
school of silly walks

Pentagon imitates Monty Python

OK, I can't resist at poke at the pocket-protector crowd in the cubicles of the Pentagon if this line from Associated Press can be taken at face value:

"The Pentagon is developing a radar-based device that can identify people by the way they walk, for use in a new antiterrorist surveillance system."

Can someone escort these guys out into the fresh air? Cut down on their caffeine? Confiscate their Cheetos? Get them a hobby?


uncivil discourse

"Jackass: the intellectual"

Someone refresh my memory. Were the admittedly over-the-top histrionic vitriolic Clinton haters as bad as the anti-GW moonbats? Who can ever forget such spectacles as the anti-Clintonistas engaging in debate about [Col.]Bill [Mustard] or [Miss] Hillary [Scarlet] murdering Foster in the drawing room with a lead pipe. And now we get the equivalent conspiratorial meandering about Nazi money and Zionist cabals within the White House.

A contradiction, you say? But contradictions don't matter in this regard. Feelings. That is the coin the anti-GW's trade in. Columnists who write extensively on their guts and headaches. They read their bodily functions as a shaman reads chicken guts and pronounce the GW administration as a coup d'etat in a new fascist dictatorship.

There's one woman I'm acquainted with, a woman of sound character and an advocate for teens. I had grown to respect her and her activities. But what am I to make of what has happened to the soul of someone who's Mother's Day greeting on the Internet read "...Happy Mother's Day to the moms of the military men and women sent to their deaths by GW."

And it's not just a disagreement on any particular piece of policy. For the moonbats it's either get on the bandwagon for calling President Bush the Antichrist or be labeled with a plethora of shrill, debate-stopping insults. Point out that Iraq is better off without Saddam, you're a "cretin." Try and discuss the pros/cons of increased security, you're a "lout" in the new "fascist regime." Debate is not what these Jackasses are after. They are as much true believers as the radical Islamists who pursue "convert or die."

They are so much more pathetic than the stunt guys in the Jackass exploits. At least the stunt guys don't pretend they are doing more than going for laughs.


ignore those skulls behind the curtain!

Bush lied! Bring Back Saddam!

MSNBC has a report on the Committee of the Missing. If you haven't read this heartbreaker, run don't walk, and read it there.

Where you won't read about the mass graves, the torture, Uday's loverboy exploits in rape and murder, will be from the usual factions such as the Marxist A.N.S.W.E.R. or Maoist NION, or any number of, ahem"antiwar" sites.


crybaby democrats

Hand that man a Pampers!

Am I the only one in awe of the stream of weeping, gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes exhibited by alleged adults within a week of President Bush's address to the troops on the USS Abraham Lincoln?

There he is, Sen. Robert KKK Byrd, 85 years old (emphasis on old) being shocked! shocked, I tell you! that a president would have the audacity to make an address declaring an end to military hostilities in front of the troops (and actually look good doing it.)

Funny, was Kluxer Byrd this agitated when Billy Jeff took the presidential prerogative to visit the troops on the USS George Washington? I would be interested, too, to find out if any of Pres. Bush's entourage pilfered the towels and robes from the USS A. Lincoln as Billy's frat-crowd did from the USS Washington.

Byrd, too, is so very worried about the "unseemliness" of it all, especially the photo taking D'ya wonder if he will introduce legislation to confiscate all those sailors' cameras that were being pulled out left and right as GW comfortably posed with them? Yes, such stuff worries the Kluxer, most likely because there was not a bit of governmental property within sight with his name plastered all over it. I feel for those poor West Virginians living in a state just this side of Baghdad so dedicated to the ego of a man who has seen to it to have highways, streets, buildings ... damnation ... even locks and dams named after him. Hopefully they are not accompanied by bigger than life posters or mosaics of "Byrd on a horse", "Byrd as a Confederate Soldier", "Byrd as a sex symbol." It might empty out the state in nothing flat.

I should probably say something about the insignificant Yorkie-pup, Henry Waxman. But I live in Southern California and just don't have the stomach to tackle it at this time. It's kinda hard to work up any enthusiasm to pick on someone so down right pathetic and so damned proud of the "kick me" sign on his ass.

What I am going to do is write to these chuckleheads and enclose a Pampers. My better-behaved, 7-month old twin grandsons are in complete agreement.


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