Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Feb. 7, 2002

Place: Jim Walters' home, Long BeachTime: 7:15-8:05 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Pablo Drobny, Jim Knutson, Buzz Minnich, Fred Nicas, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Shirlee Hitchcock, Carolyn Reed, Others attending: Scott Ringwelski
Secretary's report: Corrections to Jan. 9 minutes: Spelling of Board Member Pablo Drobny's name. MOTION to approve by Mr. Drobny, seconded by Jim Knutson, approved 3-0, with Fred Nicas and Buzz Minnich abstaining.

MOTION to approve minutes of the Jan.26 quarterly members meeting by Mr. Minnich, seconded by Mr. Knutson, approved, 3-0, with Mr. Nicas and Mr. Dobny abstaining.
Treasurer's report: No formal report given.



Committee Business

Projects & fundraising: Chairman and board representative Buzz Minnich.
-- Book-signing: Scott Ringwelski, authhor of "Dogged and Determined," approached the board about a book-signing benefit at the park. His book is a series of short stories about his dog, Taz, whose memorial fireplug is at the Dog Park. Mr. Ringwelski said that he would like to do a reading and book-signing at the park, with 25 percent of the proceeds that day being donated to the association. The book sells for $18.95; tapes are $10. Board members were generally receptive to the idea, but agreed that arrangements would have to be made with the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine.

Fred Nicas and Jim Knutson said they would contact the department. Mr. Walters agreed to fill out a Parks reservation form.
-- Kabul Zoo: Park-goers and associatioon members donated a total of $240 for the Kabul Zoo fund. Tax-deductible donations made out to the association for the fund will be sent in a single check to the North Carolina Zoo Society, which is overseeing the project.

Mr. Walters agreed to write a cover letter to accompany the association's donation.

-- Ice Dogs: A total of 60 tickets were sold for the Feb. 9 hockey fund-raiser. Jim Walters reported that all but three ticket-holders attended. The association made $300 from the event. Treasurer Fred Nicas will reimburse Mr. Walters $660 for the tickets, which he purchased.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
-- Election: Mr. Drobny presented the ffollowing schedule for the 2002 elections:

March 1

First date for nominations.

April 26

Candidates who have declared by this date may present a 3-minute platform speech at the quarterly members meeting.

May 3

Last date nominations will be accepted.

June 14

Ballots mailed to members.

July 20

Deadline for mail-in ballots to be postmarked.

July 27

Deadline of 1 p.m. to hand in ballots at the annual meeting.Late votes added to preliminary totals; winners announced.

Mr. Walters agreed to post the schedule on the association's Web site and include it in the next edition of Paw Prints.

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Lighting: Mr. Knutson had nothing neew to report from the city.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Membership drive: No report given ass both chairwomen were absent.

Communications & advertising: Chairman and board representative Jim Walters.
-- No formal report given.

Other Business


Next Meetings

Next quarterly members meeting will be Saturday, April 26 at the Bruins Den.
Next regular board meeting: Thursday, March 7 at Buzz Minnich's home.

-- JIM WALTERS, Feb. 18, 2002

Board --- Calendar --- Committees --- Directions --- Links --- Membership
News --- Our Best Friends --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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