Because Geocities won't give me enough space to just keep writing and writing, I had to start an archive. Too bad I already erased some previous entries :(
September 14, 2003-- THE SPIDER STORY
   Ok, do you want to KNOW what happened last night??? I think you do. So I wake up at 5 AM, because I have to go to the bathroom. And I walk into the bathroom and there is a
FREAKING HUGE SPIDER just sitting on the wall. I mean this guy was GIGANTIC. Now, I don't really care much for spiders, or anything creepy or crawly or slithery or reptile-y or any gross stuff that little boys are made of. Snakes, snails, puppy dog tails, you get the idea. Well, spiders are probably 2nd on that list (I am terrified of snakes, snakes are worse). So anyway, I go the bathroom, all the while staring at this HUGE spider. And then I close the door to the bathroom, and go back to bed, and close the door to my room. And I can't sleep. I was so afraid that this huge scary hairy spider was going to crawl under the bathroom door, under my door, and come and eat me. Or crawl into my nose. Or something yukky like that, that happens in scary bug movies. So then I get up, praying to God, "PLEEEASE, let me kill this thing. Don't let it eat me. And if I hit it and it doesn't die, please let it not drop on my head..." So get up (exhausted, cna't really see straight). And I grap one of my heavier shoes, and go back to the bathroom--- but no spider. Ok, I'm freaking out. Then I look above me, and sitting on the door frame is this huge gross spider. And I screamed. Out loud. And I realize, I can't hit this thing with a shoe because its on an uneven surface, and he'll crawl into the door frame (because its a slidy door), and then he will be MAD and come and murder me. I considered calling dad? Some nice boy? I felt like Annie Hall without a Woody Allen. So then, I also thought I couldn't get this thing in a jar. So it would have to be me grabbing it off the wall with toilet paper. But toilet paper is too thin! So I went upstairs and got a big ol' paper towel. And went downstairs. And prayed. And then I tried and hesitated a couple of times. And then....I DID IT. I grapped that thing off the door frame, squished it as much as I possibly could, and flushed it down the toilet. Hooray its gone!!! But I still think there must be more somewhere....
September 12, 2003
   Wow! A month exactly since I last typed in the journal! I can't believe it. Actually, kind of a lot has happened. But I don't know where to start, so I'll just start talking. I saw Jane Monheit in concert at Kuumbwa! It was so great, I can't believe how close we were. I went with Judy and Michael (two very lovely friends) and a grand time was had by all.
    Ummm...Matt and Sara's wedding is on saturday! Woo Hoo! I got a new dress, which I'm not crazy about. Not as crazy about it as the one I was GOING to wear, which my mom gave away! Haha, it makes me laugh though. I got them their present yesterday at Crate and Barrel off their registry. Nothing exciting. Some glassware, the brownie spatula (??!!! quite unecessary in my opinion), and magnets. I shpopped all day for a dress, gift, shoes... And drove over the hill and back. Needless to say, I was exhausted!
    Speaking of my mum, she got a job as Direcotr of Women's Ministries at our church (santa Cruz Bible)!! I'm so proud of her, she's so great. I just pray that she leads these women and shows them God's love.
   Oh! This is interesting. After a month and a half from our first date, Chase called! That was weird. So then the day I got his phone message, i went into the mall, and spent hours talking to Ann. Then as I was leaving, he came in, and it was like, "Whoa!" So then we walked around the mall a bit, and talked (but I always feel a bit like he's insulting me) but not really, because he's VERy difficult to talk to. And then he walked me to my car, and asked me out. So then later, like the next week, he calls me AT WORK (which does not impress me to say the least) and asks me to go to a bonfire that night. OK, last minute is not a good idea. PLUS, a bonfire is on a beach...with people I don't escape...after I've worked all day and am exhausted. NOT A GOOD/SAFE IDEA!!! So I flatly said "NO." And I think I hurt his feelings. But you know what? I should only be dating boys I could see marrying. And I could NEVER marry him. But its flattering. Haven't heard from him since.
   And while we're talking about boys...I'm absolutly in love with yet another one. He's incredible. Ask me about him, and if I know you well enough, I'll tell you about him. But unfortuanlty, its once-again one-sided. As Charlie Brown once said, "Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love."
