Place: Bruins Den, East 7th St., Long Beach Time: 1:45-3 p.m.
Board members and officers present: Becky Bailey, Gerry Facon, Gary Hovanian, Jim Knutson, Barbara McPherson, Jim Walters, Miriam Yarden.
Board members and officers absent: Joan Shamitz,
Rae Steiner,
Others attending: David Ashman of the Parks Dept.;
12 members/park users
Last open meeting's minutes: None taken from last quarterly meeting to approve. Secretary Jim Walters introduced members to the association's home page on the Internet at and email at [email protected].
Treasurer's report: Balance of $3,561.90 as of Oct. 16, 2000. For more details, click here.


President Jim Knutson introduced the new officers to the members.

Old Business

1. Proposed city ordinance changes: Jim Knutson reported that after the Department of Parks and Recreation collected much public comment, the matter now is with the City Attorney's Office. David Ashman of the Parks Department said that attorneys are comparing the suggestions with state laws, to ensure that the proposed changes will be legal. He said that officials have told him that the city attorney's draft will not be revealed until after the November elections so that candidates for municipal offices cannot use the issue in the fall campaign. Mr. Ashman said he will forward a copy of the city attorney's draft to the association; Jim Walters told members that he will put the draft on the association's website.

2. Small-dog park: Jim Knutson informed members that the city wasn't able to begin work on the area until city funds became available in October. Work began this week but won't be finished until next week. Additional gates still need to be installed and a pipe laid for a new water station, this one inside the main exercise area, as the east station will now be in the small-dog area. Gerry Facon said that he has received many calls from park users who are dismayed that the park will be closed again next week and asked David Ashman if a temporary fence could be put through the middle of the park to keep half the park open even if it meant an additional day of closure, reasoning that several days of half-a-park open is better than fewer day of an entire park closed. Mr. Ashman said he would check into the matter and inform Mr. Knutson.

3. Sprinklers: Jim Knutson was pleased to announce that the system is up and running. He explained that individual shut-off valves have been installed on each sprinkler head so that as many as a quarter of the entire system or as few as one sprinkler can be turned on at one time. Increased water pressure with fewer sprinklers running provides deeper coverage into the park, he said. Special mention was made to volunteers Fred Nicas and Hector Sanchez who assisted Mr. Knutson - with the city's permission - in installing the valves ($210), which were paid by donations.

4. Ground cover: With the west half of the park covered, Jim Knutson said there has been discussion about covering the new small-dog park next. The last decomposed granite was delivered and spread this week at the park. About $5,000 has been raised and spent this year on the project which has received good reviews; the only complaint Mr. Knutson said that he has heard is that tennis balls don't bounce very well on the new surface. Miriam Yarden said that the association has spent about $1,800 per delivery, 25 to 30 tons of covering in three to five truck loads. Mr. Knutson also thanked those volunteers who have participated in the yard sales to fund this project and the volunteers who have raked the grounds before each delivery. The board extended a special thank-you to association member Fred Nicas who has arranged and coordinated much of this project.

5. Locked gates: Jim Walters said that the board has been pleased with the Department of Parks and Recreation's response to maintenance calls over the past three months. Eight calls have been catalogued and of those, seven were resolved within 24 hours. However, Mr. Walters said, the majority of the calls have been about padlocks left on the gates when the park has been open. Visitors have forced these gates open and damaged the hinges. David Ashman said that he would see about getting Mr. Walters a copy of the padlock key since Mr. Walters is at the park almost every morning.

6. Jim Walters informed members that he and member Lillian Estrada are preparing a proposed "welcome package" for new members, which will be submitted to the board for approval. At present new members receive a welcome letter.

New Business

1. Calendar: Gerry Facon distributed copies of an association planning calendar to show members target dates for meetings, fundraisers and the publication of Paw Prints. Jim Walters said that a working calendar will also be on the association's website.

2. Fundraisers: Several ideas for quarterly fundraisers were offered for review:

3. Bylaws: Jim Knutson told member that the board has assiduously gone into the matter with the state Secretary of State and Attorney General's offices to determine the association's legal foundation and reported that original papers filed in 1996 are in effect. Those bylaws, he said, do not reflect the reality of the association today and that the board will present to members a new set of bylaws for them to review, comment and vote on, hopefully by the next quarterly meeting. Mr. Knutson thanked Gerry Facon for his work on the matter.

4. After considerable discussion, the board agreed that the agenda for the open quarterly meeting will include an update on the park's sprinkler, groundcover and small-dog park projects, a status report on the proposed changes in city ordinances pertaining to the dog park. Those attending will also be informed that a new set of bylaws will be ready for their vote at the following quarterly meeting in January. Under the current bylaws, anyone who wants to vote on the issue may register with the secretary as a member of the association; no registration deadline was noted. Jim Walters will prepare flyers announcing the quarterly meeting and Gerry Facon agreed to get them mailed.

Action Items
The following action items were noted and should be taken care of prior to the next meeting:

1. Jim Walters will check into the cost of obtaining additional donation parking meters for the park with the city.

2. David Ashman will get a copy of the gate padlock key to Jim Walters.

--JIM WALTERS, Secretary, Nov. 1, 2000

Board --- Calendar --- Committees --- Directions
News --- Projects --- Rules --- Secretary's report --- Treasurer's report

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