Mr. Williams
Music Class

Welcome to Bingo's Corner Online!

If you are in the Kindergarten or First grade at Georgetown or Rigdon Road Elementary, chances are you've met my good friend Bingo.  Well, Bingo is the amazing musical dog.  He loves to sing, play instruments, and he loves to hear you sing too!  This is a page just for bingo.  Find out what Bingo's favorite songs are.  See what Bingo does when he's not in class.  So without further ado, here's the pup you've all been waiting for! BINGO!!!!
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Hello Everybody!  My name is Bingo, and I must say that sometimes life can be mighty "rough" for me.  I'm just a little dog after all, and it's easy to get pushed around and picked on.  That's why I like music so much.  Music is a great way to meet friends and find things you have in common with other people.  After all, who doesn't like music!  Here's an example of something not so "rough" for me.  Last week, Mr. Williams let me play his baritone!  That was Bow-wow-riffic!  Check it out:

Here's a list of my favorite songs!  Do you recognize them?  Later, if you click on the song name, it will tell you the words!

Bingo (B-I-N-G-O)  Of course, this is my verrrrry favorite!!!!

Willoughby Wallobee woo
One elephant went out to play
Hello everybody! (I love this one!  We sing it everyday in music class!)
She'll be Comin' round the mountain
Groundhog Groundhog (Twinkle Twinkle)
Oh My No More Pie!
Long John
Button, you must wander


Bingo's Corner (K, Pre-K and 1st Grade) Second Grade Third Grade
Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Chorus
@ Rigdon Road
@ Georgetown
Music Links

Last Updated: Feb. 20, 2007 8:10pm

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