The truth about The Book of Mormon

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The Truth About the Book of Mormon

*Disclaimers* I have a great respect for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I find them to be good and moral people who love their fellow man and love God. However, I also believe that they are deceived. I offer this site therefore, not to attack the members of this church, but to point out the flaws in the foundation of this church... it's authority and it's legitimacy.

Unless otherwise noted, all Biblical quotes will be from the KJV. This is because it is the one considered "most correct" to Mormons.

For brevity (and clarity), I will often refer to the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as "Mormons". I recognize that this title offends some, and so apologize in advance.

And Finally... this site is a work in progress. The more I speak with Mormons, the more that I learn about their faith and beliefs. If I find that one of my facts or conclusions are in error, I will remove it from the site. I will be happy to add new links if anyone has any to offer. The more information available, the better. Everyone should draw their own conclusions.

If you would like to contact me, you may e-mail by clicking HERE.

Here are some sites that you can use to research and compare various scripture and Biblical resources, as well as LDS texts.

Virtual Christianity
A comprehensive list of on-line Bibles, in English and other languages, both ancient and modern.

Bible Gateway
This site allows you to look up various Bible (New and Old Testament) verses by chapter and verse. You can also do word searches.

On Line Bible Study Tools
This site contains a number of resources including Strong's Concordance and Bible dictionaries.

Here you can look at and research the King James Version of the Old Testament Bible used by LDS by chapter and verse, or by word search.

Here you can look at and research the King James Version of the New Testament Bible used by LDS by chapter and verse or by word search.

Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon 'another testament of Jesus Christ'. Again, by chapter and verse or by word search.

The Doctrine and Covenants
Containing revelations given to Joseph Smith, with some additions by his successors in the presidncy of the church.

The Pearl of Great Price
A selection from the revelations, translations and narations of Joseph Smith.

The Joseph Smith translation of the Bible.
Here are the places where Joseph Smiths vision of the Bible difer from the historical text.

The Articles of Faith
The Articles of Faith for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.

Where Does It Say That?
View scanned images of original Mormon documents, many from the 1800s, relating to key doctrinal and historical issues.

Scanned Images of the Entire 1833 Book of Commandments and 1835 Doctrine and Covenants
God's truths are unchanging, Mormon doctrine is not. See how Mormon "scripture" has "evolved" into it's current form.


Feelings, many times, lead people astray. Feelings do not reveal or change the facts. Scripture always contains facts that line up with the truth. As you read any book that claims to be scripture, you must compare it with God's Word, the Bible. It is true that many verses from the King James Bible have been copied into the Book of Mormon (2 Nephi 12-24 and others). These are still scripture no matter where they are copied. However, the facts are, the Book of Mormon itself demonstrates that it does not qualify, as a whole, as true scripture from God.

Free Book Offer
For a limited time the publisher is offering, to members of the LDS Church, a free copy of the research tool titled Where Does It Say That? It provides photographic duplications of key LDS sources that are often difficult to obtain. These sources document the LDS church’s teaching on various issues including: Adam-God, polygamy, the First Vision, and blood atonement. Please include $2 for postage and handling to US addresses. For addresses outside the US, include $3. Send your request to:

Institute for Religious Research
Dept. MIT
1340 Monroe Ave. N.W.
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Those who are not members of the LDS Church may order the book from the Institute for Religious Research for the price of $5.95, plus $2 for postage and handling.

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
- Galatians 1:8 (KJV)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
claim that they are the one and only true Christian church, restored through the revelations of the prophet Joseph Smith. What validity do they have to this claim? Perhaps you have heard some of the misrepresented Mormon beliefs that are circulated by some of their opponents. Personally, I seriously disapprove of such tactics for several reasons. For one thing, it perpetuates ignorance. More importantly however, these sohomoric claims are not only dismissed, but often easily refuted by even the least studied Mormon. So what is the point?

Truth be told, the only reason for such anti-Mormon propaganda is to shock people and dissuade them from joining the Mormon church. In that respect, though I still disapprove, perhaps it serves it purpose. When speaking with those already in the Mormon church however, this approach only fosters enmity and insults the one that you are trying to help.

