making a big impact with our project.


Renewable energy sources alone will not fulfill our energy needs.  Conserving energy must also be a part of the solution to the world’s energy problems. 


To understand more about our energy usage in our separate homes, we each did an energy audit using a web-based audit called the Home Energy Saver.  The audit told us about our energy usage and improvements we could do in our homes.  We learned that we all used energy differently.


We realized that solar panels could help the world conserve energy and lower energy bills.  The three of us interviewed our friends, the Kwans who installed solar panels in 2001 because of all the blackouts.  They answered many of our questions, which helped us understand more about how solar energy works.  We also went to an Akeena Solar seminar.  Akeena Solar is a solar company.  They helped us expand our knowledge of solar panels.


We recommend doing the energy audit to find out more on how you can save energy and where you need to save energy.  We also recommend solar panels for heavy electricity users.







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