My On-Line Journal
September 27, 2003
Yeah, school started. I had an audidtion for voice lessons, and I hope it went well. She might not take me because its Group Voice, and I'm one of the few that can read music, and may be too advanced. Imagine being rejected because you're better at something. And I want to drop Italian, but that depends on whether or not I can get into voice lessons. Choir starts tuesday! Woo Hoo! I'm really excited. And Stephanie is in it. Yay! education 92A seems interesting, so does CMPE 003.
   So, I took this quiz, and I agree with it. I'm very happy with what I turned out to be.
Ted: Food & Wine Connoisseur

Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
brought to you by Quizilla
September 16, 2003
Today was a horrible day. Well, it wasn't so bad until around 6:30 this evening. Ooops! Gotta go watch tv, be back in half an hour......Ok, back. Anyway so here was my day:
    First, I woke up, and phoned my dad and Ann. Then I went to my parent shouse, and my dad was trying to do something about my speeding ticket and blah blah blah, so we went out to lunch. We went to Gashouse Pizza which is SOOOOO GOOOOD! I love it! And then I went to the UCSC pharmacy and waited forever. Then I went home, changed, and went to work. And worked... and then at 6:30 this women called and yelled at me about her purse not being there yet, and I don't know, it was complicated, and not my fault. But she was literally yelling at me over the phone. And I was trying my best, but I didn't really know what was going on with her purse, so I couldn't answer her questions. And she just kept yelling and yelling. And then she hung up. And I burst into tears. I called Ann, who eventually came and rescued me. But I cried a good hour and a half, on and off. My eyes still sting. And I'm all puffy. So that was really awful. I felt so bad that I couldn't help her. I didn't know what to do! And she just kept yelling and yelling. It was really awful. Not even my least faorite customer has actually made me cry. Came close, though.
   So, anyway, back at the home page of my web site, you'll notice a new link!
SPIDER WATCH is new for me, and is inspired by the event that happened September 14th at 5am. If you're not familiar with it, read the journal entry below. It was really really really really scary. Trust me.  So now, I'm recording all the times I see spiders, or don't see spiders. And what they look like. And the spiders my housemates report. Should be interesting...
Alright! Have a nice day!
Journal Archive #1
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