First Seal

Mystery of the Rider with Bow on the White Hosre

Saints on white horses

The rider of this white horse in Rev 19, is the Lord Jesus Himself. His empowering was by the Spirit of the Lord coming upon, enabling Him to carry out His work as instructed by God the Father.

Our Lord Jesus promised this empowering to His disciples. The baptism of the Holy Spirit will enable them to fulfill His great Commission.

He also told them the type of empowering they will receive after being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Empowering of the White Horse

This empowering of the Holy Spirit was manifested in the Lord Jesus Christ, who went around doing God's work with power and authority.

Now when the multitudes saw it, they marveled and glorified God, who had given such power to men. Matt 9:8

After the resurrection of our Lord and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His disciples, this power was seen manifested in His apostles and disciples.

Today, our Lord will baptize any Christian with the Holy Spirit if he has the faith in Him. Thus, when the Holy Spirit comes upon him, he delights in fulfilling the great Commission. He goes forth preaching, casting out demons, praying for the sick, discipling the new converts, fasting, etc. This indicates that he is also a `rider on white horse' in God's army. Having been empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he goes forth with authority doing this righteous work.

Armour of God

As Christians we are in warfare all the time. Our enemy is the devil himself, who wants to destroy us. He uses his demons and evil spirits to mislead us. He also uses the things of the world to deceive us. We are told to safeguard ourselves from these deceptions.

In order to be able to stand against the onslaught of the enemies (i.e. the devil, evil spirits and the things he used to deceive us), we must put on the whole armour of God.

All the above items are for your protection from the attacks of the enemies. Christians must put on these items otherwise they will be fighting a losing battle against the enemies. Unfortunately, most Christians including many of the church leaders today are found to be ill-prepared or naked. Thus, they are constantly wounded by the enemies and these hurts are manifested in their unforgiveness of fellow-brethren and their doubts in God's word and promises.

From the above, it is seen that the complete armour of God comprises of 5 items for protection, and the sword of the Spirit (word of God) for both protection and attack. Praying in the Spirit keeps you in constant contact with the commander-in-chief for His decision. These are all that are needed for spiritual warfare and nothing is to be added to it. Nor can any be deducted from it otherwise you are bound to be hurt.

Our Lord's weapon

Our Lord Jesus Christ used only one type of weapon for warfare. From out of His mouth came a sharp sword, which represented the 'Word of God'. This is used to judge and strike the nations.

Mystery of the Bow

Since the rider is on the white horse (Rev 6:1-2), then he is empowered to do righteous works according to God's plan. He will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to evangelize. He teaches and disciples young converts and revives the nominal, carnal and worldly Christians. He is full of zeal to destroy the works of the devil by casting out demons, constantly praying and fasting for healing and deliverance.

By carefully studying this rider, it was found that though he rode on a white horse, he also used a bow, which is not part of the armour of God. Thus he performed God's work with unauthorised assistance, and hence defiled or corrupted his `righteous' work.

God clearly warned us to obey Him by following His word strictly. We must not turn to the left or the right.

The consequence of turning aside from His word results in rebellion which is an abomination to God.

Anyone adding to the word of God is a liar in God's sight. He will also be doing the devil's work for the devil is the father of all lies. Adding to the word of God may lead to idolatry, which can be covetousness.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was in complete obedience to the Father, and He himself would not add or subtract from God's word or command.

Following Him in white horses are His saints, the armies in heaven. The riders of the white horses follow Him, who is the commander-in-chief. They obeyed all His words and commands. They did not turn aside from His teachings as commanded by our Lord. However, all those misled will disobey God's word and will face punishment.

Anyone taking away any part of the Bible, i.e. not believing the word of God in wholeness, his name will be removed from the book of life.

{This is a warning to all those who do not believe in baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, healing, eternal judgment, virgin birth of Jesus, etc.}

The plagues mentioned in the Bible will be added to any one who adds to the word of God. The plagues may come in the form of cancer, tuberculosis, Aids, plague and other deadly diseases. Because of the sin in using an additional bow, we see many so-called great men of God dying from these deadly diseases. {This is a warning to all those so-called charismatic who claimed to be filled with all types of anointing and spiritual powers}.

above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Eph 6:16

This rider used the `unauthorised' bow to shoot fiery darts, which belong to the wicked one (Devil). By this, he had unintentionally destroy the faith of Christians and unknowingly become a partaker in the devil's scheme.

Fellow co-workers in Christ, let us please Him by discarding the bow and demonstrate our complete faith in Him by our obedience to His word, teachings and conmmands.

