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Books and such
Here are some of my favorite authors and books as well as books that I am currently reading:
(links are to author's personal page, unless they insist on using that damn FLASH)
Orson Scott Card
Deals with many moral issues.  The short story versions of Ender's Game and Hatrack River are amazing.  I also loved The Lost Boys
Poetry Speaks
A compilation of (dead) poets writing in English along with a CD of the authors reading their own works. (Obviously recorded before they were dead)
Ben Franklin
One of our very funny founding fathers.
Poor Richard's Almanac
C. J. Cherryh
Science Fiction writer. Some of my favorite books:
Downbelow Station
Merchanteer's Luck
Hard Burn
the series - Foreigner itself feels like she started and dropped 2 books before getting to the story she wanted to tell
Anne Rice
You gotta love them vampires!
Vampire Lestat
Interview With a Vampire
Queen of the Damned
Ursula K. LeGuin
Science fiction writer.
Some of her best works:
Lathe of Heaven
Wizard of Earthsea
Compass Rose
basically anything she's written
Isabell Allende
Magical realism with political messages
House of Dreams
Melissa Scott
I like her cyber-punk style stuff.  She often deals with the topic: "When does Artificial Intelligence become real sentience?" and features characters of all sexual persuasions.
Buring Bright, Trouble and Her Friends, Jazz
Louise Erdrich
Highly recommended stories of generations of native Americans in a community in the Dakotas.
Start with
Tracks Nanapush is one of my favorite characters, ever.
Mark Twain
umorist, social commentator
Currently Reading:
Dean Koontz - boy is he funny.  I wish I would have started reading him earlier!

Anne Rice
Witching Hour I hope this is more like Vampire Lestat (excellent) than Servant of the Bones (aweful)
not recommended at any price

Anne Rice, Servant of the Bones - when she's not, she's not

Louise Erdrich,
Bingo Palace Oh so very disappointing!
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