This official website of Joshua Maxwell Laughlin Ferry  is dedicated to the grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins who long to have him closer. Maybe this can become the next best thing.
Parental Poetry
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Kara's Journal
(previous entries)
"There'll be days like this," Mamma said
Pictures of the "Week"
This is a stompadon. It's too big to fit on the magnadoodle, so this is just his foot and part of his leg.
(Kara's paraphrase of Josh's description)
Embracing Madison Avenue
And now for a little feature we here at the Daily Josh are going to call...
It was bad enough when Josh started asking everyone, a la Kirstie Allie, "Have you called Jenny yet?" but when he told me the other day that he wanted an "all-new Kia Sedona," I knew we were keeping the television on a little too much. I felt a little better after I asked him what he would do with a Sedona if he had one, and he told me, "I'd make the steering wheel turn into a marshmallow." Who knew that showing the crash tests and air bags really would sell SUVs?
Hey, Daily Josh Fans,
are you tired of coming back to the site, day after day, hoping for an update only to be disappointed, and then, when you've finally given up on ever seeing new photos of the boys again, you come back to discover that the site's been updated for week and you never knew?

Well, suffer no more! Just 
send an email with Daily Josh in the subject line, and I'll add you to our new update notification list..
Story Time
in which Joshua shares some of the outlandish tales he's been telling lately
The Robot in Texas

One day there was a robot . It's name was Micheen. Someone broke it, a kind of tiger--I don't know its name. The tiger felt worried when he broke the robot, so he tried to put it together, but all the pieces fell apart again. Then he tried to tape it together and the pieces stayed. Then the tiger tried to play with Micheen, but now that it was with tape, the tiger's finger got stuck with tape. Then another tiger wanted to play with Micheen, and since the first tiger's finger was stuck, the second tiger played with Micheen. The first tiger shook the tape off because he really wanted to play with Micheen. They didn't like to share. They had a fight, to try to make a tiger die, but when they were fighting they broke Micheen in half, but they could still play with him, so they lived happily ever after. The end.
Click here to read Joshua's earlier work.
June 30, 2006

Well, it's nice to have some sunlight again. So we celebrated and went and picked blueberries today--a whole colander full. It made me miss our friends Nate and Lori back in Illinois, who brought us on our first blueberry-picking trip two years ago. This time around wasn't much different--I picked as much as I possibly could, Josh picked a little, ate it all, then picked a little more, then wanted to go home. It was all very Blueberries for Sal, minus the bears.

The biggest news of the day is that Joshua up and kissed me for no good reason this morning. This rarely happens, partly because I'm always kissing him so much that there's a certain amount of "how can I miss you if you never go away?" But also, Josh has made it pretty clear lately--ever since Sebastian was born, really--that I'm not as fun as Dad and he loves Dad more. At this point, I think he's mostly doing it to get a hurt reaction from me, which I give in my best B-actress way, but we've all acknowledged that if someone's  away from home all day, it seems like all the time they spend at home is fun time; when someone's in charge of keeping the home, a lot of the time together is going to be about laundry and dishes. And sometimes, if the laundry gets thrown all over the floor, there might be a little shouting and step-sitting. So when I get those kisses, I feel like maybe he appreciates my presence in his life too.
Please note

After too many messages linking to websites about antidepression medications and viagra, I've decided to do away with the guestbook. I may start using Yahoo's blog feature for the Mamma Said entries, at which point you'll be able to add comments. Until then, you'll just have to email all your nice comments directly.
Joshua was a pirate for Halloween, and Sebastian was his parrot. For about 20 minutes, and then Sebastian was back to being a baby. Josh is a pretty fierce pirate, don't you think? (More photos of Josh on Sebastian's page.)
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