eternal honor to our fallen troops

Gitmo and tribunals

In case anyone missed it first time around

On January 4, 2002, the American Bar Association's Task Force on Terrorism and the Law issued a report and recommendations in regards to military commissions. With recent events in Germany again illustrating the real and possibly dangerous limitations in dealing with terrorists as civilian criminals, and also realizing that terrorists are not legitimate combatants entitled to POW status, it is important to again visit the question of how to handle these irregulars who have declared war against the West.

Certainly, it can be argued that the limbo status of the prisoners in Gitmo have been unnecessarily prolonged. However, it would appear this is more a case of bureaucratic uncertainty than malice.

Please read carefully this document. It offers one of the best legal analyses of this thorny issue I've read.

Posted 3/8/04 Link

on being a parent

Going to the Hospital

The abrupt interuption in my posting is due to daughter #4 needing to be taken to the hospital. Nothing is as emotionally and physically draining as having a child (and it doesn't matter what their age, they are your child!) in pain.

She's home now, much better, and I'm exhausted after the long vigil. I'll write more of this later.


Posted 2/25/04 Link

pimping the medals

Kerry Watch

Looks like ketchup man is losing his cool over his own record and dragging along a poodle to bark at his command. Here's how AP's Nedra Pickler writes it:

ATLANTA - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) accused President Bush (news - web sites) on Saturday of using surrogates to attack his military service in Vietnam and his subsequent activism against that war.

In a letter to Bush, Kerry wrote: "As you well know, Vietnam was a very difficult and painful period in our nation's history, and the struggle for our veterans continues. So, it has been hard to believe that you would choose to reopen these wounds for your personal political gain. But, that is what you have chosen to do."

Kerry was reacting to criticism earlier in the day from a leading Georgia Republican who, speaking for Bush's re-election campaign, predicted trouble for Kerry in the state's primary. ...

Sen. Saxby Chambliss said during a conference call arranged by the Bush campaign that Kerry has a "32-year history of voting to cut defense programs and cut defense systems."

This is very weird. Kerry is frothing over something never even brought up in Chambliss's remarks. Chambliss, according to this article, only spoke of Kerry's voting record as cited by Pickler; however, Chambliss's remarks are much clearer in the Atlanta AP article:

When you have a 32-year history of voting to cut defense programs and cut defense systems, folks in Georgia are going to look beyond what he says and look at his voting record, Chambliss said.

Chambliss also questioned Kerry's criticism of prewar intelligence.

He has a long history, particularly in the last decade, of not only voting to cut intelligence spending, but introducing bills to cut intelligence spending, Chambliss said.

Let's see now, Chambliss challenges people to look beyond what Kerry says on the stump and to examine Kerry's voting record and Kerry attacks him as an "attack dog" who is challenging Kerry's military record and bringing up his post-nam anti-war activities.

What is going on here? Rhetorical question, of course. One only has to listen to Holly Armstrong, a Kerry "spokesperson," to know where this is going (the Atlanta AP article):

Kerry spokeswoman Holly Armstrong shot back during a telephone interview, describing Chambliss comments as election-year politics.

NO! You don't say! There's an election going on? Who knew?

Armstrong said Kerrys record as a decorated war veteran speaks to his devotion to military issues while in the Senate.

Ah! There it is, the money line. Kerry is not to be criticized, not to be questioned on any of his votes, especially where it concerns the defense or intelligence branches. Kerry is a Vietnam War Hero™. That is all that needs to be said about his devotion to the military. Kerry underlined his demands not to be questioned with this bon mot

"I don't know what it is that all these Republicans who didn't serve in Vietnam are fighting a war against those of us who did,"

Cute, don't you think? Examination of his Senate votes is "war" by any Republican that didn't serve in Vietnam. This right after his criticism of Bush supposedly attacking Kerry's service and in a total reversal of Kerry's own 1992 plea not to dredge up Vietnam.

Would someone tell me why Pickler, or any other reporter, doesn't have the balls to challenge Kerry on this glaring hypocrisy?

