Mystery of the 4 Horses

Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. Rev 6:1-2

Understanding the Horses

Horses are extremely helpful in assisting one's job especially in transportation and battle. Different types of horses are suitable for different kind of work. They are trained specially for the type of work involved. A farm horse is useless in warfare, but a liability. Similarly, a war horse is unsuitable for farming.

In warfare, a cavalier (horse soldier) is equivalent to tens of footmen (foot soldiers) and a charioteer is equivalent to many cavaliers. The horsemen (both cavalier and charioteers) are the magnified strength of the army in fighting the enemy's forces.

A chariot is normally pulled by four horses, harnessed together so that all the four horses' strength are unified. Its strength can be equated to that of the power of four horses. A horse, therefore, is the empowering force to the rider to assist and strengthen him in a particular type of work.

Though the Egyptian armies were strong and powerful, and all the nations feared them, yet God reminded His people, the Israelites that the Egyptians were only human. Their horses too were flesh and not spirit, thus they are easily destroyed. When God sends forth His army, which is spirit, the whole Egyptian army will be wiped out. Both the riders and the horses which help them will be destroyed.

God reminds us that the horse is just the empowering factor and not the almighty, for the victory is decided by Him.

These horses were sent out by God to the world to do the work required of them in order to fulfill His plan. The colours of the horses are as follows:-

Here, God did not send out the black horse.

From the above scriptures, the four chariots were pulled by 4 different coloured horses as shown below:-

These chariots with their various coloured horses will each represent a greater empowering than individual horses in doing God's command. These 4 coloured horses/chariots are the 4 spirits of heaven.

After opening the first seal, the white horse was seen with its rider holding a bow. The second horse was red and its rider took peace from the earth (representing wars worldwide). The third horse was black with its rider holding a pair of scale. He was not able to balance a day's wage to a miserable quart of wheat. He was confused with the absurd high price of cereals. The fourth horse was a pale horse, whose rider was called Death. From these Scripture verses, we observed that the different colours of the horses represent the different type of empowering to their riders to do God's command.

A summary of the first four seals.

No. 1 White He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him - Rev 6:1-2
No. 2 Red Rider took peace from the earth, many people were killed - Rev 6:3-4
No. 3 Black Rider had a pair of scales. A quart of wheat for a day's wage - Rev 6:5-6
No. 4 Pale Rider was named Death, and Hades followed after him - Rev 6:7-8

Since the four horses are the four spirits of heaven, then I will classify the works of the horses as follows:-

The 4th. horse was pale in colour (or shade), i.e. the colour of a dead person. The rider of this pale horse was called Death. Thus, the empowering of this horse was to kill the people, whom God had destined for death. The pale horse will represent killing and death.

Here, the odd horse is sorrel in colour. Sorrel means speckled or bright brownish. Thus, the spirit of death was sent to kill people of those colours. If the colours of the speckled were light brown, dark brown and yellow, then the possibility that the killing will be that of the Jews or Arabs (light brown), the Cannanites or the Indians (dark brown) and the Chinese (yellow).

Here, the odd horse is dappled in colour. Dappled means grizzled or spotted. If the spots were black and brown against a white background then the Whites, the Blacks and the Brown skinned will be killed.

Here, the pale (colourless) horse represents the killing of mankind without any distinction of race or colour of the skin. These horses were sent out by God since the early history of mankind. Their work is mainly to bring all mankind back to righteous living either directly (white horse) or through calamities (other coloured horses).

Mystery of the white horse

White represents purity and righteousness.

When a person is righteous, he stands for justice. He is fair and merciful. He is totally against the works of darkness. The deceptions of the covetous and wicked are abominations in his eyes. He cares for the poor and needy. He is the champion of the oppressed. He maintains a holy life. His love for the people can be seen in his concern for their welfare. An example is Job, whom God considered a righteous man (Job 1:1).

Since the first seal in the book of Revelation reveals the white horse, then scriptures concerning this horse is carefully reviewed.

The rider of this white horse in Rev 19, is the Lord Jesus Himself. Following Him in white horses are His saints, the armies in heaven. The riders of the white horses are to follow the instructions of our Lord Jesus, who is the commander-in-chief. They must follow His foot-step and obey all His words, teachings and commands. They must maintain themselves holy. They are full of zeal to destroy the devil's works.

The white horse will empower the rider to go forth to destroy the works of the devil and to do the righteous works which please and glorify the Father.

The white horse, being one of the four spirits of heaven, is similar to that of the empowering of the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit.

However, the rider of this white horse carries an extra weapon, the bow, for warfare. The Lord Jesus with all His saints following Him were without any weapon. The sword (word of God) from His mouth is used to strike the nations and destroy the enemies.