Mystery of the fiery darts

The fiery darts of the wicked one are used for shooting at Christians to destroy their faith. Only godly Christians who stands firm on the word of God and abide by it will be able to withstand the onslaught of these darts.

The Christian's Faith in simplicity

The fiery darts are distorted doctrines that the wicked one would want Christians to believe in so that their faith in God will be destroyed. These demonic doctrines or heresies destroy Christian's faith in the word of God, in the power of the message of the Cross, and in God's faithfulness in His promises. These heresies are very subtle for they seem to be filled with wisdom. They are readily accepted by the world for they are of the world. This wisdom is the wisdom of the world (...Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? I Cor 1:20). They appeal to the worldly and carnal Christians for they satisfy their lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.

Churches today are going through difficult times for these destructive teachings are bounteous and the bad fruit are ripening. Quarrels and divisions are so common that they become bad testimonies to the heathens. The first love (from God) is lost. Pride, hatred, unforgiveness, heresies, backbiting, lies and covetousness now abound in the church.

Some of the heresies found today

1. Prosperity teaching

Only rich people are blessed by God. If you are poor or going through trials then you are under God's curse. This is in contrast to the Lord's teaching.

Therefore, how can one who is godly then be rich when his heart is in heaven? He will definitely lay his treasures there and not on earth.

The only way to have treasure in heaven is by giving all he has to the poor.

There may be a few whom God has found faithful in supplying the finances to the various missions, such as the mission field, the needy and the destitute, etc.

This type of teaching originates from covetous church leaders and Christians for justifying themselves, just as it was with the Pharisees in the days of our Lord.

Here, the Lord rebuked the Pharisees, who because of their love of money, distorted the truth by justifying themselves. REPENT before it is too late The love of money is the root of all evil

2. Unconfessed sins of old

`Sins of old' means sins committed prior to conversion to Christianity (or born-again experience). All failures, sicknesses and problems are blamed to the unconfessed `sins of old' including the sins of the forefathers. This is heresy, for on the day that a person accepted the Lord, his sins (together with the curses) are cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus once and for all. All his past sins are borne by Jesus, thus they are forgiven by God through redemption.

Christians teaching this type of doctrine are misled and blind. They are putting fear into other Christians to waste their time searching for unconfessed sins of the past. They just have no understanding of `Grace'

3. Demonized or demon-possessed

The teaching that Christians can be demonized or demon-possessed is a heresy. Christians are told that they need to be delivered of unclean or evil spirits for their sins. These misled `teachers' have forgotten that all of us are still in the flesh and need to crucify it daily. By abiding in the word of God, they will know the truth, which will set them free. They have failed to realize that once they are redeemed, the Holy Spirit will dwell in them making their bodies His temple.

Therefore, if anyone defiles his body, God will destroy him. So if anyone is demonized or demon-possessed (defiled) then he has lost his salvation.

No evil spirit can dwell or share the body of a Christian, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. He is holy and therefore He will not share it with any evil or unclean spirit.

Christians are bought by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ; thus your body belongs to God. You have no more right to it. Though you sin, the evil spirits has no right to your body since it is the property of God. In sinning, you are grieving the Holy Spirit.

Only non-Christians can be demonized or demon-possessed for they are without the Holy Spirit.

4 False Prophecies

Nowadays, everyone seems to be giving prophecies. Beware, lest you are like the false prophets of old. All their prophecies are normally for the satisfaction of the hearers' ears; blessings, approvals of God, peace, etc. True prophets warn of dangers and calamities, telling the people to repent from their wicked ways.

They have gone astray (covetous of position, power, money, etc.) for they have lost the fear of God and are without conscience because of their constant lying.

Just like the false prophets in the days of Jeremiah, today they also prophesy false dreams, which mislead Christians. Their fables and lies in their testimonies when exposed become a discouragement to them, whose faith is affected and may even be shipwrecked.

Nowadays, liars are found in Christians circles and churches. The fear of the Lord has vanished. They are rebelling against God using His name in vain. All who use `The Lord told me' or 'Thus says the Lord' must ensure that their prophecies will come to pass otherwise, it is clear that the Lord has not spoken.

5. Glorifying the devil

Christians today are glorifying the devil by fearing him. In anything that is evil or bad to their eyes, the devil is responsible for such happenings. `The devil did it', `The devil is making a mess of my life' or `This is the devil's attack', etc. is the common expression or belief to these misled Christians. This indicates their opinion of God - `God is a useless and He doesn't care'. So they alone battle with the devil. This is outright insult and an abomination to Him.