And how does Pickler wind up? Well after the requisite enumeration of all Kerry's medals, Pickler lets Max Cleland (who is forever described as "a triple-amputee Vietnam veteran who lost his Senate seat to Chambliss"), who Kerry had by his side during this moment of rage against The Injustice Of Attacking My Vietnam Award Winning Service™, have the last word.

"For Saxby Chambliss, who got out of going to Vietnam because of a trick knee, to attack John Kerry as weak on the defense of our nation is like a mackerel in the moonlight that both shines and stinks," he said.

No, Cleland, that smell is emanating from both you and the man at your side with your attempts to pre-empt any criticism with mendacious claims that you both are beyond any criticism. Excuse me if I find your cynical and disturbing use of your wounds (and Kerry's use of his tour of duty) to demand idolization sickening and a slap in the face of the thousands of decorated Veterans who respect their medals enough not to pimp them.

Posted 2/21/04 Link

april 22, 1971

In Kerry's Own Words

Ok, here it is -- transcript and recording of Kerry's testimony April 22, 1971

If you have the bandwidth, do listen/watch it rather than just reading it. The video contains the testimony from another soldier at the Winter Soldier investigation, also the question session to Kerry after his prepared speech. Amazing. Here's some excerpts:

Several months ago, in Detroit, we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis, with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit--the emotions in the room, and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that, at times, they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam, in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

We call this investigation the Winter Soldier Investigation. The term "winter soldier" is a play on words of Thomas Paine's in 1776, when he spoke of the "sunshine patriots," and "summertime soldiers" who deserted at Valley Forge because the going was rough.

We who have come here to Washington have come here because we feel we have to be winter soldiers now. We could come back to this country, we could be quiet, we could hold our silence, we could not tell what went on in Vietnam, but we feel, because of what threatens this country, not the reds, but the crimes which we are committing that threaten it, that we have to speak out.

Consider this bit:

In our opinion, and from our experience, there is nothing in South Vietnam which could happen that realistically threatens the United States of America.

Or this:

An American Indian friend of mine who lives in the Indian Nation of Alcatraz* put it to me very succinctly: He told me how, as a boy on an Indian reservation, he had watched television, and he used to cheer the cowboys when they came in and shot the Indians, and then suddenly one day he stopped in Vietnam and he said, "my God, I am doing to these people the very same thing that was done to my people," and he stopped. And that is what we are trying to say, that we think this thing has to end.

*Do note that this "nation of Alcatraz" was really a reference to the 1969-1971 occupation of Alcatraz by *Indians of All Tribes*

In listening to some of Kerry's testimony after his prepared remarks, make note of how he handles the Lt. Calley question. Also make note that Kerry refuses to entertain any negatives to an immediate withdrawl of American troops. According to Kerry, he had been to Paris, and had every confidence that an immediate, unilateral withdrawal would be safe for American troops, that a "provisional government representing all political factions of Vietnam, and isn't that what we are ostensibly fighting for? Isn't that what we have here?" would immediately come into play replacing the "dictatorship" the US government was supporting. Kerry insists it is the best way to save So. Vietnamese lives and allow them to choose their own government.

And we know how well those predictions went, eh?

hattips to Glenn Reynolds and Hugh Hewitt

Posted 2/21/04 Link

I'm back!

Attention ... Daily blogging now commences

This has been sporadic, I admit. Life can get a bit full and sometimes, one has to step back and prune the roses (it is that time in Southern California!)

Between my day job, husband, two at home daughters (of four), frequently visiting grandsons (once I got over the shock of being a grandma, I'm really reveling in the position), continuing education post-degree (trying to beef up my coding skills), there hasn't been much leftover time for the fun stuff. That includes blogging (and roses, as noted above).

And, in wanting to get away, husband and I took a nice leisurely vacation in the town of Lost Wages. Great food, someone else to make the bed, wash the dishes, provide fresh towels ..... ahhhhhh.

So, dear reader, time has come for me to pay more attention to you on this journey.

