Summary of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: March 1, 2001

Place: Jim Walters' home, Long BeachTime: 7:20 - 9:30 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Gerry Facon, Jim Knutson, Fred Nicas, Carolyn Reed, Jim Walters.
Board members and officers absent: Rae SteinerOthers attending: Lori Edwards
Last month's meeting's minutes: MOTION for approval by Carolyn Reed; second by Jim Knutson. Approved, 5-0.
Treasurer's report: Balance on hand Feb. 28: $ 3,340.02 ... to see the complete report, click here.


Gerry Facon was voted to fill the vacant position of vice president.

Old Business

1. Gerry Facon reported that the revised Articles of Incorporation and the new Bylaws have been sent to the California Secretary of State and we are awaiting state certification. Fred Nicas reported that he has filed the proper papers with the state Attorney General's Office.

2. Dave Ashman has been in touch with several members of the board with the proposed changes to the City Code as it pertains to the Dog Park. After considerable discussion, board members agreed that the association should stay out of the process as it is a fund-raising organization. The members agreed that it would behoove the Parks Department to have one last public meeting on the matter before it goes to the city council for approval.

3. Jim Knutson reported that Terry Lortz of the Parks Department has been looking for a venue for regular association meetings. Board members suggested that if the department cannot find one, the association might seek a meeting room at a bank or elsewhere.

4. Fred Nicas said that "a little over 30" people are awaiting their squares on the Pet Promenade. Mr. Nicas suggested that those additional squares for the walk might be placed in an area between the parking lot and he main east gate that is usually muddy after rains. He said he would be willing to do the labor himself with a city inspection, if the city would allow it. Former board members had said that the city said it was not economically sound do another concrete pour unless the association had 100 squares sold.

5. Gerry Facon told the board that he has been able to obtain plexiglass and hardware to cover the other side of the Bark Board and thereby double the association's bulletin board space; the materials are to be a donation. Jim Walters reported that new material-meetings summaries, committee news, a calendar, etc.-have been placed on the west side of the board thanks to Carolyn Reed. Mr. Walters said that once his health recovers, he'll have more time to do planning with the board, but, for now, just wanted to get new material on the board since it has been neglected for months. Mr. Walters said that Dave Ashman of the Parks Department assured him that the Bark Board does belong to the association and that if the organization wants to enclose the other side, it may.

6. Jim Walters reported little news on the proposal for posted procedures. He said that Dave Ashman of the Parks Department liked the idea, but that he had not contacted the Police Department nor Animal Control as of yet.

New Business

1. In committee news:

Projects & Fundraising: Chairwoman Lori Edwards said several proposals are being worked on: A carnival at the Dog Park, complete with vender booths, a dog walk and a pet photo day. She agreed to present written proposals to the board at its next meeting. The photo project, deemed the easiest to put together, will be tried first and in conjunction with a raking party. The board agreed to schedule the first event May 5 and the next one the following month so that they could be advertised in the spring issue of Paw Prints, which will be mailed to members in mid-April. The secretary agreed to contact the city for permits and insurance waivers for the photo events. Committee member Gerry Facon said that a donation request to Autodesk, a pet friendly company, was turned down.
Maintenance & Planning: Co-chairman Jim Knutson said that the next shipment of ground cover will be spread at the little-dog park and, if material is left over, just inside the main entrance. That shipment is due to arrive March 6 but could be delayed by rain. Co-chairman Fred Nicas said that the board may eventually want to install three 360-degree sprinklers in the center of the park, near the stump with the little tree growing out of it, to water that part of the park that can't be reached by the sprinklers on the parameter fence. Jim Walters also suggested that the committee might look into getting a bag box installed in the new small-dog park since it has none. Carolyn Reed said that perhaps the donor of the two blue boxes on the north fence might be persuaded to donate another for the small-dog park. The committee agreed to look into getting a box installed.
Membership: Acting Chairwoman Carolyn Reed said she will get letters and registration forms mailed out to last year's members who have not renewed and to other former members from years past. Ms. Reed agreed to be the point-person as far as membership goes: She will send out thank-you letters to new and renewing members and make sure that the checks go to the treasurer. The treasurer will then give the registration forms to the secretary so that those names can be added to the official list.
Communications & Advertising: Chairman Jim Walters showed members the in-progress Spring 2001 issue of Paw Prints. He is awaiting two more editorial pieces and may have another ad or two to include. Member Karen Dwerlkotte-Holmes has helped provide editorial material to this issue which is to be mailed by April 14. Mr. Walters wants to get the issue to the printer, All Copy and Print, before April 1. The store's owner charges the association $300 for 1,000 copies on the condition that his print shop gets an ad in the issue. Lori Edwards said that she might be able to find a better deal for the association.
Nominations & Elections: Gerry Facon has volunteered to chair this panel and Jim Walters has agreed to stay on to assist. Several volunteers will be needed to help mail out ballots June 15 and count them before the July 28 meeting.

2. Jim Walters reported that 21 new members have joined the association for 2001-02 in February and five more have renewed. Of last month's joiners, 12 were individuals and seven were families ($475); five were supporting ($250); one was sustaining ($75); and one was a patron ($100); for a total of $900. Twenty-one were new memberships; five were renewals. This brings this membership year's total to 31 (22 new memberships and nine renewals).

3. In maintenance matters, Jim Knutson reported problems with the restroom that the association shares with the golf course. Mr. Knutson said that he checks it daily and that no one has cleaned it in over a two-week stretch. After pursuing the problem with the Parks Department, he was told that upkeep is handled by American Golf, the organization that oversees the course. American Golf maintains that it cleans the bathroom daily-but Mr. Knutson said that it has gone untouched. His calls to Vince --- of American Golf have gone unanswered.

4. After a brief discussion, the board decided to change its next meeting date, and consolidate the next quarterly meeting in April with the regular May meeting.

5. The next meeting will be April 5 at Carolyn Reed's home.

--JIM WALTERS, Secretary, March 5, 2001

Board --- Calendar --- Committees --- Directions --- Links --- Membership
News --- Our Best Friends --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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