Summary of SPRING QUARTERLY MEETING: April 28, 2001

Place: Bruins Den, East 7th St., Long Beach Time: 1:30-2:45 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Gerry Facon, Jim Knutson, Jim Walters
Board members and officers absent: Fred Nicas, Carolyn Reed, Rae SteinerOthers attending: Six members/park users
Last open meeting's minutes: No action taken.
Treasurer's report: No report given; no action taken


Because of a lack of a quorum, the Board of Directors could take no votes.

Old Business

1. Jim Knutson said that he is still trying to arrange a public meeting place for regular board meetings. "Nothing with the city is simple," he said. Talks are still underway, he said, and the Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine is being cooperative.

2. Jim Knutson reported that the Parks Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine has set Thursday, May 17 at the Golf School on Carson Street as the site of the public forum on proposed revised City Code changes pertaining to the Dog Park.

3. Jim Walters announced that a meeting to establish a list of emergency procedures with the Parks and Police departments and Animal Control has been set for April 26. This list will be posted at the park

New Business

1. Standing committees: Jim Knutson announced the formation of five new standing committees to open up the organization, promote greater involvement and to solicit ideas and better ways of doing things. Gerry Facon noted that per the organization's revised Bylaws, the president is an ex-officio member every committee. Mr. Facon suggested - and many members agreed - that a board member should be an active member of each committee to ensure backup and support, to help eliminate political bottlenecks and to ensure cross-committee coordination and communication.

The committees:

Projects & Fundraising: Chairwoman Lori Edwards was not present to give an update on the planned summer pet fair.
Maintenance & Planning: Mr. Knutson said that the next shipment of decomposed granite would be ready for delivery in May and that signs would be posted at the park to announced daytime closure days. Mr. Knutson said that Gil Moxley has devised a three-prong attack to solve the problem of the large mudhole just north of the middle watering station. The plan calls for raising the rock area around it by 3 inches and expanding it in area by another foot; additional decomposed granite will be put around the station; smaller water containers should be used at this watering facility and discarded water should be poured into the standing clay pipe that feeds into the sewer line. The valve has been taken off this watering station; people had been hooking a hose up to it to wash their dogs off and adding to the problem. The Parks Department will reassess the situation after these steps have been taken and then decide if Public Works should be brought in. No calls were made in April to the Parks Department.
Acting chairowman Carolyn Reed was absent. No report was given.
Communications & Advertising: The Spring 2001 issue of Paw Prints was mailed mid-month. Chairman Jim Walters said that efforts will be made to find a new printer as the reproduction in the past issue wasn't very good.
Nominations & Elections:
Declared candidates Pablo Drobney and Shirlee Hitchcock presented their campaign platforms to members. Buzz Minnich, who said he would decide whether to see a seat on the board over the weekend, also made some remarks. Candidates must declare by May 3.

2. Suggestions from those members attending the meeting included:

--JIM WALTERS, Secretary, May 3, 2001

Board --- Calendar --- Committees --- Directions --- Links --- Membership
News --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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