6. Possessing the land

In the old Testament, God wanted his people to possess the land so that it was worthy for His holy temple. Today, God dwells in Christians' bodies, thus we are to evangelize so that human bodies are made righteous by the blood of Jesus to be God's Temple.

7. Majoring in Minors

Christians are wasting their time majoring in minor things thus have forgotten the great Commission of evangelism and discipling them as Christ Himself.

All these have destroyed Christians' faith and they are being tossed about by the various winds of doctrine.

Repent, fellow co-workers and let

us help these young sheep!


Overcoming the fiery darts

The only way to neutralize the fiery darts harmless is by using the shield of faith. Have faith in God by standing on the word of God against all situations and circumstances. This faith in God will shield you from these onslaught of fiery darts shot by your own leaders. [Note:- do not be deceived by worldly wisdom.]

God is Love

God is our Father and is in complete control of us. He will not allow His enemy, the devil or destroyer, to touch or harm us. He wants to hold us in His love all the time so that we are constantly filled with His peace and joy. Even when we are in this world doing His work in evangelism or discipling, we can experience Him in us. However, when our eyes are no longer looking solely at Him for instructions and directions, we will then slowly be drawn away into the things of this world. God through His Holy Spirit and from His word gently guides us back to His presence. However if we refuse to heed this guidance then He will slowly withdraw His presence from us. His joy and peace will then be missed by us. This is the initial lesson to us for turning left or right from His word in wanting the things of this world. This disobedience will take us away from His presence. Repentance will immediately restore His love in us.

Chastisement by the Father

However, if we harden our hearts to disregard and disobey His gentle prompting or correction but continue to sin, (becoming friends with this world) then we have really hurt Him. Because of this disobedience to our beloved Father in heaven, He will chastise us for He loves us and wants us to obey Him in order that we can share His Kingdom.

His chastisement upon us is just like a child feeling the pains of a cane upon his body. In this case, His chastisement will come in the form of financial, family, social or health problems. God will even send diseases, wars and famines upon our lives, so that we can see our own wickedness. His desire is our repentance in order that He can bless him.

God knows that the danger of friendship with the world will eventually draw us to serve mammon.

Thus, all sufferings and problems of Christians today are the chastisement of God. Therefore, we must look to Him for the answer. When you sincerely seek Him, He will reveal your failures or sins. Normally, your repentance is your deliverance. Remember to thank God for everything that happens to you for this is for your good and it is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Demon oppression

{Note:-Demon oppression is commonly mistaken as demon possession or demonized which is only possible in non-Christians.}

However, if after chastisement and sufferings, one still refuses to repent of his sin but choose to hide or deny the sin then the Lord will send an evil spirit to trouble him. As in the case of King Saul, God sent an evil spirit to trouble him because of his desire to murder David.

Saul planned to kill David and thus when the distressing spirit came upon (oppressed) him, he manifested his sin of killing David. Our Lord told us that He will reveal hidden things.

Today, the Lord will send distressing spirit to trouble a sinful Christian so that he too will manifest the hidden sin. During this period of demon oppression, he will behave (raved) like a mad man just as King Saul raved. This behavior is similar to that of a demon possessed person.

During this period of demon oppression, his hidden sin will manifest in his behavior. Once the hidden sin is revealed, God wants us to counsel his brethren to repent of his hidden sin.

A sincere prayer of repentance will normally deliver the sinful brethren. By abiding in the word of God he will know the truth which will set him free from the sin or bondage.

Some of the common hidden sins

Adultery, sexual immorality, covetousness, lies, pride, hatred, unforgiveness, revengeful, hurts, etc.

My personal encounter with a perverted 40 year old Christian spinster was during the prayer for her deliverance. She manifested her sin of sexual lust by sexually molesting the brothers there.

Also I have seen a horrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem: they commit adultery and walk in lies; they also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me, and her inhabitants like Gomorrah. Jer 23:14


The fulfillment of `Operation Desert Storm' in Prophecy


Start of the Endtime Events (Index)

Site 0

The Seven Seals

Site 1

The Mysteries of the Horses

Site 2

The 1st Seal Site 3
The 3rd. Seal Site 4
The 4th Seal  (Period of Sorrows) Site 5
The 5th Seal  (The Great Tribulation) Site 6
The 6th Seal  (The Rapture) Site 7
The 7th Seal  (Wrath of Satan) Site 8


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