30 July - Feature Facade
A freezing winter day with an icy wind - but we promised ourselves that we would have to visit the house at least twice a week in order to keep track of activities and possible errors. Once during the week after work and then again on the weekend to take pictures - both for us and you!

Monday was freezing, it had rained all day and the clouds were that icy pink colour that you know means snow in the mountains. As we turned into the street again, we saw that the house had the white cladding that goes on before bricks, that bricks had been delivered and the details on the first feature facade had been put in place. The facade one of the main decorative features of the house - wow, it keeps coming into shape!!


Showing the bricks placed around the house, with the first main feature work commenced.

An indication of how much it had been raining over the last week. Our future hallway full of water and mud... Sheesh, I hope they know some good cleaners!

The rear of the house showing the scaffolding in place ready for bricklaying to commence after work at the roofline is completed. It also shows the roof with the horizontal supports for the colorbond to go on as soon as the bricks are complete.

19 July - Windows to the Soul
We now have windows and a start on the guttering. What a difference the windows make! The placement of the windows helps with imagining the rooms positioning and what it might look like at completion. Piping work inside the frame also indicated that further plumbing work was continuing. All of the hot and cold pipes had been fitted.

View from the front of the house.

Looking from the back corner of the property to the sliding door and meals area.

And now for the second error. The shower in the ensuite is supposed to have a mixer tap, not two individual hot and cold taps as this picture indicates - another phone call and fax to the site supervisor....

A comparative look at our place against next door once again. They are due to commence the laying of bricks.

13 July - Taking Shape
Wondering about shape of the roof and how it might look was answered on our next visit with the second storey well underway when we arrived.

The mistake still wasn't fixed which was disappointing, but the excitement of seeing the shape of the house took over and buoyed our spirits. Wow, we thought. You can actually imagine the shape now!

You can just see Jasper again inspecting the site, running happily towards the cameraman, John.

Looking at the kitchen window and meals area. Note that we are starting to catch up to our next-door neighbours.

Inspecting the stairwell and its positioning in relation to the rest of the house with workmate Andy.

View of the entrance way feature and upstairs bedroom windows.

5 July - Frame Starts - So Too The Mistakes
We decide that we will most definitely be going weekly to see the progress.

We round the corner and lo and behold - we have frame. It is only ground floor frame but we are excited!

Even the house next door is well and truly advancing with their frame already including their roof. Their windows are also installed.

We walk around the house a number of times, taking pictures and looking at this and that, trying to imagine what the roof and the floor it encloses might look like. This is looking at the house from the west side, across the slab of the garage that is yet to be framed.

Further inspection by Jasper who is happy to be investigating his soon-to-be new home.

Looking down the hallway to the front door.

Then we discover a mistake. The laundry shows the drainage pipe to be in the wrong place (the arrow shows where it should be). We take pictures and notify the builder on the Monday. He says he will fix it.......

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