9 November - Status of Building and Occupation

This shows how the streetscape has changed over the last few months. The green ticks are houses that have people moved in already. The orange diamonds are houses either under construction or nearing completion. Blanks have no activity.

8 November - Action Stations

Due to not being able to see inside the house for the better part of the last two months we booked an inspection late last month to go over a number of items and to see inside the house. We felt a little embarrassed taking pictures and at the time were too busy being shown around and talking to the site supervisor, that we didn't take any. At that time, we found the kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets had been installed and the stairs were also in place. Two carpenters were then putting in the skirting boards and architraves around the door cavities. Excitement plus! So much to see! But no pictures!

This week we decided to go and have a look on the Saturday a little earlier than normal, just in case there were workmen on site - that way they could let us in - if we were nice enough - and we could look around. We were right on the money, there were a couple of cars outside our place so it was a good sign that there was work going on.

In particular from the outside we could see that a lot more work had gone into the feature fretwork. Work had commenced on the arch features and the central peak feature had also been put in. Over our bedroom window there was also signs of work, the fretwork for the window shade feature that is to have blue Colorbond material placed on.

A bathroom vanity, this one is in the upstairs bathroom with the skylight shining in over what will be the bathtub. It gives a little indication of how light the upstairs rooms will be with the skylights.

The laundry washbasin - finally in the correct position.

Our kitchen cabinetry, benchtops and sink - installed and waiting for appliciances and tiles. Lots of natural light.

Just right of the cabinets is the meals area looking out to what will eventually be our pretty backyard. I am planning some birch trees on the right side of the picture in the back right corner and towards the middle of the back fence - which would be looking straight directly out the middle window.

The stairwell that now finally allows us to sticky beak upstairs. The workmen are still doing some last minute plastering up there. Also note to the right of the picture, the alcove where the fridge is supposed to go - this plastering is also unfinished.

Ensuite double basins precariously protected with plaster board from the paiting and preparation work.

The unwanted entryway feature - we specifically requested this be taken out of our home design but there it stands, partially painted. What should we do?

Our front door! You can see down the hallway and through to the bright sunfilled meals area. The external side of the door is to be painted blue like our roof.

The view from our rear bedroom window - looking north-east - hey you can just make out the city skyline at about 1 o'clock (slightly under the lightpost)!

A view of the fretwork around the verandah. Cannot wait to see the whole effect when it is painted the requested colours.

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