
an embarrassed woman

Is it 2003 or 1903?

California "women's groups" are upset and shocked (shocked, I tell you) that Arnold has been :::ahem::: "revealed" as a groper … and he uses vulgar language. Can you believe it? Bring out the smelling salts, some girls are going to faint.

Wow. I'm so underwhelmed by this. What Carrie Nation Virgins have labored under the delusion that Arnold, a former Mr. Universe, a movie star, a celebrity with looks and money was a monk singing Gregorian chants during workouts and eschewing any and all contact with the seductive female form when he was younger?

Actually, none. This is not about Arnold "copping a feel." This is not about Arnold being "crude." This is not about Arnold being "anti-women" (on the so-called women's issue touchstone of abortion, Arnold is pro-choice). It's about several things but the most important is that Arnold is not a socialist.

That's correct. I used the "S" word not the "L" word. I want to call a spade a spade. Today in California it has become a struggle not between moderates and conservatives, but one between moderates and socialists. California's self-proclaimed contemporary "liberals" are solidly socialistic. The state legislature, majority Democrat, have time and again moved this state from spending on infrastructure and creating a climate in which individuals can grow and succeed into one where the spending is dumped in multiple bureaucratic layers of overlapping "nanny" programs. Like spoiled children who have no grasp on the reality of whom or how the "goodies" are provided, the state socialists take and cry for more. The state spending out strips revenues? Hell, soak it to the "rich!" Make big bad old "corporations" pay their "fair share." Pay no heed that the tripling of the car tax not only hurts individuals, but also will force a myriad of small businesses that have delivery trucks or vans to cut staff, move out-of-state or close. Never mind that handing out valid California driver's licenses like candy to illegal aliens and giving illegal aliens free California college educations will further oppress the salaries of citizens and drive many of the most talented from the state.

"Women's Groups" used to stand for equality; their main argument being that women had what it takes to compete with men and should be allowed to follow their dreams wherever they may lead. However, these groups, over the last fifteen or more years, have transmogrified into "please, Daddy, take care of me" petulant princesses. They look to an overarching authoritarian government structure that meets all their needs and whims. Gimme free abortions! Gimme free daycare! Ooo! Ooo! Big o'meany man said a bad word! Punish him! Punish him!

I'm embarrassed. I'm disgusted.

From the pitifully transparent Ariana performance at the debate where she lived up to every stereotype of why a woman should never be in politics (bitchy emotion-driven anti-intellectual irrational vicious can't-take-the-heat shrew) to the local NOW harridan bleating in the press her "demands" that the Los Angeles District attorney launch a "criminal investigation" of the allegations, these females do more to harm equity feminism than all the Dr. Laura "traditional women" advocates could ever wildly dream about.

This is important to me. I'm a mother to four daughters aged 16 through 24. I'm a workingwoman and wife. I was a stay at home mom for sixteen years. I went back to college and am finishing a degree this fall. I've raised my daughters to be confident in themselves and their talents, to be rational and independent. I've told them that life is not always fair, but how you handle that unfairness is the mark of your character.

Ariana, NOW and the rest of the ultimately self-hating females that will spend time marching against Arnold because he (cough, cough) touched a breast or uttered a vulgar word have proven their lack of one.

link posted 10/3/03

gumby and billy jeff

Look who came to town

the impeached defending the incompetent

link posted 9.18.03

late great state

The new California flag

Dr. Dean, paging Dr. Dean. We have a suggestion: next time you accuse Republicans of trying to "take democracy away" from Americans, take at look at your political brethren in California.

And maybe you can find someone else to explain to the melanin-enriched California citizens why your party considers them so much more stupid than the melanin-challenged that they are incapable of voting without your "protection."

link Posted 09.16.03

9/11 Memories

Heartache and Resolve

My clock radio, tuned to Los Angeles' KFI640AM, started waking me up as usual, to the news and banter of its morning host, Bill Handel. But his voice was different, and the announcement that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center bolted me up in bed. I shook my husband, "Did you hear? A plane in New York..!" "Turn on the tv, now," was his response.

Like the rest of America, I watched, first with disbelief, then with mounting horror, the end of an era and the start of a war.