There are of course, many theological points in which the Mormon church and the rest of Christianity differ. Although I will touch on a few of these differences, in the end, they are not really important. The foundation of the Mormon belief rests with three points:

1. That the Bible has been mistranslated over the years. That many "Plain and precious things" have been removed from the Bible.
2. That Joseph Smith was a prophet, called by God.
3. That The Book of Mormon is divinely inspired and inerrant..

It is my position of course, that they are decieved in all three of these beliefs, and it is the intent of this site to challenge them.

First however, What is Mormonism? What is this thing that calls itself The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? I encourage you to look at the links provided in the column on the right to get the "LDS" answer to that question. I also encourage you to look through the multiple resources provided by this site to make your own decision. To see how Josh McDowell defines 'Mormonism' click HERE.

Josh McDowell is magna cum laude graduate of Talbot Theological Semenary and member of two national honor societies. He has authored numerous, books including Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and has appeared in numerous films and TV specials. As a traveling representative for Campus Crusade for Christ, he has spoken to millions of students and faculty at hundreds of universities in more than 62 countries. He also held a position as resident instructor at The Julian Center in Julian, California.

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"
- 1 Peter 3:15 (KJV)

The following references question the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon
(Keep in mind that the history in the Book of Mormon takes place between approximately 600 BC and 400 AD.)
Mosiah 9:9
wheat did not exist in early America
Wheat was one of the first of the grains domesticated by humans. Its cultivation began in the Neolithic period. Bread wheat is known to have been grown in the Nile valley as early as 5000 B.C., and its apparently later cultivation in other regions indicate that it spread from Mediterranean centers of domestication. Since agriculture began, wheat has been the chief source of bread for Europe and the Middle East. It was introduced into Mexico by the Spaniards c.1520 and into Virginia by English colonists early in the 17th cent.
1 Nephi 18:25
Enos 1:21
Alma 18:9
Alma 18:10
Alma 18:12
Alma 20:6
3 Nephi 3:22
3 Nephi 4:4
3 Nephi 6:1
3 Nephi 21:14
Ether 9:19
Horses did not exist in early America
Horses were probably first domesticated by central Asian nomads in the 3d millennium B.C. and were domesticated in Western Europe no later than 1000 B.C. Horses figured importantly in war and conquest in Europe, central Asia, and the Middle East for over 3,000 years. The Spanish conquistadors brought horses to the New World, where Native Americans soon acquired them from ranches and missions. The Plains Indians of North America quickly developed a horse culture that led to their ascendancy in numbers and power. Horses were used for hunting buffalo and other game, for warfare, and for pulling loads on a travois. Escaped Indian horses were ancestral to the mustang, the so-called wild horse of the Western United States.
Alma 18:9
Alma 18:10
Alma 18:12
Alma 20:6
3 Nephi 3:22
3 Nephi 21:14
Chariots did not exist in early America
The chariot was known among the Babylonians before the introduction of horses c.2000 B.C. and was first drawn by asses. The chariot and horse introduced into Egypt c.1700 B.C. by the Hyksos invaders undoubtedly contributed to their military success. The Assyrians are credited with introducing chariots with scythes mounted on the wheels as weapons, a type later adopted by the Persians. In Greece and Rome the chariot was never used to any extent in war, possibly because of generally unfavorable topography.
1 Nephi 18:25
Ether 9:18
Enos 1:21
3 Nephi 3:22
3 Nephi 4:4
3 Nephi 6:1
Ether 9:18
Cows were not kept by native americans
Cows and cattle were first introduced to the native American peoples by the Spaniards in the early 1500's. I have heard the argument that the "cows" mentioned in the Book of Mormon were actually buffalo, which are indiginous to North America. This position still has a couple of flaws. First, even if the text does refer to buffalo, the native inhabitants of the america's never kept them domestically, so the point is mute. Second, the geography of the Book of Mormon is not certain. Some believe that the history takes place on the whole of the america's, this would support the position of cow/buffalo assuming we ignore our first point. Some believe that the history takes place in a reatively small area in central america. This also renders the cow/buffalo position mute, as buffalo are not indiginous that far south.
