Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Nov. 7, 2001

Place: Jim Walters' home, Long BeachTime: 7:20-8:45 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Pablo Drobny, Gerry Facon, Shirlee Hitchcock, Jim Knutson, Buzz Minnich, Carolyn Reed, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Fred Nicas Others attending: (none)
Secretary's report: Correction made to the October Quarterly Members meeting, Program, Item 1 to read "Perro, a 5-year-old Dutch shepherd that has …"
MOTION to approve the amended minutes made by Shirlee Hitchcock, seconded by Carolyn Reed, approved, 7-0.
Treasurer's report: Report for November is the same as at the October Quarterly Members Meeting. Click here to see it.


Jim Knutson reported that the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine are being reorganized and that he hopes the association can continue to maintain its good working relationship with the new personnel.

Old Business

1. In committee news:

Projects & fundraising: Chairwoman Lori Edwards; board representative Gerry Facon.
-- Ice Dogs Night: The Feb. 9 fund-raiiser is set. The regular price of tickets is $17; group discount tickets can be purchased for $9 and sold for $15 each. Mr. Facon agreed to sell all the tickets, beginning in January. The goal is to sell 50 seats, netting the association $250.
-- Yard sale: The Dec. 9 even will be in California Heights, with Audrey Mabie and Mary Drobny looking for a location. Mr. Facon said that he will email board members with the address, times, etc. once they are nailed down. Jim Walters agreed to post the final details on the Bark Board and the website.
--Pet Fair: Mr. Facon said that last yyear's proposal for the fair could be easily updated and submitted to the Parks Department as this year's proposal.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
-- Materials: Jim Walters has given Mrr. Drobny last year's rules, ballots and other papers.

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Drainage: Mr. Knutson said that maiintenance work will be performed on the east watering station's drainage from Monday, Dec. 10, through Wednesday Dec. 12, and that the park would be closed those days, but would reopen nightly at 5 p.m. once work crews have left.
-- Sprinklers: Installation of 360-deggree sprinklers have been made by Mr. Nicas at the tree stump and at the corner of the old little-dog park for better coverage of the center of the park.

MOTION by Jim Walters, seconded by Buzz Minnich, to reimburse Mr. Nicas for up to $150 in materials for sprinkler repairs and installations. Approved, 7-0.

-- Lighting: Mr. Knutson reported nothing new.
-- Bags: Carolyn Reed agreed to call UUptown Animal Hospital for additional blue bags for the boxes along the north fence.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Members roll: The secretary has 2100 memberships on the 2001-02 roll to date. At the end of membership year 2000, it was 111.
-- Additional funds: The chairwoman reeported that an additional $40 was contributed by Yori Sakamoto and Mel Marks in October.
-- Logo contest: Ms. Reed has drawn upp plans for the contest which will be announced in the winter edition of Paw Prints and at the January quarterly members meeting.

Communications & advertising: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Walters and Gerry Facon.
-- Census: Teacher Pam Zerby of Poly HHigh has not returned calls.
-- Paw Prints: A lengthy discussion ennsued about who should receive the newsletter. Mr. Walters said that currently members are mailed a copy and advertisers are given from five to 10 copies. Mr. Facon said that all park supporters should receive the newsletter, whether members or not. He said that it is essential that we keep supporters up to date on the park and that non-members should be included on a mailing list. The definition of "park supporter" was debated. Mr. Walters said that expanding the mailing to everyone who has ever been a member or contributed to the association would amount to adding several hundred names to the mailing list. An arbitrary system of deciding who is and who isn't a member would show favoritism, he said. Carolyn Reed said that one of the benefits to membership is that the member receives the newsletter in the mail and to let others receive it would lessen the value of membership. Mr. Walters noted that extra copies of the newsletter are left at the park for visitors. The board concluded to leave the mailing list as it is. Mr. Facon said that feedback from the fall edition was favorable but that some felt there was too much advertising and not enough news. Mr. Walters, who put the edition together, said that most articles were written too long for newsletter format and had to be cut to fit. Mr. Facon suggested putting the ads on an insert but Mr. Walters said that inserts are easy to throw away and most advertisers prefer having editorial content next to their ads. Mr. Walters noted said that due to the amount of time it takes to put together an eight-page newsletter, that if a larger edition is desired, someone else would have to do it.
-- Signage: No progress as the City Coouncil has yet to act on the revised ordinance.
-- Bark Board: The sprinkler system iss taking its toll, Mr. Facon said, and estimates should be looked into for replacement of the public board, with something more substantial and designed to guard against water damage.

New Business

1. Winter Quarterly Meeting: Mr. Facon has proposed that the meeting contain a mini-health fair. Local veterinarians and specialists would be invited to speak about pet health issues, followed by an invitation to visit tables outside and inside the Bruins Den for further health information. Jim Walters said that he didn't think that invitees should be allowed to make sales at the event, because the association would not be giving all pet health-care professional to participate. Buzz Minnich asked how the association would decide whom to ask. Inviting some and not others to a potentially profit-making event would show favoritism, Mr. Walters said. The board agreed that invitees would be told that they could not make sales at the meeting.

MOTION by Gerry Facon, seconded by Pablo Drobny, to proceed with a mini-health fair without sales for the Winter Quarterly Members Meeting and that a list of speakers will be provided at the December board meeting. Approved, 7-0.

Jim Knutson urged the board to keep the event small. Mr. Facon said that Ashley Dobbs and Dr. Melissa Hicks have agreed to participate.

2. Annual plan: Gerry Facon submitted a proposal to board members (attached). Buzz Minnich called the plan "a good start" but didn't agree with the entire proposal. Pablo Drobny said it "had a lot of good ideas." Members agreed to look over the report and to email Mr. Facon with their suggestions and opinions.

Next regular board meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 5 at Pablo Drobny's home, 309 Wisconsin Ave.

Next quarterly meeting: Saturday, Jan. 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Bruins Den.

-- JIM WALTERS, Nov. 26, 2001

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News --- Our Best Friends --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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