There is little I can add to the thousands of words recounting that day. On this, the second anniversary, the sharp pang of grief is dulled by time. The suspension of time that took place that day in which we huddled around the tv or radio, tried to reach friends and relatives in the New York area by phone, sat in churches with co-workers of every denomination offering prayers for the living and dead, the sheer tension of heightened awareness has faded. Humans cannot keep such adrenaline induced awareness forever. We'd physically burn out, if not go mad just before.

However, like the heart-pounding thrill of new love that grows into a deep and comforting partnership, the lesson of grief of 9/11 for many is the growth of a deep and abiding resolve. And it is that resolve to our basic American values that we must guard against the temptations of some of the public sector who would have us "get over it" or "move on." What are these people really asking? Listen very closely to what they say behind the "yes, it was a tragedy..." Then a pause ... then the inevitable "but..."

There is no "but" when it comes to 9/11. It was an act of terror. An act of international rape. One doesn't reward the rapist by trying to "understand" him. One doesn't make excuses by pointing out how the woman's short skirt might be to blame. Yet, one hears that, hears that clearly after every "but" that is followed by "hubris" "we're too tied to Israel" "globalization" etc., etc., ad nauseam.

Today we need to steel our resolve. Just as wedding anniversaries are not only celebrations, but allow partners to remember why they pledged to each other and to rededicate themselves to each other, we need to use this anniversary to rededicate ourselves to the lessons of 9/11. To remember that there is evil in the world, that some rejoice and revel in committing evil. Our parents knew this and hundreds of thousands died fighting such evil in WWII. Can we do any less when faced with an ideology who's very basis is "convert or die?"

We need take them at their word and act accordingly. No more navel gazing, no more hair shirts, no more "buts." We must continue to act.


california recall

Tom McNadar?

Uh oh. This is the weekend that will make or break the state of California. You think I'm kidding? It looks pretty solid that "Screw California" Davis will be recalled. All polls seem to have him losing his venal scramble to keep his job by 55-58%. However, it's Cruzy BustaMEChA that is the real worry here; and in a history repeats itself stance, the Republican party is poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Tom McClintock (Thousand Oaks) is a fine, decent, talented man, fully qualified by experience, temperament, dedication and dues paid to be the next governor of California.

But he's not going to be. In fact, he's going to elect Cruzy. Even at this late date, Tom is holding pretty steady at 13-14% of the vote. He thinks it will increase in the next few weeks, and it may well, but it won't come close to Schwarzenegger's 22-25%. (and shall we mention here, that Tom has already lost a statewide election? twice?)

So what you have is a good man competing for the same votes as another good man, Arnold, and Cruzy waltzes into Sacramento by default.

God help the state of California after that, because it will be open season. If Davis was bad in his wimpiness and venality allowing the Democrat-majority state legislature play leftwing wishlist unchecked, Cruzy is an ethusiastic supporter of the wackiest of the unreality musings of this body of fruits and nuts. Businesses leaving California? Yes. California citizens packing up and moving? Durned right. California ranked dead last in fiscal management? Who needs stinking accounting! California government run schools failing over and over again? What, we should actually teach children? Cruzy to the rescue by promising to raise $8 billion in new taxes off the backs. Where will this come from? Well, the rich, don't you know!

If you actually believe that only "the rich" are going to take it in the neck from Cruzy and cronies, then I have this fabulous bridge in San Francisco I can sell you, cheap.

Californians would be crazy to put someone as patently whacked out as BustaMEChA in the governor's house ...

Then again, remember Republicans fielded Simon against Davis, who should have lost to a cucumber. Tom is in the Nadar role, and it looks damned likely he's letting his ego get in the way of what's best for California.

Hey, Tom. If any of us that you betray by staying in and letting Cruz win are around the next time you run for any office, we will remember, and you had better start looking for a job in the private sector.


a student's lament

We pause from our regular programming

OK, friends, I heartily apologize for not posting. I'm in the homestretch of finishing my degree and outside of lurking on other blogs and occasionally posting there, I haven't had the time or heart to get into this.

And, I'm working on a design for a weblog under my own domain. At present you may notice I have no capacity for you posting comments live (I welcome email and will post some of them, ala Andrew Sullivan.)

Yes, I'm making excuses. Do pass the cheese to accompany my whine about time constraints and wrapping the few remaining brain cells around programming and design. Thanks for the patience!



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