Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: May 2, 2002

Place: Carolyn Reed's home, Long Beach Time: 7:15-8:16 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Pablo Drobny, Shirlee Hitchcock, Jim Knutson, Carolyn Reed, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Buzz Minnich, Fred NicasOthers attending: (none)
Secretary's report: The secretary told the board that the park will not qualify for the UC Davis dog-behavior study, the board agreed to ask researcher Heather Mohan for a copy of her final report.
The secretary is unable to find the minutes of the regular April board meeting. The board decided to table any motion to approve them.
MOTION to approve the minutes for the April quarterly meeting by Jim Knutson, seconded by
Pablo Drobny, approved, 5-0.
Treasurer's report: No report given.



Committee Business

Projects & fundraising: Chairman and board representative Buzz Minnich.
-- Pet Fair: Mr. Minnich has met with aa group of volunteers, including Gerry Facon and Lori Edwards, who organized last year's Pet Fair. This year's components for the Aug. 10 event, he said, will be a longer dog walk, a picnic lunch served by members of the Long Beach Fire Department, and drawings and prizes. Efforts are under way to also secure an agility demonstration.
-- Emergency assistance fund: Jim Walteers reported that Treasurer Fred Nicas had told him that donations to the fund for the Lisa Garcia family are "well above and beyond" what is expected to be a $3,500 vet bill for her wounded dogs.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
-- Election: Mr. Drobny reports that fiive candidates are seeking election:

It was noted that Ms. Laforge agreed to be nominated if the association was unable to come up with enough candidates; since four others have come forward, she will be contacted to see if she would still like to seek a seat. The board drew numbers to determine placement on the ballot with the following results, from first to last: Ms. Sheriff, Mr. Ulibarri, Mr. Nicas, Ms. Laforge and Ms. Reed.

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Maintenance: Mr. Knutson had nothingg new to report.
-- Trees: Jim Walters relayed to the booard his concern over the health of the nine large eucalyptus trees at the park. An insect from Australia has been attacking and killing the trees from San Diego to the Bay Area; shredded leaves on the lower branches of the trees at the park are telltale signs of infestation. Mr. Walters agreed to meet with the city arborist, Tim Miller, to see if the city would permit the association to treat the trees at the park at the association's expense or pursue other alternatives. He will report his findings back to the board in June.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Logo contest: Ms. Reed reports that six people have entered a total of 12 entries in the contest. She will assemble a panel of judges to select the winning entry in time for the winner to be announced at the annual meeting in July.
-- Membership drive: Ms. Reed reports tthat new memberships vs. renewals are running about 50-50, an encouraging sign since over the past two years the percentage of renewals has exceeded 50%.

Communications & advertising: Chairman and board representatives Jim Walters.
-- Paw Prints: Mr. Walters said he woulld like to have the Summer 2002 edition ready to be mailed the first week of July, in time to announce the annual meeting, get the names of the candidates for the elections before the membership before voting ends, and give ample advance of the Pet Fair. Mr. Walters obtained the board's approval to increase the edition from the usual eight pages to 12 to accommodate pictures of all 12 entries in the logo contest and to run a list of contributors to the Ababisi-Zoeie ("A to Z") fund.

Other Business

1. Book signing: Jim Walters reported that he has been unable to finalize figures with author Scott Ringwelski since the author's mother recently died. It is estimated that the association made about $100 from the signing.

Next Meetings

Next quarterly members meeting will be Saturday, July 27, at the Bruins Den.
Next regular board meeting: Thursday, July 11, at Fred Nicas' home.

-- JIM WALTERS, May 21, 2002

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