Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Oct. 10, 2002

Place: Parks Department headquarters, Long Beach Time: 7 - 8:45 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Pablo Drobny, Jim Knutson, Buzz Minnich, Fred Nicas, Carolyn Reed, Richard Ulibarri, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Shirlee Hitchcock, Buzz Minnich, Nancy SheriffOthers attending: Dave Ashman, Parks Department
Secretary's report: Minutes to the August regular meeting of the board were presented by Pablo Drobny, who filled in as secretary.

MOTION by Carolyn Reed, seconded by Richard Ulibarri to approve the minutes until the September meeting, approved, 5-0, with Secretary Jim Walters abstaining.
Treasurer's report: The treasurer presented an accounting for the August Pet Fair.

MOTION by Jim Walters, seconded by Richard Ulibarri, to approve the August treasurer's report, approved, 6-0.


President Jim Knutson agreed to talk to the Friends of Long Beach Animals about assisting with its Sept. 29 fundraiser. The board previously agreed to round up a few volunteers to help with setup and tear-down for the event.

Committee Business

Projects & fundraising: Chairman and board representative Buzz Minnich.
-- Pet Fair: Jim Walters agreed to mail out letters of thanks to donors. Mr. Walters will also make a final accounting to the Police Department's Vice Division, which issued the solicitation permits.

The sum of the donations is 28.6% of the proceeds, within the 25%-to-35% range established by the board. Jim Knutson agreed to talk to the Friends of Long Beach Animals, one of last year's recipients, for recommendations for local worthy organizations and report back at the October meeting.
--Ice Dogs: Jim Walters suggested that tthe board decide on a year-end fundraiser that could be publicized in the next edition of Paw Prints.

Mr. Walters agreed to contact the team's office about tickets and organize the event.
--Garage sale: Gail Nowak has agreed to host a garage sale fundraiser at her home in North Long Beach near Houghton Park on Sept. 7.
--Dog beach: Jim Knutson reported on proogress for a "Dog Zone" at the beach. The Marine Commission's public hearing Sept. 19 was attended by about 100 people, none of whom said they were opposed to the project, but many voicing an opinion that the current location of Justin Rudd's Haute Dogs events - at the foot of Grenada, east of the Belmont pool - was a better location than one to the east at the foot of Lavern Avenue, which was suggested by the Parks Department. Dave Ashman of the Parks Department agreed to keep the board informed on the progress of the pilot program. The current proposal calls for an area of the beach to be designated for dogs for several hours in the morning and again in the evenings, seven days a week. Although the area would be unsupervised, the city would provide signage, markers, help obtain poop bags and provide for their disposal. Final City Council reading of the "Dog Zone" proposal, Mr. Ashman said, is expected to be in December. Mr. Ashman said that his department would like to see the association evolve into a policy advisory committee, helping oversee the maintenance and development of off-leash zones throughout the city. The board noted that its participation outside of the Dog Park may require some changes in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Assigned to the task force were Pablo Drobny, Jim Knutson, Fred Nicas and Richard Ulibarri.
--Haute Dogs at the Beach: Jim Knutson cclarified reports of the association co-sponsoring Justin Rudd's events. Since the city can accept liability for the association at the Dog Park, our participation allows the city to accept liability at Mr. Rudd's events. Our goals, Mr. Knutson said, are "jointly set" in that we both want to see the beach pilot program succeed.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
-- No action taken.

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Fencing: Fred Nicas has done some addditional mending to the west fence and provided additional fencing and stakes.
-- Ground cover: Fred Nicas said that thhe next dump, about 100 tons at $1,200 to $1,500 is tentatively scheduled for January.
-- Other repairs: Fred Nicas said that tthe installation of three more sprinklers will give the park maximum cover. Work on them could be done at the time of the next ground cover drop. At that time, too, the walk from the main entrance gate to the fence that divides the main and small-dog parks could be taken out, as that's where water continues to pool.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Logo contest: Carolyn Reed said that the winners of the contest have agreed upon a logo. It will be unveiled in the Fall edition of Paw Prints.
-- Merchandising: Carolyn Reed said thatt as she will be organizing the next Pet Fair, she asked that someone else take over the merchandising of the logo. It was suggested that her co-chairwoman, Shirlee Hitchcock, check into the matter.
-- Friends of Long Beach Animals: Carolyyn Reed suggested that the association reciprocate by joining Friends. No action was taken.
-- Membership drive: The membership rolll in August has risen to 117.

Communications & advertising: Chairman and board representatives Jim Walters.
-- Paw Prints: Jim Walters reported thatt work is underway on the Fall 2002 issue. He would like to see it mailed by mid-October.
-- Quarterly meetings: Jim Walters said that the city has sent the association a new form to reserve a meeting room for 2003.

Other Business


Next Meetings

Next quarterly members meeting will be 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Bruins Den.
Next regular board meeting: 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 9, at the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine.

-- JIM WALTERS, Sept. 21, 2002

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