
Legalsite - Internet Services
24 E. Highland
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801
Telephone: 405-275-3564
Fax: 405-275-3627

E-mail: [email protected]


Legal Change of Name

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For Oklahoma Residents Only!

The procedure for a legal change of name is provided in 12 O.S., Sec. 1631, et seq., and the procedure is the exclusive remedy for a change of name, except for marriage, divorce or adoption. 12 O.S., Sec. 1637

"Any natural person, who has been domiciled in this state or who has been residing upon any military reservation located in said state, for more than thirty (30) days, and has been an actual resident of the county or such military reservation situated in said county, or county in which the military reservation is situated, for more than thirty (30) days, next preceding the filing of the action, may petition for a change of name in a civil action in the district court. If the person be a minor, the action may be brought by guardian or next friend as in other actions."

12 O.S., Sec. 1631

12 O.S., Sec. 1632 provides the requirements of the Petition for name change.

12 O.S., Sec. 1634 provides that the change of name shall be granted unless the court or judge finds that the change is sought for an illegal or fraudulent purpose, or that a material allegation is false.

Though notice of the hearing of the Petition for name change is required to be given by publication, 12 O.S., Sec. 1633 the request for change of name is seldom contested and this is a proceeding in which most people may appear in court without an attorney.

However, the procedure must be followed exactly and the pleadings should be proper form.

The person requesting the change of name will need to appear in Court one time, not less than ten days after the publication notice of the date of the hearing.


Changing The Name of A Minor

If the Person whose name is to be changed is a minor, then both the minor and the guardian or next friend will need to appear to give testimony at the hearing.

If the person whose name is to be changed is a minor then Notice of the Hearing on the petition to change the name of the minor must be given to the non-custodial parent. Application of Tubbs, 1980 OK 177, 620 P.2d 384

A parent having custody of a child in a divorce action may not have the child's name changed over the objection of the non custodial parent. Application of J.S.S. - 1995 OK CIV APP 47, 895 P.2d 748

This appears to mean that actual consent of the non custodial parent may not be required - but - Notice of the hearing must be given and if he objects then the name may not be changed.



Once the Petition for Change of name is granted, the name you request becomes your true and correct legal name.

After your name has been legally changed by court order it will be necessary for you to inform all interested parties and entities of your new name. i.e.,

  • Social Security Administration
  • Drivers License Bureau
  • Selective Service
  • Department of Vital Statistics
  • Taxing authorities
  • Credit card issurers
  • Insurance Companies - ( Life, Health, Property, Liability )
  • etc.


You May Complete The Following Form to Provide All of the Information We Need To Prepare Your Pleadings.

If you have specific questions concerning your Change of Name Pleadings, please E-Mail your questions. You should get a response by the next business day.

If more information is necessary we will send you an E-Mail requesting more specific information.

We Prepare

  • Original and One Copy of Petition for Change of Name

  • Original and Two Copies of Notice by Publication.

  • Original and One Copy of Affidavit of Mailing Notice to Persons Who May be interested.

  • Original and Two Copies of Final Decree Changing Name.

We Also Provide
  • Complete instructions for filing and getting your Petition for Change of Name Set for Hearing in the proper Court.

  • Complete instructions for giving testimony in Court.

  • Complete instructions on what to do after the Petition for Change of Name is granted.

Our Charge for the Service is $175.00


Change of Name Form


Is Person Whose Name is to be changed a minor?
Yes No
If Change of Name is Requested For Minor Then:
Name of Guardian or Custodial Parent -

Relationship of Guardian or Next Friend -

Gender of the Guardian - Male Female

Name of Non-Custodial Parent -

If Change of Name is Requested For Minor and the Non-Custodial Parent is alive, then the Non-Custodial Parent Must Be Given Notice of the Hearing:

Relationship of Non Custodial Parent - Mother Father


About The Person Whose Name Is to Be Changed

Full Name: First, Middle, Last: -

Present Street Address -

City, State & Zip Code -

Phone Number -

E-Mail -

County of Residence -

This is County Where Petition to Be filed

Gender - Male Female

Date of Birth: -

City and State of Birth: -

County of Birth: -

Name of Hosptial of Birth: -

Birth Certificate Number: -

Where Birth Certificate Registered: -

Name To Be Changed To: -

List Reasons for wanting to Change Name

Please add any comments you have below:

Send Completed Forms To:

Full Name - First, Middle, Last:
Mailing address:
Street address or P.O. Box:
State or Province:
Zip or Postal Code:
E-mail address:



Payment May be by one of the following credit cards.

visa mastercard amex

Charge to My Credit Card - - Yes - No

American Express

Card Number - - -

Expiration Date MM YY

E-mail this form by pressing the SUBMIT button below -


Complete and Sign this form and fax it to (405) 275-3627


Complete and Sign this form and mail it to:

OkLegal Forms - Internet Services
24 E. Highland
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74801

With Your Check for $175.00, or your Credit Card Number.


If you wish, you may e-mail the form to us and call us with your credit card number at 405-275-3564.

Credit Card Orders Usually Sent First Class Mail to Address of Plaintiff on the same day received.

Orders accompanied by check are sent upon notice by bank that check has cleared.


By returning this form by e-mail, by fax or by mail, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

I hereby certify as follows:

  • That I am a resident of the State of Oklahoma, and have been for more than Thirty Days months prior to this date.

  • That I am a bona fide resident of the County shown to be my address herein.

  • That I do not seek a Change of Name for myself of the person listed herein for any fraudulent purpose.

  • That McKimmey Law Office, P.C. has not provided me any legal or tax services or advice concerning this matter.

  • Signature (if sending by fax or by mail)


    Type your name: -

    Please tell us how you found us on the Internet, i.e., what search terms, what search engines, links, etc.


[email protected]

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