Joey Joe Joe's Movie Reviews
My favorite Movies
Torch Song Trilogy
Monty Python's Holy Grail
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Incredibles
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
Fried Green Tomatoes
Starship Troopers
The Princess Bride
Young Frankenstein
Napoleon Dynomite
"Screw Maxwell!"  "I did." "So did I!"

"Come on Tina, Eat your ham!"

"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. And I'm not even sure I want to be that anymore!"
Robots - Visually interesting, but definitely medicore story wise.
Star Wars I: Phantom Intelligence   Jar-Jar???? What the hell was Gearge THINKING????

Star Wars II: Attack of the Boors
Trying to redeem Jar-Jaras an ambassador?, Oh Mr. Lucas, just give it up.

Star Wars III: Sith Sliding Away
It is really bad when you can tell a movie is going to suck two films before the director even starts shooting.  Thank God George decided not to continue with the 3 additional post-quel Star Wars movies he had initially planned!

The accents are pathetic, the story wanders through incomprehensible flashbacks, Colin looks ridiculous in as a blonde. But he does have a nice butt, so it is a good movie.
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Snatch - Visually stunning, great interlocking story lines.  Who knew Madonna's husband could direct? (He can't make a commentary track though.)
Torch Song Trilogy- Harvey Feirstien tells a story in three parts (but only 1 movie) about the realtionships of a funny, strong, Jewish gay man who makes his living as a female impersonator. Begins with an amazing monologue, has a great scene in a back room of a bar, two great fight scenes (one cross cut between Arnold, his lover, his exlover and his exlover's current girlfriend.The other between Arnold and his mother as they ride in the back seat of a cab), the most disturbing scene cut ever!
Monty Python's Holy Grail  The Holy Grail of British comedy. Every scene (skit) is classic.
The Empire Strikes Back My favorite of the Star Wars movies. Star Wars was good, but I think at this point, Gearge  had the best combination of story-telling and $ for effects.  Lucas lost my support when the Ewoks came onto the screen and has seemed determined to alienate me more with every film since.
Young Frankenstein THE BEST MOVIE EVER!
These Movies Downright Suck
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Madagascar- The only interesting things about the movie were: Alex the lion's mane getting more and more frazzled as he gets more and more ferral, the Monkeys were great (but only had a few short appearances) and the penguins had potential, but seemed thrown in from another movie. Sascha B., as voice of the lemur king  does a credible impersonation of Robin Williams doing an impersonation of a silly native.
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