Happy Links

Everyone likes to give props and directions to their favorite sites and such. So here are mine. I've been kind and put them up by category, and given a description of each. So enjoy. :-)

School Stuff
Indiana University
My alma motter... mostly filled with basketball, music students, and some pretty damn cool people.
Univesity of Maryland, College Park
A great school... in the middle of the ghetto. It's known to some as Quince Orchard East.
Terrapins Gone Wild
A fun forum that I post on, for students at UMD.

Stuff I Used To Do
The Indiana University Drumline
I miss these kids more than I can say. I played cymbals my second year at IU and not only did I have a great time, I met some of the best friends I've ever had. Look for me in the 2001 season members and pics.
Kappa Kappa Psi, Alpha Zeta
I am a brother of K.... K Psi........
or at least I used to be. In fact, I was the historian.

The Bitter Club
These girls are my soul mates. Read some of their posts, and you'll see why.
Neato Stuff
This guy is hella sarcastic, but damn funny at the same time.

more coming soon.....

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