
August 27, 2005: So my friend Erika and I went to Wilf's Lounge/Bar and saw her friends perform. Storm Large and The Balls. :) It was a great show, they're always entertaining and the music is good. Wilf's was a cool place. I'd never been there before and it had a nice atmosphere. During the break, we were outside hanging out with Davey (the guitar player) and I mentioned that I'd broken up with my boyfriend a month ago and wanted to hear their song "I Want You To Die." It's an absolutely hilarious song! (Not that I want my ex to die, I just think the song is funny!)So we go back in and they play a few songs. (Erika and I are sitting in the front at a table.) Storm says that the next song was dedicated to me and my ex boyfriend and she asked me what his name was! In front of everyone! So I say "Jason" and she says "this song is for Jason!" And she raises her arm and sticks up her middle finger and makes everyone in the audience do the same thing!! And she was like "Lisa is great, and she's now available. She has nice painted toenails...and they'll look great behind her ears!" The whole room was laughing and I was laughing too but I was also dying of embarrassment!! Of course, by this point in the evening my buzz was gone and I wasn't drunk anymore so I was totally humiliated. But Storm's great and after the song she came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

August 13, 2005: So my boyfriend and I broke up like two weeks ago. I'll admit I'm bummed but it was the right thing to do. I won't go into the details but I wasn't happy with certain things. No, the Christian thing wasn't a reason I broke up with him. Although now that I look back at it, I can see it never would have worked. Two vastly differenly religions trying to meet in the middle? I think I was love-struck and hopeful but reality just isn't kind. Oh well.

On the job front, I hate my job and I hate my boss (speaking of Christians)...she's a total bitch and I am ACTIVELY looking for a new job. In fact, I have a job interview with the state next week! A state job would be sooo sweet!! Good benefits, good pay, and every holiday known to man off! :) I really hope I get it so I can move on. I'm still not too satisfied with Portland and not sure if I want to stay here. It's hard because I've made some friends and gotten involved in the community, but I don't know...we'll see I guess.

July 3, 2005: Blues Festival Weekend! Anna and I went to the Portland Blues Festival down at the waterfront. Friday night the fabulous, legendary Buddy Guy performed! He was absolutely wonderful live! He's so vibrant and entertaining, talking to the audience and telling stories. He's a real treasure. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame recently too. It was so much fun.

Yesterday, my boyfriend and took a daytrip up the Gorge to the Maryhill Winery. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! We did some wine tasting and sat on the porch overlooking the vineyard. Then we drove 5 miles up to the Stonehenge replica. It was pretty cool. We had a great day. Stopped at a park and had a picnic lunch. It was really romantic.

May 18, 2005: Life has been crazy since Beltane! Beltane was great. I went to the Anarchist's Beltane up in Washington. The weekend was beautiful. I spent time with friends I hadn't seen in a long time, and made some new friends. The Maypole was great. Everything turned out good this year, as opposed to the stressful Beltane last year.

I've started dating someone absolutely wonderful. He's the most spiritual, beautiful, strong human being I have ever met. And he's a Christian! I always said I'd never date a Christian. I'm so turned off by the pompous attitudes of most Christians I admit, I just write off ALL Christians. I know I shouldn't, it's not fair to the good people who happen to be Christian. But I guess I was just too closed minded to consider it. However, I met J and we had an instant connection. I felt oddly comfortable with him--almost like we'd known each other for years. Talking to him and getting to know him I saw how much I'd miss out on if I passed him up simply because he was Christian. We've gotten very close since Beltane, and I'll admit, I think it's pretty serious. But we'll see. It's still the beginning. :)

April 25, 2005: I had a fun weekend. Saturday night I went to a party at a friend's house. It was a "Taurus" party. It was his birthday and a good excuse for a party. It was fun. Hung out with a bunch of people I hadn't seen in months. Sunday night I met my friend Erika down at Sabala's (the ex-Mount Tabor) to see Drumattica play. It was a benefit for some other musician who had died. But it was a lot of fun. Erika and I hung out with Keith (one of the drummers), Craig Montoya (ex-Everclear) and a few other people before the show. Having a few drinks and talking. It was a lot of fun. Then the show started so we headed over there. Drumattica was awesome of course. The lead singer Rob wasn't there so it was just the drumming, but they are still so cool! Then there were fire dancers. Earlier there had also been a performance art thing with a guy who does suspension! Ick! It was fascinating though. He hooked himself to a pole into rings on his knees and hung upside down, swinging around and stuff. It was pretty freaky! But a good show. I had fun.

April 11, 2005: When I got home from Vegas, I had surgery on my ankle and spent 6 weeks off work. It was a fabulous break from work! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things but it's been hard. I got used to staying up late and sleeping in until I woke up without an alarm. Now when I wake up in the morning it's jolting and unfortunate! I got my cast off FINALLY last Thursday. I'm in a plastic, removable cast/boot thing that I have to wear for another 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I will have to wear it to Beltane this year. That sucks! But it's probably for the best.

Anyways, Anna has been house-sitting for this rich lady who lives in a huge house up on Skyline in the West Hills. Basically, the rich neighborhood. She let me come over and take a bath in their HUGE bathtub the day I got my cast off. That was nice. My leg was sooo bad! Last night, Anna had a dinner party where everyone had to dress up and be "fancy."