From the book of Ephesians Chapter 6:10-18, we are told to put on the whole armour of God. The bow is not part of the armour. The fiery arrows (darts) of the wicked one are targeted at us to destroy our faith. Thus we must put on the shield of Faith, in order to be protected from these deadly darts. This rider, however, carries an extra bow instead of the sword.

Mystery of the Red horse

Red represents anger, blood or shedding of blood.

This red horse is the spirit of heaven that empowers the rider to cause wars, riots, civil commotion, quarrels, mistrust, etc.

Because of the conspiracy of Abimelech and the men of Shechem in murdering the sons of Gideon, God sent ill feeling between them. This led them to mistrust one another and finally to war against each other. There was great destruction on both sides and Abimelech was eventually killed.

God blesses those who are loyal to Him. But to those who are unfaithful, He will give them wars.

Here, it is clear that because of sin, God punishes His people by their defeat before their enemies. Throughout the whole Bible, it is clear that God wants our repentance before we can obtain His grace and forgiveness.

Here God said that He had raised up the Medes to fight and destroy Babylon. God was taking His vengeance upon the Babylonians for their destruction of His temple when they were sent to destroy Judah and Jerusalem.

The Rider on the Red Horse

Whenever peace is taken from the earth, then there will be wars in:-

True peace can only come from God. Our Lord tells us that He will give us His peace when we are in Him.

Peace can only come to the individual, family or nation if the people walk rightly in the eyes of God. No abomination or wickedness must be found in the land.

Mystery of the Black Horse

Black represents darkness and lack of illumination or understanding.

When a person is in darkness, he is either sleeping or in complete confusion of things around him. He does not understand why all the happenings. He is confused by all the calamities, sufferings, disasters and destruction around.

God cursed the people for forsaking Him by their extreme wickedness. So He sent confusion amongst them. The labour of the hands became unproductive.

God caused confusion in the camp of the Egyptian so that they erred in their decisions. They behaved as though they have gone out of their mind.

Here the rider was confused for he was not able to balance a day's wage with only a miserable quart of wheat. Cereals was absurdly expensive and scarce.

God caused the Rabshaken, the commander-in-chief of the Assyrian army to err. He withdrew and returned home where he was subsequently killed because he blasphemed the Living God in front of His people.

God confused the great army in the enemy's camp. The various factions began to kill each other that Gideon with only 300 strong could destroy them.

This scarcity is the result of the calamities sent from God as a chastisement for their disobedience and wicked ways. This confusion is brought about by wars, famines, droughts, diseases, pestilences, earthquakes, etc. It will definitely make them realize how unstable and undependable worldly powers and wealth are. Only in Him alone is peace and security.

God uses calamities to cleanse His people by sending them through wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, and other disasters. Their heart then will be purified.

Here God has closed the eyes of the prophets because they wrongly taught the people to fear the Lord with the commandments of men (Isa 29:13).

Mystery of the Pale Horse

Pale colour is the shade of death.

God uses wars, diseases, famines, earthquakes and other calamities to kill mankind for their stubbornness in evil and wicked works.

God will kill us too if we are wicked in His sight.

Idolatry is an abomination which deserves destruction.

Some of the other abominations of the Lord that will make Him destroy us are:

Wickedness is the common reason for God to destroy mankind. Others are liars, bloodthirsty and deceitful men, slanderers, evildoer, and those who forsake God.

God destroyed the nations in Canaan land because of their wickedness. They had gone astray to worship idols. They even sacrificed their own children to their idols, thus rebelled against God's commandments.

God instructed the Israelites to destroy all the inhabitants in Canaan land, for they would surely cause them to follow in their abominations. God then will have to destroy His own people as He is a Just God.

In the above scripture, the seventy thousand men were killed for king David's pride in numbering his vast and powerful forces. His general Joab warned him against it.

This pale horse will empower its rider to kill for his name is Death. Since Hades followed him, many Christians during this period will be deceived and forsake the Lord. Their names will definitely be wiped off from the book of Life. They will lose their inheritance in heaven and after their death they will be cast to Hades, which will eventually be cast into the lake of fire. This is also a period of great apostasy for the church.

" So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one." Ezekiel 22:30


The fulfillment of `Operation Desert Storm' in Prophecy


Start of the Endtime Events (Index)

Site 0

The Seven Seals

Site 1

The Mysteries of the Horses

Site 2

The 1st Seal Site 3
The 3rd. Seal Site 4
The 4th Seal  (Period of Sorrows) Site 5
The 5th Seal  (The Great Tribulation) Site 6
The 6th Seal  (The Rapture) Site 7
The 7th Seal  (Wrath of Satan) Site 8


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