Cassel at Shevlin Park in Bend

He loves playing on the river bank and throwing rocks and playing in the dirt, he used to hate being dirty and used to do that whole baby squeal thing when he had an ounce of dirt anywhere visible on his body.  Now I can't get him out of it, I love it.

Upcoming events for Cassel

Flying to Sacramento to visit Leo & Fam. in September this will be his first airplane flight

He was the very fabulous ring bearer at my mom's wedding were he mastered rolling around on the floor, and how not to walk down the aisle but be carried.

This by far is my favorite page, this page is all about Cassel growing up and all the crazy stuff a two year old does on a daily basis.  From the strange new phrases that I assume are attempts at new words to all the events that go on in his life.  From vacations and trips we take, to sleepovers at his grandparent's house.  All the scraps and bruises as he keeps me on my feet as he learns to skateboard, and for just in general being a boy.  Cassel has always been a community child since the day he was born, everyone that surrounds him loves him, and I want everyone to see the little man as he changes on a daily basis.  I guess as a mom I am a bit one-sided, but seriously he is awesome and amazes me to day to day.

Cassel at Shevlin Park in Bend

Airplane with his Aunt Heather - No really he is having fun.

He's a bit attached to his skateboard helmet which he adorns here as he splashes away in the Deschutes river at drake park

As an only child, he has come quite custom to playing ball by himself.

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Web Created August 2003
By Miss. Laurel Burton

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