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                    ...Chercher au fond de soi le Mal que l'on croit voir chez les autres...

                    The World of Darkness is the origin of much creation all around the world. Centered around supernatural creatures, like the vampires, who control the cities and most mortal institutions, the werewolves, doomed warriors of dying nature, mages, who have the power to bend the laws of reality, ghosts who come back to haunt the living and much more, the World of Darkness is a dark reflection of our own... Still, resemblances can lead us to introspection, to ask ourselves questions about how humanity is knowingly digging its own tomb through its own corruption...

                    You will find here our own creations within the World of Darkness. Feel free to copy and use them as you need, as long as you don't make money with it. Should you use the material to your own creations, be it on paper or on the web, please mention the names of the authors, our association, and of course, the name of the company who was the origin of it all: White Wolf Game Studio.

Raoul ''Violence'' Borges
[email protected]

Paris, la nuit... Chronicle: Paris, la nuit...
Goth Bar
      Paris, la nuit...

      Paris by Night... Powerful Kindred, the core of the Camarilla, rule there. The capital of France, Paris is ruled by François Villon, who created the Toreador Hegemony, thus ruling the whole country through Marquis who would like nothing more than taking back what they think belong to them: The Praxis.

      Capital of fashion and arts, the Toreador rule there unchallenged, courted by Kindred from all the Clans and Bloodline, including the Brujah, Daughters of Cacophony, Followers of Set, Ventrue and Tremere. Apparently, this stronghold of the Camarilla is free from violence, the Kindred there being proud of their civilized behaviour, when compared to the New continent's cities. Still, unlife can be more dangerous than in any other city, for Paris is the city where intrigue rules, and where the Ridicule is deadlier than the claw...

      Chronicle: Paris, la nuit... is a City Sourcebook describing the city were our chronicles merged and interact each other. You will find there descriptions of characters, clans, coteries, and everything you would need to play a chronicle in the City of Lights.

Paris, la nuit... Chronique: Liber Lutetiae
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      Liber Lutetiae

      L'aube du XIIIème siècle voit le Royaume de France être le coeur de tous les combats entre les hommes, l'Eglise et les Caïnites. Les flèches des cathédrales transpercent le ciel des grandes cités, le succès des guildes marchandes d'Italie annonce l'ouverture du Vieux Monde � la pratique d'un commerce de grande envergure et l'Orient suscite la haine chez le vulgaire et le respect chez les puissants.

      Le monde change. Les créatures de la nuit également. Tous s'immiscent dans les secrets rouages de l'histoire... Discrets Lasombras murmurant � l'oreille des conseillers du Saint P�re Innocent III, impérieux Ventrues menant les troupes de Frédéric II contre la Lombardie, doctes Brujahs hantant les coll�ges de la rive gauche de Paris... Tous voient avec ravissement les hommes façonner une Europe nouvelle au sein de laquelle ils espèrent occuper une place de choix lorsque la Géhenne viendra.

      Paris, 1199, le monde éclôt à nouveau et l'ancienne Lutèce rayonne comme aux temps où les Anciens s'abreuvaient au cou même des Romains qui l'avaient édifiée.

      Chronique: Liber Lutetia est une ressource HTML décrivant le Paris du Sombre Age Médiéval. Vous y trouverez les descriptions de personnages, de Clans, de Coteries et tout ce dont vous aurez besoin pour mener ou jouer une Chronique dans l'une des plus grande villes des Ages des Ténèbres.

Paris, la nuit... Chronique: Amaranthe
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      En l'an de grâce 1195, dans la Transylvanie déchirée par des guerres impitoyables, un groupe heteroclyte se trouve réuni par le hasard du destin.

      Mais est-ce vraiment le hasard, la culmination de sombres intrigues des puissantes créatures de la nuit qui hantent la Terre au-delà de la Forêt, ou tout simplement la réalisation d'une prophécie depuis longtemps oubliée de tous ?

      Chronique: Amaranthe est une Chronique dont les origines remontent à l'antiquité, débutant au XIIème siècle pour s'achever huit siècles plus tard, racontant l'histoire de quelques âmes qui pourrait très bien décider du cours de l'histoire du Monde des Ténèbres...

URAEUS: Gods of Egypt Chronicle: Uræus, Gods of Egypt
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      URAEUS: Gods of Egypt Egypt is the land of mystery. Before the Followers of Set were born, the Two-Lands were ruled by the mighty Antediluvian Set, and what were thought as Gods, among them, the Childer of Set, the Lupines, the Mummies, the Children of Osiris and the Reverers of Aton. But the peace wanted by Set to permit the quest or Maat won't be esay to maintain. And Set's failure will lead to the end of one of the greatest civilization of the known history, and to one of the most stealthy and dangerous enemy of the world: the corrupted and corrupting Followers of Set...

      Chronicle: Uræus, Gods of Egypt is a Chronicle Sourcebook describing the Two-Lands from 3000 BC to 1000 BC, before the age of the Followers of Set, where Vampires, Lupines, Mages and Mummies fought for the land of the living, as well as for the land of the Dead.

Bloodlinebook: Black Widow Bloodlinebook: Black Widow
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      Bloodlinebook: Black Widow Beautiful and disgusting, fragile and deadly, champions of Justice and parangons of the Evil, born as Caitiffs loners, and still bonded to each others, the Black Widows form a strange Bloodline indeed! Assassins, spies, intriguing courtisanes, they will add love, tragedy and feminine and deadly spice to your chronicles.