Ether 9:19
Elephants did not exist in early America
Elephants are indigenous to tropical regions of Africa and Asia.
1 Nephi 13:7
1 Nephi 13:8
Alma 1:29
Alma 4:6
Ether 9:17
Ether 10:24
There was no silk in early America
Sericulture (the culture of the silkworm) and the weaving of silk have been practiced in China from a remote period. Legend dates this back to 2640 B.C., This was a closely guarded secret for some 3,000 years. In the 1st and 2d cent. A.D. silk fabrics imported to Greece and Rome were sold for fabulous prices. Up to the 6th cent. raw silk was brought from China, but death was the penalty for exporting silkworm eggs. About A.D. 550 two former missionaries to China, incited by Emperor Justinian, succeeded (says Procopius) in smuggling to Constantinople, in a hollow staff, both the eggs of the silkworm and the seeds of the mulberry tree. The Moors began to carry the arts of silk culture and weaving across the northern coast of Africa and to Spain and Sicily, and in the 12th cent. Spain and Sicily were weaving silks of exquisite texture and design. Other areas of Europe subsequently became great weaving centers. After the European colonization of the Americas, many attempts were made to establish sericulture on the continent: inducements such as land grants and bounties were offered, and many mulberry trees were planted. In 1759 Georgia sold more than 10,000 lb (4,535 kg) of cocoons in London. Pennsylvania had a silk industry, fostered by Benjamin Franklin, until the Revolution. The high cost of labor seems to have been the main deterrent to the success of sericulture in America.
1 Nephi 13:7
1 Nephi 13:8
2 Nephi 13:23
Mosiah 10:5
Alma 1:29
Alma 4:6
Helaman 6:13
Ether 9:17
Ether 10:24
There was no linen early America
Linen is a fabric or yarn made from the fiber of flax, probably the first vegetable fiber known to people. Linens more than 3,500 years old have been recovered from Egyptian tombs. Phoenician traders marketed linen in Mediterranean ports. Worn by Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish priests as a symbol of purity as well as luxury. Flax was cultivated by the Romans and introduced by them into Northern Europe. The production of linen was encouraged by Charlemagne, and linen became the principal European textile of the Middle Ages. Although linen exceeds cotton in coolness, luster, strength, and length of fiber, the expense of production limits its use.
Alma 11:20
There was no money (per se) in early America
I hesitate to use this reference at all, as I think it is a weak argument. Many Mormons believe that the references in the Book of Mormon to gold, silver and money could simply alude to a system of barter, which has been common throughout the world both before and after the introduction of systems of money as we know them today. The only reason I include this at all is because some copies of the Book of Mormon refer to 'coins' in description of this chapter. Coins and paper money were never used by indigenous peoples in the americas prior to European influance.
1 Nephi 4:9
1 Nephi 16:18
2 Nephi 5:15
Jarom 1:8
Ether 7:9
There was no steel industry in early America
Little evidence exists that this technology was available anywhere during the time alleged time frame of these passages. Although some of these references from the Book of Mormon do not take place in the early americas, the question remains.... what happened to this technology when the ancient Nephites moved to the Americas?

"Take up the Bible, compare the religion of the Latter-day Saints with it, and see if it will stand the test."
- Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 16, p. 46 (1873)

To be fair, here are some pro-LDS sites for you to Investigate. Hear the LDS position from members of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
This is an official site for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.
Another official site for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.

The plan of salvation
An official LDS website outlines God's plan for salvation, and how you fit into it.

LDS World
Here is a news site for LDS.

What is the Book of Mormon?
A pro-LDS site explaining the importance of the Book of Mormon.

This website is equipped to combat web sites just like mine!

Mormon Origins
Various research methods can be used to explore the beginnings of Mormonism in America.

Evidence for the Book of Mormon
This website presents evidence that the Book of Mormon is exactly what it claims to be.

Has it withstood the attacks of critics?
Another pro-LDS site supporting the Book of Mormon.

Focus on the Faulty
Another good website supporting the legitimacy of the Book of Mormon.

Scholarly & Historical Information Exchange for Latter-Day Saints (SHIELDS)

Questions and answers on LDS beliefs and teachings.