   I've taken up e-bay shopping. I've bought a really neat watch, four photos of old movie stars, a faux pearl necklace, and created diamond earrings. And the watch was the most expensive at $15!!! I need to quit. Is there an EBay Anonymous?
   I'm Production Manager of the Redwood Review now. I don't know how or why. It seemes to just have happend. With no particular warning. Hmmm. Back in the layout mode of the old Harbor High days. AND I'm doing the newsletter at work (since it was my idea in the first place, blah blah blah...) Oh how I miss you H-11. And you Gangplankers! And those weekends together! And the rubber cement! And Mr. G's stories! And being really particular about layout! And pagemaker! And the retreats!!! Awwww...
   What else is there? Its so tough to cram a hole month into one entry. Work's good. I'm actually getting a vacation! Isn't that AWESOME!!!! We hired a new girl (accutlaly a couple) but this ONE I really like. Her name's Lauren as well. And since everyone is quitting or cutting back hours, we really need her as well as the others we're hiring! She goes to Harbor (my high school) and knew who I was before I knew who she was. And why? Well, she knows I cook. She went to the prom with one of the boys that bought me at the Senior Auction. But this just confirms my belief that I was "known" in my high school. Isn't that funny? I think its funny.
   Oh! So I added a picture to the home page of my website! Do you like it?
   Now I remember some more stuff. I got a speeding ticket. Heres what happened. So Krisit invited me to go dancing on friday night a couple of weeks ago, well acctually a dance class, with her Los Altos bible study (the McCoulloughs, etc...). So, I left a little late, and went to Dairy Queen for dinner, thinking fast food was fast. But it took literally 15 minutes to get throught the drive-through with only one car in front of me!!! Thats SLOW BAD FOOD. So then I was in a real hurry. And I'm on 17, speeding, and a stupid CHP is behind a corner, and stops me. Yes, there are cars around me going faster. No there were no speed limit signs. And this made me very late indeed. I have never been stopped before! So this was very scary. My dad wants to fight it. I think so that we can use the Pre-Paid Legal Services he sells. Haha
   Alright, bed time! Good night!o cram a hole month into one entry. Work's good. I'm actually getting a vacation! Isn't that AWESOME!!!! We hired a new girl (accutlaly a couple) but this ONE I really like. Her name's Lauren as well. And since everyone is quitting or cutting back hours, we really need her as well as the others we're hiring! She goes to Harbor (my high school) and knew who I was before I knew who she was. And why? Well, she knows I cook. She went to the prom with one of the boys that bought me at the Senior Auction. But this just confirms my belief that I was "known" in my high school. Isn't that funny? I think its funny.
   Oh! So I added a picture to the home page of my website! Do you like it?
   Now I remember some more stuff. I got a speeding ticket. Heres what happened. So Krisit invited me to go dancing on friday night a couple of weeks ago, well acctually a dance class, with her Los Altos bible study (the McCoulloughs, etc...). So, I left a little late, and went to Dairy Queen for dinner, thinking fast food was fast. But it took literally 15 minutes to get throught the drive-through with only one car in front of me!!! Thats SLOW BAD FOOD. So then I was in a real hurry. And I'm on 17, speeding, and a stupid CHP is behind a corner, and stops me. Yes, there are cars around me going faster. No there were no speed limit signs. And this made me very late indeed. I have never been stopped before! So this was very scary. My dad wants to fight it. I think so that we can use the Pre-Paid Legal Services he sells. Haha
   Alright, bed time! Good night!
August 12, 2003
   Yeah, yeah. Its been a month since I last updated. I'm a flake. So, not much has really been going on. Just sorta hanging out. Work, sleep, eat, veg. Went to a party last night, and now my clothes smell like pot. NO, I didn't smoke OR drink. Of course not! What were you thinking? This is LAUREN we're talking about! Ummm...made a $1,500 sale, and Ann's giving me a free pair of shoes. Also I won the Brighton drawing for free merchandise. So works fine. Home is good. I LOVE my roomates. They're FABULOUS. And I really don't have much to say. Check out the links page, and visit We Love Colors. Andrew loves it.
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