***NOTE TO ALL: this is only half finished. So yeah.***

Top 10 Books

(alphabetical by author. It was way too difficult to try and put them in some sort of order.

Michael Crighton - Jurassic Park
I first read this one at the beach between fifth and sixth grade. Cian, Maura's brother, was reading it and i stole it from him every chance I got. Aside from a couple of pages in the 70s that I couldn't understand, I loved the book the first time i read it, and i'm not normally a big sci-fi fan. It's far better than the movie, and thats saying something. I don't know anyone that hasn't at least heard of it, so i won't go into the storyline here.
Nelson DeMille - Up Country
DeMille doesn't get nearly enough credit for the things that he has written. If any of you have seen The General's Daughter with John Travolta, he wrote the book that the movie is based on. (actually, the movie follows the book better than most.) Anyway, Up Country is the sequel to The General's Daughter. It's about a CID (a military investigator) that goes back to Vietnam to investigate a crime that may have been committed during the war. The main character of the book is also a vet, and it's full of his recollections of the war. DeMille also blends suspense and humor in a way that few other authors have been able to achieve. I laughed, I cried.... I recommend that you go out and get this, or at least borrow it, so that you can do the same.
Nelson DeMille - The Lions Game
Another classic DeMille. More humor and suspense. Written pre-September 11, it's about an Islamic Jihad against the Americans. (a man is avenging the death of his mother and brothers that were killed when the Americans bombed their city.) There's even an eerie passage in the first few pages when they're talking about preventing terrorist attacks about how lucky they were with the first World Trade Center bombings and how they hope that nothing like it happens again to those buildings. DeMille is not one of the sellout authors that tried to cash in on the September 11 thing, It's a terrific book... more combinations of humor and suspense, and a completely surprise ending. Go get it. Now.
Janet Evanovich - The Stephanie Plum series. (there are 9 of them total. They're phenomenal.)
John Grisham - The Chamber
Margaret Mitchell - Gone With The Wind
Alexandra Ripley - Charleston
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter

Honorable Mentions:

Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown
Michael Connoley - Chasing the Dime
Jennifer Weiner - Good in Bed

Also anything by: Nelson Demille, John Grisham, Catherine Coulter, Faye Kellerman

Books that Sucked

Michael Crighton - Andromedia Strain
Michael Crighton - Sphere
You can also add any of the other single-British-woman books that started multiplying after Bridget Jones got such good reviwes. Actually, to be more specific, it's the ones where it is fairly obvious that some of the authors are American and just really want to be British.

Top 10 Movies

Again, alphabetical. The pain of ranking them was just too much.

American Beauty
American President
The Emporer's New Groove
Fight Club
Gone With The Wind
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Schindler's List
Shawshank Redemption
Ten Things I Hate About You
Honorable Mentions:
Austin Powers (choose one and go with it)
Boondock Saints
The Heist
The Lion King
Office Space
The Patriot
The Score

Movies that Sucked
The Nutty Professor
Public Polls:

1. 5 CDs everyone should own

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