Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Oct. 3, 2001

Place: Jim Knutson's home, Long Beach Time: 7:20 - 8:55 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Gerry Facon, Jim Knutson, Buzz Minnich, Fred Nicas, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Pablo Drobny, Shirlee Hitchcock, Carolyn ReedOthers attending: (none)
Secretary's report: Correction made to the Sept. 5 minutes: tonnage of ground cover changed to 200 tons. MOTION to approve the minutes by Jim Knutson, seconded by Fred Nicas, approved 5-0. A thank-you letter to Lori Edwards for her efforts in putting together the Pet Fair was circulated for board members' signatures.
Treasurer's report: Report for Sept. 30 distributed. Fred Nicas noted that donations in the parking meter at the main gate have doubled. Mr. Nicas reported that on individual had made good on two returned checks from the Pet Fair. Click here for complete report.


Jim Knutson reported that Jack Rodriguez of the Peninsula Dog Park Assn. had contacted him about how to set up a park. Rodriguez has been trying to establish a park in San Pedro or on the Palos Verdes Peninsula for three years. Jim Walters noted that he'd received emails from Annie Dransfeldt in Ventura and Elaine Wrenn in Culver City, asking the same thing. Knutson said that the association is fortunate to have such good working partners in the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine and at City Hall. The Parks Department, Mr. Knutson said, wants to use the Dog Park as an example of how a dog- friendly area can exist with few problems as the department works with Justin Rudd's Haught Dogs at the Beach program.

Old Business

1. Jim Walters has received a final copy of the association's agreement with the city. A copy of the extension has been posted at the Web site. The extension runs through Sept. 14, 2003. Mr. Walters also noted that the proposed changes in the City Code as they pertain to the Dog Park have yet to appear on the City Council's agenda for its required three readings. The association is awaiting passage before making new signs at the Dog Park.

2. Jim Knutson said that with financial relief coming from the city to fix the drainage problem and the solid income from the Pet Fair, he would like to see the association make good on a third contribution to an animal welfare organization.

MOTION by Fred Nicas, seconded by Jim Knutson, for the association to donate $500 to the Volunteers of America's Companion Pet Program, to support in-house care for the pets of disabled seniors. Approved, 5-0.

This check will be presented with the two others at the Oct. 27 quarterly members meeting.

3. Fred Nicas said that Lillian Estrada has raised about $50 from the sale of her bows and homemade bandannas that she would like to contribute to a Sept. 11th charity, perhaps the Red Cross, in the association's name. The board generally agreed that there would be no problem with that and that the association itself might want to supplement that contribution. In addition Mr. Nicas said that he would attempt to see if he could find a store or business that might match the contribution.

MOTION by Buzz Minnich, seconded by Jim Walters, to accept a donation from Lillian Estrada for the sum of ($72.21) and make a donation to the Afghan Children's Fund for the sum of $100, which she has requested. Approved, 5-0.

4. Jim Walters said that he and Pam Zerby of Long Beach Poly High, the only teacher to have responded to an invitation to join the association in conducting a census at the Dog Park, had been playing phone tag about planning the project.

5. Fred Nicas presented noted that he had made repairs to the west-end watering station.

MOTION by Jim Walters, seconded by Buzz Minnich, to reimburse Mr. Nicas for no more than $75 for repairs to the west-end watering station. Approved 4-0, with Mr. Nicas abstaining.

6. In committee news:

Projects & fundraising: Chairwoman Lori Edwards; board representative Gerry Facon.
-- Ice Dogs Night: The association is wwaiting for the hockey team to determine its Fan Appreciation Night.
-- Belmont Shore Christmas Parade: Sincce Justin Rudd's Haute Dogs organization is planning to make an appearance, the board decided not to compete with another dog unit.
-- Long Beach Pops Holiday Program: Duee to poor attendance last year, the pops will not have a holiday concert this year.
-- Yard sale: A sale between Thanksgiviing and Christmas was agreed upon. Details will be worked out at the quarterly members meeting.
-- City funding: Fred Nicas said he wass told by the Parks Department's Dave Ashman that the Garden Club will be receiving some discretionary funds from the mayor as it celebrates its 25th anniversary. Mr. Ashman, he said, would like to get the association positioned to receive future funding from City Hall.
-- Pet Fair: Jim Knutson said that Mr. Ashman has asked for six months' notice on next year's event for planning purposes - next January. Mr. Facon said that he could get a proposal for the next fair written up by then. He said he wasn't sure how much Ms. Edwards would be involved in next year's event. He said she did not feel that the board fully supported her efforts, that few people volunteered their time, there was too much nitpicking and that she had told her donors that a more significant portion of the proceeds would be given to nonprofit groups.

Nominations and elections: Chairman and board representative Pablo Drobny.
(No report)

Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas.
-- Drainage: Mr. Knutson said that he hhad met with Dave Ashman of the Parks Department about the association's attempts to solve the problem at the east-end watering station. Mr. Ashman said that the department will fix the mud hole problem but that the original commitment for funding is gone and other arrangements will have to be made. Nevertheless, Mr. Knutson said he is confident that the city will pay to fix the problem. City crews, he said, are scheduled to work on the drainage problem Nov. 10.
-- Lighting: Mr. Knutson said that the city will proceed with preparatory work. Four new 400-watt lights at $1,800 each may provide adequate lighting at the park. Mr. Knutson said that the city will attempt to install and pay for two of them and then the association would pay for the rest. The city, he said, would pay for the electricity. Yet to be determined are what type of lights (high-pressure sodium?), how they might be installed (off the existing poles by the golf course?) and what fixtures to use. Mr. Knutson said that Mr. Ashman wants the association to be involved in the selection of the lights. No timetable has been established for this project. Recent lighting problems at the park were caused when work on the golf course interrupted power throughout Recreation Park.
-- Ground cover: Mr. Nicas said that hee has placed an order for Nov. 10, with 200 tons to cover the old little-dog park and the area to the west of the restroom at about $2,700.

Membership: Co-chairwomen and board representatives Carolyn Reed and Shirlee Hitchcock.
-- Members roll: The secretary has 180 memberships on the 2001-02 roll to date. At the end of membership year 2000, it was 111.

Communications & advertising: Co-chairmen and board representatives Jim Walters and Gerry Facon.
-- Census: Jim Walters reported that thhe only local teacher to respond to the association's plea for help in taking a park census was Pam Zerby of Long Beach Poly High. He has been playing phone tag with her on setting up a meeting.
-- Fund-raiser: Mr. Walters reported thhat he and Shirlee Hitchcock had staffed a table for the association at the Friends of the Animal Shelter's Sept. 23 fund-raiser downtown. Although they gave away leftover capsulized poop bags and copies of Paw Prints, no new memberships were sold. Mr. Walters said that the majority of people who stopped by the table were from out of town.

New Business

1. The board agreed that the October quarterly members meeting agenda should contain the following items:

2. The next regular board meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at Jim Walters' home.
The next quarterly meeting will be Saturday, Oct. 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Bruins Den.

-- JIM WALTERS, Oct. 20, 2001

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