Posted 2/21/04 Link

happy valentine's day


Or roses, or champagne, or .... well, it is a most welcome and happy time to celebrate love. Is it a "commercialized" holiday? Of course! That's an apt description of just about every popular holiday in the United States (or any Westernized nation). However, that doesn't detract from the sweetness of this particular holiday. Children in grade school still decorate paper bags and exchange postcard sized valentines. High schoolers still worry about if one rose is too little ("will she think I'm cheap?") or a dozen too many ("will she think I'm trying too hard?"). Husbands can feel a bit overwhelmed, and wives, too, can be a bit too expecting.

If I may be so bold to offer this advice ... relax, people!

Find some fun. Remember that what your significant other wants more than anything else is your attention and your appreciation. That could be a romantic candlelit dinner at a five-star restaurant, or holding hands over pancakes at a local diner. Grab some sandwiches from your favorite deli and drive to a great view spot (bring the boombox with favorite tunes.) You don't have to fret over "stuff" to be romantic. Roses won't be anymore than just some cut flowers without some time set aside for warm words and remembrances.

And please do let this seep into other times of the year. Random acts of kindness have a way of keeping things in perspective. I know for myself, my life is so full and busy that pushing the personal down in priority on the daily task list is real easy to do.

Again, I hope this Valentine's Day finds you all happy, warm and cozy. The picture below is of my twin grandsons, all of sixteen months old.

Nick & Sean wish you all a happy Valentine's Day!

Of course there is a story behind this, as their mom, dad and photographer struggled to get them to sit still long enough to get a picture. Luckily the roses they are holding are the silk variety. While it is a nice prop, the boys thought it great fun and sport to whack everything within reach with them, including each other!

Posted 2/14/04 Link

kerry watch

Begging the world to forgive the US

I've read this article, twice, and I'm still shocked. A member of Kerry's staff sends an email to Mehr News Agency which then appears in The Tehran Times.

It is in the urgent interests of the people of the United States to restore our country's credibility in the eyes of the world. America needs the kind of leadership that will repair alliances with countries on every continent that have been so damaged in the past few years, as well as build new friendships and overcome tensions with others.

We are convinced that John Kerry is the candidate best qualified to meet this challenge. Senator Kerry has the diplomatic skill and temperament as well as a lifetime of accomplishments in field of international affairs. He believes that collaboration with other countries is crucial to efforts to win the war on terror and make America safer

What the hell is going on with the so-called loyal opposition sending emails to foreign belligerents (to support Kerry? to not cooperate with the US until Kerry is elected?) This is now considered fair play?

Did Clinton send such letters to Saddam when running against Bush the elder? Can anyone recall any candidate doing something like this?

Posted 2/9/04 Link

all that's fit to print

Media in Iraq

During the invasion of Iraq "embedded reporters" were either hailed as a turning point to the decades of deteriorated relationship between military and media, or it was looked at by suspicion as allowing reporters to have too much emotionally invested in the people they were riding with. It did give an unprecedented, "just-in-time", window on what was happening with the boots on the ground.

However, it certainly didn't last, and this letter from a lieutenant in Baghdad sent to RantingProfs blog is a chilling dose of reality on how the media, rather than reporting the news, makes it; then seeks only those bits of "information", fact or not, to give it a veneer of reality

Fox stood out most as a network that knew what it was going to put out before it even shot the footage. Other news organizations were more subtle about what they wanted to cover but pretty much everyone had their stories written before they showed up. To Al-Jazeera especially, the video footage was merely a formality. ...

The accuracy of news reporting is affected by the fact that most reporters are very poorly read on the subjects they are covering. Given that the storyline is planned/ written before they show up (only dates/names need be inserted) there is little motivation for them to actually become educated on the world they are supposedly depicting.

Please read the whole thing.

Posted 2/9/04 Link

kerry in the dunce's corner

The Kind Thing to Do

If you remember grade school, or have had children in grade school, then you'll remember those cognitive tests that are given where you're asked to put an object in its appropriate group. For instance, you're given the object "pine" and asked which group it best belongs in:

Group A: oak, maple, redwood

Group B: goldfish, trout, shark

Those of you that picked "A", congrats! Not only did you most likely pass grade school, can tie your own shoes and generally can be counted upon not to embarrass your table partners at a dinner party, you're head and shoulders above in the intellectual acumen department than the Democratic frontrunner, Senator John "have you heard, I served in Vietnam" Kerry.

