Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: June 7, 2001

Place: Gerry Facon's home, Long BeachTime: 7 - 10:25 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Gerry Facon, Jim Knutson, Fred Nicas, Carolyn Reed, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Rae SteinerOthers attending: Buzz Minnich
April 28th's meeting's minutes: MOTION to approve by Gerry Facon, seconded by Jim Knutson, approved 3-0 with Fred Nicas abstaining.
April 5th's meeting's minutes: Bulleted section on documents that the association must file was deleted as that meeting occurred after April 5. MOTION to approve the amended minutes by Mr. Facon, seconded by Jim Walters, approved 3-0 with Mr. Nicas abstaining.
Treasurer's report: Approved as part of the April 5 minutes. To see the complete report, click here.


Jim Knutson extended an invitation to the three candidates for the Board of Directors to attend the meeting. Shirlee Hitchcock and Buzz Minnich attended; Pablo Drobny declined.

Old Business

1. Secretary Jim Walters announced that the California Secretary of State's Office has approved the association's amended Articles of Incorporation, effective May 24, 2001 (No. A0565251), and sent a copy of the Articles to the Attorney General's Office.

2. Treasurer Fred Nicas reported that he and Jim Knutson had met with Abacus Accounting to review the association's financial obligations and filings with the state and federal governments. The biggest concern, Mr. Nicas said, was filing a change of address with the state and federal agencies. Gerry Facon said that the state Attorney General's Office's website notes that all organizations must file State Form 199, but Mr. Nicas said that he was told that as long as the organization's annual finances remained under $25,000, no filing was necessary. Mr. Nicas said that he is "comfortable where we are at and what we have done."

Below are the documents that the association must file and our status, according to Mr. Nicas:

3. Jim Knutson said had no news to report on the organization seeking a permanent meeting site.

4. The proposed City Code amendments as they pertain to the Dog Park were the subject of a second public meeting conducted by the Parks Department. Visitor Buzz Minnich said that attendance was sparse. In general few parts of the proposal raised disagreement, he said, but that those who attended disagreed with Section C, Paragraph 9 but came to this agreement: "Professional dog trainers may not use the facilities to conduct classes or individual training." The city attorney will now take this proposal to the City Council where it must be read three times before it becomes law. Representatives of the Parks Department stated that there was a request to limit the size of dogs that use the small-dog park, Mr. Minnich said. Those attending the meeting suggested that small dogs be limited to 25 pounds and under.

5. The board agreed to do the construction work on the Bark Board at the July monthly cleanup. Materials have been purchased to enclose the other side of the board; the current side's cover will be re-hinged so that it opens down for easier access.

6. Board members agreed to individually assess the signs at the park so that the board can make decisions on how to consolidate and update the signage. All are in agreement that there are too many signs strung throughout the park, several in disrepair.

7. Jim Walters reported that he and Jim Knutson had met with a representative of the Parks Department to come up with a list of procedures covering park incidents that will be posted at the park. Although the Police Department and Animal Control said that they would send representatives, they did not.
MOTION to post the following notice, pending approval from the concerned departments, made by Mr. Walters, seconded by Fred Nicas, approved, 4-0:

In case of a life-threatening emergency, use the yellow call box by the Casting Pond, or
call 911. The dispatcher will summon police, park rangers or the Fire Department.

To report any of these incidents, use the yellow call box by the Casting Pond,
or dial (562) 435-6711:

When the dispatcher asks for an address: You are at 5201 E. 7th St.

This list has been mailed to the chiefs of the Police and Parks departments and Animal Control for their final approval.