      Bloodlinebook: Black Widows is a Bloodline Sourcebook describing a new and seducing Bloodline whose past is shrouded in mystery while future promises to be bathed in blood. The new and strange Disciplines and Special Powers of the Black Widows are described along Rules about the Dark Widow, the evil and dark side plaguing each member of the Bloodline.

Bloodlinebook: Felys Bloodlinebook: Felys
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      Bloodlinebook: Felys Apparently an offshoot of the Clan Gangrel, the Felys are a bloodline whose Discipline turns around the felines and their speed and stealth. Legacy of the Bast-Hemet, an Egyptian Bloodline thought disappeared long ago, they claim the Bastet as their allies, and the Followers of Set as their greatest enemies. Allying the combative side of the Gangrel with the Stealth and Speed of the Assamite, the Felys could become in the future, more than a thorn in the side of the Followers of Set.

      Bloodlinebook: Felys is a Bloodline Sourcebook describing a new Bloodline originating from the Pharao's Ancient Egypt, and destroyed long ago by the Followers of Set. You will find in it their new Discipline, as well as Special Powers, known history and plans for the future.

Sectbook: Knight of Hecate Bloodlinebook: Knights of Hecate
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      Sectbook: Knight of Hecate For centuries, Meryt-Neith, Childer of Set founder of the Hekau-Nebet Bloodline, only cared for the Magic. Serving her Sire with dedication and Ancient Egypt with the love only a Godess could feel for her people, she was betrayed, and thought destroyed in the process. Changing identities to the greek Godess of Dark Magic, Hecate, didn't protect her from the Jyhad, as the Tal'Mahe'Ra soon contacted her to join them, and soon after tried to destroy her for having contaminated herself with Vicissitude.

      Alone, she decided to gather around her an army of Vampires who would serve her faithfully. Left alone to their own devices, perhaps even thinking their Lady had forgotten about them, the Knights continued to walk to their destiny. Most were destroyed in the war of ages, the Jyhad. Still, a number of them survived. Becoming Primogens, Princes, Archbishops, or simply Autarkis, these powerful Kindred, if united, could probably take over almost any city in the world...

      But why were they contacted by the mysterious Lady? Why didn't she appear to collect her fee? What are her plans, for time is of the essence, and some are hearing her call to join her in Paris...

      Bloodlinebook: Knights of Hecate describes the Kindred army a Methuselah can build for her own protection, the unique Thaumaturgy they have access too, as well as characters and who can be as old a two thousand years now...

Clanbook: Childer of Set Clanbook: Childer of Set
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      Clanbook: Childer of Set Ever wondered how a civilization could last 3000 years, most of the time in peace, with a corrupting Clan behind the rulers? How Seti and Ramses were two of the greatest Pharaos of Egypt's history, all the while being dedicated to Set?

      The fist Childer of Set weren't the corrupted Vampires the Followers of Set have become. Formed by numerous bloodlines whose founders were the Childer of Set himself, they worked hard to create and land where Maat wasn't a false concept. This is the Clanbook of the Childer of Set, believed to be incarnation of Gods, one of the most promising Vampire Bloodline, and still, the first to fail in its visionary goal.

      Clanbook: Childer of Set is a Clan Sourcebook describing the now destroyed Bloodlines who ruled Egypt for two thousand years.

Sectbook: Masque Sectbook: Masque
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      Sectbook: Masque The Kindred of Paris form one of the strongest Camarilla population in the world. United around their Prince, François Villon, their control extends to most of the french territory. Even their numbers is higher than the accepted standard limit. How can a population of vicious intriguing artists be more discreet than any U.S. Kindred population? The answer lies in the Masques. Created to protect the Masquerade, this sect is the armed hand of the Prince, with the power to interfere with most Kindred in Paris, no matter the age or Clan, and more important, and outrageous, bearing the Right of Destruction, should the Masquerade be threatened.

      The Masques are despised for their power, still parisian Kindred feel more secure for their existence.

      Sectbook: Masque describes the Kindred police of Villon in Paris and France, as well as their ties with the French Intelligence Agencies, their access to civil and military resources and their unique influence over Kindred.

Sectbook: Veilleur Sectbook: Veilleur
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      Sectbook: Veilleur In the shadows of the Masques lies the Veilleurs. Fearing for the growing supernatural phenomena occurence in Paris, François Villon gave Alexis the mission to form and lead a sect of occultist who could deal with non-Kindred supernatural influence, and protect the Masquerade through their understanding, and perhaps, their destruction. While lacking the Right of Destruction of its parent sect, the Veilleur have strange thaumaturgical resources that attracted the attention of Vienna and the Seven Councillors of the Clan Tremere themselves.

      Sectbook: Veilleur describes the Kindred Sect of occultist fighting to understand the corruption aura permeating Paris. Learn about the strange ties of the Sect with Egyptian Magic, and about their ties with the Tradition Mages.

V:tM Resources Page VAMPIRE: The Masquerade
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      Paris, la nuit...

      A lot of work was done in the sourcebooks described above. You will find in this page links to most new Disciplines, Special Powers etc. created for the Sects, Bloodlines and Clan used in the Paris, la nuit... and the Uræus, Gods of Egypt Chronicles.

      You will find, also, new rules and old one customized. While all the material used is copyrighted White While, we would appreciate if you let our names (Emails? URLs?) on it should you use it in any information format, in original or modified form.

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