What grouping question did he fail? Consider - place the following object in the group it best belongs in - National Guard

Group A: Navy, Army, Air Force

Group B: draft dodger, going to Canada to avoid Vietnam

Kerry thinks Group B is the answer. The old saw is "never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity." So, I guess giving Kerry the benefit of not having the intellect of a bright eight year old is the kind thing to do.

Posted 2/5/04 Link

idiotarian extraordinaire

Ramsey Clarke

Just when I thought the fringie, self-hating American Left had reached its lows, they can still amaze me. No one can quite capture that mixture of loathing and barking moonbats-in-belfry panache as the notorious Ramsey Clarke, ready to pimp again for dictators and thugs as long as they oppose the United States:

CAIRO, December 15 ( – Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsy Clarke expressed readiness Sunday, December 14, to act as defense lawyer for ousted Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, with western analysts suspecting the captured leader would be given fair trial.

"Certainly, why not. I am ready to act in his defense," Clarke told shortly after the U.S. confirmed the detention of Saddam near Tikrit.

Clarke, currently in Cairo to attend a two-day international anti-occupation conference, stressed that Saddam – however brutal – should be give a "fair, objective and impartial trial".

"Saddam must be domestically prosecuted first and - if this fails - he should be referred to an international court," said the former American official, known for his staunch opposition to the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

He doubted, however, that the ousted Iraqi president would be given such a fair trial. Clarke averred that neither the U.S.-installed Interim Governing Council (IGC) nor the occupation forces is eligible to try the overthrown president.

"The IGC does not represent Iraq. It is Bush's council," said the former U.S. attorney general.

He noted that the Iraqi body was quick to say that DNA test proved the captured man was Saddam.

"Do you think that they can take the test themselves. They are puppets," Clarke maintained.

For the occupation forces to take over the trial, he dismissed this as a would-be ridiculous proposal. "Occupation of Iraq is in itself an international crime" and runs counter to common decency and moral integrity.

Link posted 12/15/03

day of infamy

Memory fade

Today is December 7th. For any one not of the WWII generation, it may be just another Sunday, a time for church or relaxing or finishing up the Christmas shopping.

However, even some of us raised by those who lived through rationing, foil collection drives, "loose lips sink ships" campaigns, today is not just any other Sunday. It is the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

Michele at makes an excellent and rather frightening observation:

The anniversary of such an event should not pass unnoticed. I looked for stories today on the CNN and Fox websites. Nothing. I looked in Newsday, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Nothing.

Attacked - suddenly, no warning - by a nation we were not at war with. Sound familiar? I would hate to think that 60 years from now the annivesary September 11, 2001 will be noted by nothing more than small paragraphs in small town newspapers. It seems almost absurd that this day, this date of infamy, would see the front page of media websites and newspapers boast headlines about Paris Hilton and the Miss World contest with no mention at all of Pearl Harbor.

Is this our future? Lotus eating as cultural policy?

Or, considering that media will focus on Japanese internment and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the usual "weren't we bad" spin sans historical context, has self flagellation become the new American neurosis? It certainly didn't take more than a few hours after fascists in Islamist guise slammed commerical planes into the WTC for the usual factions in the United States engage in what "we" did to provoke it.

Today is a good day to remember. Today is a good day to never forget.

Link posted 12/07/03


cast a shadow

Oh, Mr. Gephardt!

Ok. I giggled, I snickered. But this AP photo that ran on Yahoo Monday is too good not to save and pass on. How it got by editors at either AP or Yahoo is beyond me.

so, Dick, how's it hangin'?

Of course, the puns are flying.

Link posted 12/02/03

happy thanksgiving

Heart and guts

Happy Thanksgiving!

Regardless of the whining, rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, we are hearing from the usual corner of Bushiephobes, this was one of those moments when you realize this president really and truely repects the military.

I especially enjoyed the small moment when GW was serving up dinner and he said to one soldier "looks like you need a green vegetable there..."


Link posted 11/28/03

making fun of ted rall

With No Apologies

Click on the picture for full strip.

Link posted 11/26/03






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