8. In committee news:

Projects & fundraising: Chairwoman Lori Edwards. Committee member Gerry Facon reported that the Pet Fair is proceeeding. Insurance totaling $210.36 has been obtained by Ms. Edwards and that there may be a possible discount forthcoming; permits should be waived. The city will provide parking along Federation Avenue. The association needs to have volunteers to enforce parking and monitor the crosswalk from 9-11 a.m. for the Dog Walk. A permit from Animal Control is in the works for the Dog Walk; city waiver forms are available and will be copied. Eleven cases (250 bottles) of water for people and pets has been ordered from the city for free. Balloons will be obtained from PetCo. Lillian Estrada is making bandannas. Registration for the event will provide participants an opportunity to join the association. Mr. Facon is trying to get Press-Telegram columnist Tom Hennesy to kick off the Dog Walk and award prizes. Prizes are need for the fastest, slowest, best/worst behaved etc. Assisting with this event are the Pablo Drobny family, the Winger family and Sandy Facon.
Carolyn Reed has been working on pet agility and other demonstrations but her contacts have fallen through. Tina McDermett and Mr. Facon will try their sources. The Fire Department has informed Ms. Edwards that it has the date open to prepare hot dogs, buns and condiments at no charge. The association needs to provide napkins, drinks and chips. Ms. Edwards and Ms. Facon will try to get gift certificates from local markets to help defray costs. Three volunteers have been lined up to sell food and drinks. Ice coolers still need to be obtained. Ms. Edwards has lined up the following exhibitors for the Pet Fair: Friends of the Long Beach Animal Shelter, the K-9 Officers Unit, Belmont Pets, Doggie in the Window and Wiskas. Shirlee Hitchcock has agreed to help coordinate getting gift certificates and putting together gift baskets; seven are available and another 15 to 20 more are needed. Inexpensive items will be used for Opportunity Drawings; better items will be used in a Chinese Auction; good items will be used in a Silent Auction. Contests throughout the event will be held for oldest/youngest, biggest/smallest, dog-owner lookalikes, etc. The association will also set up a booth to sign up new members.Within the next two weeks details will be nailed down so that press releases and fliers can be written and sent out. Figures from the Portraits in the Park are incomplete; The Green on the Hill Concerts item has been tabled. Jim Walters reported that Justin Rudd has made a $30 donation to the association from his Easter pet walk; he was sent a thank-you later.
Nominations and elections: Chairman Gerry Facon. Due to two complaints, the association has rescinded its announcement that the three unopposed candidates will be declared winners because members may write in names of candidates on their own. Jim Knutson has prepared an explanatory letter that will accompany ballots and mail-back envelopes. Jim Walters agreed to help Mr. Facon prepare the mailing next week.
Maintenance & planning: Co-chairmen Jim Knutson and Fred Nicas. Mr. Nicas said that the next drop of ground cover will probably be in early August, with the center of the park targeted. He predicted that it will take about three deliveries to finish the park's initial covering. Recent attempt to fix the mud hole by the middle watering station were only partially successful. In addition, the faucet was turned around so that it now is directly over the drain. Further talks with the city will be made to determine what course of action will be taken. The bottom portion of the main entrance gate remains broken.
MOTION by Gerry Facon, seconded by Jim Walters, for the Maintenance Committee to repair the gate if it can be done for less than $500 and by the Pet Fair, approved 4-0.
Mr. Nicas has asked that no more squares be sold for the Pet Promenade until after the second pour is done. No date has been set for the pour but the board agreed that contributors must be alerted to the date so that they can personalize their squares in the wet cement. No calls to the Parks Department were reported in May.
Membership: Acting Chairwoman Carolyn Reed. The secretary has 69 memberships on the 2001-02 roll. Mr. Nicas has forwarded the April and May joiners to the secretary to be added to the roll. The total for 2000 was 111.
Communications & advertising: Jim Walters is chair. The Summer 2001 issue of Paw Prints will contain the president's remarks and summaries of the past three board meetings are all that need to be written for the edition. Mr. Walters wants to wrap this up by the first weekend in July and get it off to the printer.

New Business

1. Facing the approaching deadline for the association's 90-day opportunity to exercise its option to renew its contract with the city, the board agreed that it should notify the City Attorney's Office that it would like to do so. The current contract will expire Sept. 14. The board agreed that an extension is necessary for the association to continue.
MOTION to notify City Attorney Robert Shannon that the association would like to extend its agreement with the city with an option of a two- or three-year extension made by Jim Walters, seconded by Gerry Facon, approved, 4-0.

2. Secretary Jim Walters suggested that as the one-year anniversary of the new board approaches, it would be appropriate to commend Phil Hester of the Parks Department and employees Terry Lortz, Dave Ashman, Gil Moxley, Art and his crew for their assistance to the association.
MOTION to send a thank-you letter to Mr. Hester with copies to Mr. Lortz, Mr. Ashman, Mr. Moxley, Art and his crew made by Mr Walters, seconded by Jim Knutson, approved, 4-0.

3. In light of the fact that the Police Department's K-9 Unit has lost two officers in the past few months, the board agreed to make a donation to help the city buy and train additional police dogs.
MOTION to donate $250 to the Police Department's K-9 Unit made by Gerry Facon, seconded by Jim Knutson, approved, 4-0.

4. In an effort to see how much the park is used for the board's benefit as well as the city's , Jim Walters has written to the heads of the mathematics departments of Jordan, Lakewood, Millikan, Poly and Wilson high schools to see if the teachers and students would like to take part in a project this fall. Mr. Walters will keep the board informed as of the response to the proposal.

5. The agenda for the annual/quarterly meeting for July 28 was briefly discussed with the Pet Fair results, the election results and year-end reports all to be included.

6. Next regular board meeting: Thursday, July 5, at Jim Walters' home.

-- JIM WALTERS, June 20, 2001

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