July 26, 2003
Camp Long
Seattle, Washington

Special Thanks To:

Leo Turlish:  For without your help and creativity my mom surely would have lost her mind, and gone screaming down the street.  And Origami.

Aunt Jan & Uncle Bill:  For your help with everything, you were more than a lifesaver.  And I know we all cherish the moments we get to spend with you.

Heather, Lisa, Tara & Skye:  For being thrown to the masses unknowingly and looking glamorous at all times.

Wendy, Emily & Casey: For being awesome and for helping with everything.

Amber:  For gettin' mom to the wedding.  That's always key to a successful marriage.

Shayne:  For being one of the very few men there and not running away from all the crazy scattered brained women with wedding plans running crazily about their minds.  Few men would survive this. 

Essential item for getting married: marriage license, to most that would seem like a first priority but not for my mom and Charlie.  Waiting till the day before they get married to go get the marriage license, and not simply because they ran out of time, but because they both forgot.  

The new couple Sarah & Charlie Mastro, were married in a very beautiful very short ceremony by one of my mom's closest friends Monica at the hall at Camp Long in West Seattle.  The wedding went off very well, no one would have ever have know we were running about like chickens only a few moments before we all had to walk down the aisle.  My brother Shayne gave my mom away, my sister and I were my mom's bridesmaids, Cassel was to be the ring bearer, but being only a bit over two he had his mind set otherwise, he was much more content in rolling around on the floor in his tuxedo versus walking down the aisle.  Charlie's best man was his best friend John and the most beautiful flower girls (aka jr. bridesmaids) were Charlie's adorable granddaughters Emily & Casey

The reception immediately followed the ceremony where the small hall accommodated the 72 guests with drinks, food and dancing.  Family and friends from all over the United States had come to see Sarah and Charlie get married they had arrived by plane, train and automobiles. Everyone had a fabulous time, and were so happy for the new couple to embark on their new path together.  Cassel was a riot throughout the entire event, his favorite place to hide & dance was underneath the skirt of my dress and his favorite dancing' parting was his Uncle Shayne as he drug him out of his chair and across the dance floor, it was hard to tell who had more rhythm, but they both were having fun.

As Daughter of the Bride, I wish nothing more than happiness, joy & health to my mom and Charlie.  And when they are together the simplicity of their relationship is what makes it truely special and real.  I thank Charlie for making my mom happy, for she has been through so much for so many people, happiness is what she deserves, I just wish she could have found him sooner.

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