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November 2, 2006: Well, of course not much really changes in a baby's life over two and a half months, so there's not much to report. Sebastian now has two teeth (photo below), crawls, climbs the one stair from our livingroom to the dining room, pulls up to standing with the help of furniture, and says what we believe are the words Dada, Brother, Mama (or milk--they seem synonymous right now), more, done, and, after a night with a pirate, Aarrgh. Oh, and la la la, which is a literary allusion. He'll also walk while holding hands, but so far he's not passionate about it.
LEESBURG, VA, October 31, 2006; Sebastian tries out life as a parrot and finds it amusing for about fifteen minutes. After that, the squawking was decidedly unparrot-like. He does a mean Aar, though, so maybe he wasn't such a bad parrot after all. (See Joshua's page for more photos)
old news
Sebastian was about a month old when I packed him and Joshua into the car and drove to Chincoteague Island. I think maybe some postpartum baby blues were clouding my judgement when I told Jim I had a physical need to see the ocean, but, whatever, it was a refreshing trip. And it's good to get the beach in his blood as early as possible. As the photo indicates, he slept through most of the trip, and I didn't, but Jim was glad for a rare full night's sleep back at home. Josh and I did a lot of beach combing and hiking. The town reminded me of Newport back when the wharves were still a little sketchy at night.
June 6, 2006: Here's Sebastian, sleeping like a baby. He hasn't been quite himself lately, possibly a growth spurt, or else a tooth growth spurt. He's been really chomping down hard when he eats, and pushing hard on his gums seems to relieve him. At his four-month well-baby, the doctor told me I could start him on solids, but I've been holding off. I'd really like him to be a little better at sitting up. But maybe he's trying to tell me that he agrees with Dr. Goheen. It's good to have this a beautific photo to look at in the morning after he's kept me up with his screaming from 3 to 4 a.m.
June 12, 2006: Gave the rice cereal a try and Sebastian took to it immediately.I was shocked--nary a tongue was thrust. So I insisted that Jim give the feeding a whirl. I was feeling a little sad about Sebastian's enthusiasm for solids--one of those milestones that just forces me to face the quickly passing time. But then this afternoon, I remembered the real reason I was avoiding feeding him solids: the poop! We've been in the honeymoon period of poopy diapers--if you breastfeed exclusively through the first months, the baby's poop is generally not too stinky, and really easy to clean up. I won't go into all the glommy details, but I will say that I think, for Sebastian, that era has just about passed.
He's also started rolling onto his stomach, but seems to have forgotten how to roll from his stomach to his back, so last night at 4 a.m., I was summoned from bed by passionate cries, only to find him face down in the bed, and very unhappy about it. For all you worry-warts out there (Mom, Liz) who are now sure he's going to die of SIDS, the doctor already told me that once he is able to get on his stomach by himself, we don't need to keep rolling him onto his back to sleep. OK? But if you're worried, I'm sure we could get an air mattress for his room, and you can come for a nice visit. Jim and I could use a night at the movies.

That reminds me, how's this for a baby t-shirt:

Warning, SIDS Baby
(Sudden Infant Diaper Soaker)

Let me know if you see it anywhere, I'd totally buy it.
August 14, 2006: Here's Sebastian on my air mattress in the cottage in Middletown. This pretty much sums up the whole trip. Look at that little blissful baby. Sebastian spent a lot of time sleeping, but he also really enjoyed visiting the beach. Took to the water like a little porpoise. I've been meaning to write about our month on the island, but there's been so much catching up to do. I miss the simplicity of a four-room house with a yard I can safely send Josh out to and no TV or internet. It seemed to agree with Sebastian as well.
June 19, 2006: In case you've been wondering whether Sebastian could sit up, here's your answer--not really. He does occasionally get propped in the corner of the couch, where he does reasonably well. On the day this picture was taken, though, he was practicing his Tai Chi slump. I'd prop him up in the corner and then over the course of the next minute and a half, he'd slowly slide his way down until just his head was in a sort of upright position.
August 14, 2006: Sebastian loves carrots (and peas and green beans and cereal) but he's usually too busy grabbing the spoon to get any in his mouth. Today we introduced Cheerios.
For Sebastian, the ultimate display of affection--a good, solid chomp on the nose.
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