Personal Reflection of Tenth Grade at Eastlake Highschool


Tenth grade was a wholly new facet of high school to experience. It was a bit harder, a bit more fun, and a bit more fulfilling. I have met new people this year, grown farther apart with some, and have not regretted any part of this year. I have had new experiences this year that have taught me valuable lessons about myself as well as others. I have learned so many new things as a sophomore that I can hardly remember them all. Tenth grade was a new chapter of my life and I would never trade it for anything else.

Classes were a bit harder because of my own choosing. I chose to take two AP classes, one honors class, and one accelerated class. Yes, the classes were more demanding than normal classes, and yes, more of my own personal time was eaten up by homework and studying, bit it was all worth it. The classes challenged me as well as gave me a sense of increasing knowledge and satisfaction. I also took two one-semester elective classes: Criminal and Civil Law and Intro to Art. Criminal and Civil Law was a very enjoyable class because I was able to learn more about a subject that I am very interested in. Intro to Art is fun because learning about the history of art is interesting and new to me.

Tenth grade was also a bit more fn because I was given the opportunity to meet new people and make even more friends. At the beginning of the year, I met two girls that I had not known previously. We had realized that we had many common interests and became close friends with some other girls. These girls that became my friends allowed me to explore an area of myself that I had not even realized I possessed. These girls and I had adventures and shared new experiences that I will never forget. They focused me and made me think about more important things that I hadn�t previously thought of. The friends I made this year changed me in some ways for the better and have made me a better person that I would have been had I not met them.

This year I feel that I have also become more responsible. I have taken a greater hand in raising my little sister Tammy, participating in school, and doing community service. My family has always played a big role in my life, but this year saw that role grow even larger. My little sister Tammy is now three years old and growing up quite nicely. Now that she is a toddler, Tammy requires even more care and attention than she used to. I�ve learned how to be a responsible older sister by teaching her the alphabet, spending time with her, and making sure her needs are met when my parents aren�t there. I�ve also spent another year as class president, and juggling that along with Junior Varsity Cheer and classes is something that I feel very proud of. I don�t believe that I�ve allowed any of my extracurricular or my grades to slip. My level of responsibility really has grown quite a bit this year.

Sophomore year has been an incredible year that I�ve enjoyed going through. It has brought me one year closer to graduation and for that I am sorry. But other than that, I do not regret a single thing that has happened this year. The new experiences I�ve had along with the new people that I�ve met have affected me profoundly and I�d like to think for the better. I feel that I have changed this year, but only positively. My rigorous academic life and busy extracurricular activities have kept me on my toes and satisfied for it. Tenth grade was amazing.


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