My Egyptology
The information on this page offers an explanation to understanding the Egyptian symbolism contained in the Book of Abraham (BoA).

The Unauthorized Investigator's Guide to The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. This site's author provides an excellent (though not unbiased) coverage of the missionary discussions.

According to the Book of Mormon, Nephi is commanded by God to build a ship and he and his familiy arrive in the americas around c. 590BC

The current edition of the Book of Mormon (1981 and newer), contains the following disclaimer:

"Some minor errors in the text have been perpetuated in past editions of the Book of Mormon. This edition contains corrections that seem appropriate to bring the material into conformity with prepublication manuscripts and early editions edited by the Prophet Joseph Smith."

Now compare this revelation to the 8th Article of Faith:

"We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."

Notice how the LDS leadership go out of thier way to shed doubt on the Bible; but even though the Book of Mormon is, by thier own admission, subject to the very flaw they accuse the Bible of, that admission is relegated to a footnote in the introduction. This article should read "... we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly." Of course the leaders of the LDS would not make such a concession.

Note also that the disclaimer says "This edition contains corrections that seem appropriate....." This is an interesting statement. If the Holy Spirit testifies to you that the Book of Mormon is divine and inerrant, why not just make a declaration of fact. Also, if the Holy Spirit has testified to the inerrancy of the Book of Mormon for over 150 years.... how can you now say that it has been errant?

The following links contain information that you will certainly not hear from the Mormon missionaries at your door. I make no claim that these sites are un-biased. I would suggest however, that they are no more bias than any pro-Mormon site you will find. The purpose of this collection of websites is to provide enough information for one to make an intelligent decision about the Mormon faith.
What the Missionaries will not tell you.
One ex-Mormon tells you what the Missionaries will not.
Recovery from Mormonism.
This is the host site for the 'What Missionaries will not tell you' link.
Accepting the challenge
This is an excellent and very logical counter challenge to some of the preconceptions that Mormons will try to instil in you before you ask for "divine confirmation" of the Book of Mormon.
The Mormon Gospel
A look at many of the Mormon beliefs and practices. The question posed: "Is it Christian?"
Mormons in Transition
Sponsored by the institute for religious research.
The Scientific Search for Nephite Remains
Another site by the Institute for Relgious Research. This one concentrates on the lack of archeological support for the Book of Mormon.
Apologetics Index
An excellent site! This is a wealth of resources.
Mormon Research Ministry
MRM is an evangelical Christian ministry that has been challenging the claims of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1979.
The Book of Abraham Papyri and Joseph Smith
A website from Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry. This site claims that Book of Abraham papyri prove Joseph Smith was a false prophet.
Contradictions Between the Book of Mormon and the Bible
Again, as Mormans believe that the Book of Mormon is inerrant and the Bible is mistranslated, this kind of site has little importance to them. However, it is another site from the Institute for Religious Research, and it is interesting.
H.I.S. Ministries International
H.I.S. (He Is Savior) Ministries International is dedicated to helping Mormons who have questions about their belief system being Christian or not.
The Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
The so called witnesses to the Book of Mormon have various problems themselves.
The REAL Mormon history
Footnoted and documented from Mormon books & scriptures, Mormon newspapers, and sources friendly to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This site contains the following warning: This site has proven to be highly disturbing to some Mormon believers.
A Close Look at Mormonism.
Information the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may not want you to know..
I Testify to You...
I originally had this listed in the pro-LDS section. After reading closer however, I see some very well reasoned questions concrning Mormon doctrine and the Book of Mormon.
Richard Packham's Home Page
This site is a wealth of various collected facts and observations. The site's owner was once a Mormon, but now proclaims "no belief in any kind of god". I certainly don't agree with all of his conclusions, but do find his facts and discussions interesting.
Clarifying Christianity
An interesting collection of Christian resources.
Mormon beliefs explained
A very interesting look at some Mormon beliefs explained in an informed historical context.
Book of Abraham
The Book of Abraham was first published in 1842 by Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Today much evidence suggests that this "revelation" as told by Joseph Smith is a fraud. Judge for yourself.
The Anti-Mormon Preservation Society
An on-line resource for classic books on the topic of Mormonism from the 1800�s and early 1900�s.

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