
Cartoon of Oprah Winfrey by Anneke 2003

Women's Winning Ways of Leadership



In 1986 Oprah hosted her very own show. The Oprah Winfrey show. This Show was a multi-million business making her the wealthiest black women in the U.S. Her show was groundbreaking for many reasons, but most of all because she was not afraid to bare her soul and past experiences in front of huge audiences and national television. Most talk show hosts remained reserved in regard to their personal lives whereas Oprah was not. Although it was difficult Oprah talked about her past abuse, her drug problem and struggle with obesity with the public. Oprah Winfrey has risen from poverty and a troubled youth to become the most powerful and influential woman in television.

Powerful Woman

Fast Facts


Troubled Youth

Lasting Legacies



Building her Future


Helping Others 


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