I wore a black dress with a silk, light lavender colored sweater, and a costume jewlery necklace of purple stones forming flowers. Jenny wore a black dress with a cream colored fur shawl and her husband Ryan wore a suit and tie. Bree wore her fancy black, backless dress and a purple scarf. Dors wore a kilt! And Leis showed up in a gorgeous pearl-colored floor-length gown with spaghetti straps and beading at the bodice. Everyone looked amazing! It was so much fun to dress up and "pretend" to be rich in the fancy house. I set the table for Anna with the fancy stuff around the house. She made manicotti for dinner and we all had a great time! It was so much fun!

On April 2nd, my friend Erika and I went to Dante's to see our favorite band, Drummattica, play. It was TOTALLY awesome! The band is kind of a gothic-drumming-tribal-techno-electronic type. Hard to describe. But it was fun. These two guys flirted with us and bought us a round of drinks. We talked and hung out. Then this guy Brett, a friend of Erika's, showed up and hung out with us. Apparently he's the new drummer for Everclear? I'm not an Everclear fan so I have no idea. But Brett was a total sweetheart and just a super nice guy. It was a lot of fun. I went home at 2am and spent Sunday recovering!

February 16, 2005: It's been a crazy few months! The holidays! My 25th birthday was last month. I went on vacation to Las Vegas. And now I am home on disability for 6 weeks from work. I finally had surgery on my ankle (which was long overdue) and am healing. So I'm hobbling around on crutches right now and suddenly have TONS of free time on my hands. :) So I will be updating my website, cleaning it up and hopefully adding a few things.

Las Vegas was totally awesome! I LOVED it. We stayed at the Imperial Palace. It was cheaper than the other hotels and it was right in the middle of everything. It was across the street from Caesar's Palace and just down the strip from the Bellagio. FYI, they have a fabulous CHEAP Champagne Brunch at the Imperial. $10!We filled a water bottle with champagne and took it with us as we walked around. It was so much fun! I got pretty good at Black Jack, which I am now addicted too, but I didn't come home a winner or anything. We spent most of our time drinking and checking out all the casinos. On my next trip to Vegas I will spend more time checking out everything else--and the old "strip". We didn't get a chance to see that.

November 10, 2004: It's been a sad, long week. I guess I've been in kind of a state of shock since last week. I thought for sure that we would be welcoming in a new president this week. But no, the unthinkable happened. Half the nation voted this idiot back into office. It simply baffles me. I heard so many people saying things like "He's a good and moral president" and "He's done a good job." Um, what planet do you live on? A good job? Unemployment is still high, there's still a useless war going on that's killing innocent people, for fuck's sake--Mr. "President" did coke! Had DUI's!! He hasn't caught Osama Bin Laden, he's fucked up the entire middle east and made them hate us even more, if that were possible. Jesus! It's so frustrating.

But dammit, we have to survive another 4 years of this crap. It makes me really dislike the redneck part of the states that seems to not have half a brain between them all. Idiots. We're doomed.

October 11, 2004: Life has been crazy! I started taking a yoga class, which is awesome. It's nice to be back at it. I also started volunteering at this wonderful cat shelter. It's fabulous! I wish I would WORK there! The shelter is wonderful. It's a no-kill shelter only for cats. I do a lot of different things there: cleaning cages, feeding the cats, doing laundry, counseling prospective "parents," and helping out in the hospital. The hospital is hard--I don't know how often I will work in there. It's extremely depressing to see the really sick cats. :( Last weekend there was a kitten (probably weighed 3 pounds) named Coco and was really really sick. She was sooo tiny and wasn't eating or anything! I thought about her all week. And this weekend she wasn't in the hospital. I asked around and checked the chart for the recently deceased cats :( and Coco wasn't there. So I am hoping she got well and was adopted!!

The debates have been keeping me busy too. I've watched them all. Me and my friends get together, fix dinner and hang out watching the debates together. Friday's debate was fun. We had a "Pasta Party". We made different kinds of pasta and watched George Dubya lie through his teeth. Bastard. Afterwards, we got dressed up in outrageous outfits and went for a walk. I wore this heinous "fur" jacket (I think it was made out of squirrel!) and a bike helmet. Anna wore an old World War 1 green helmet and long black trenchcoat. Ian wore this faux-brown leather jacket with furry collars and cuffs and a big "pimp" hate. (He looked hilarious!!) Aimee wore a big blue vest that made her look like a bubble and a weird black top hat. Dors wore a velvet vest and a helmet. We looked absolutely ridiculous! We walked on a very busy street in SE and walked to Safeway to buy some ice cream. :) It was a lot of fun though! I will post the pictures when we get them back.

Samhain is approaching and I am very excited! I love Samhain. I'm going to a few parties that should be fun. I decided to go as an angel this year. In the past, I've always been something dark--usually a witch. But this year, I decided to be something different. I searched HIGH & LOW! for the elements of the costume. The only things I need now are white shoes/sandals and maybe a necklace made of white beads. I think I might gets some white crystals, maybe moonstones, and make my own necklace.

September 15, 2004: Wow, I slacked off this summer. I've been so busy with Sunfest, going camping with friends, having friends visit from out of town, and general summer stuff. I broke up with the guy I was seeing. He was a Leo, and I'm a Capricorn. Not a good match, which I knew from the beginning but thought I would give it a chance. Oh well. Life's lessons I guess. I've been house hunting as well. Back in June I found a house and made an offer. I got really excited and then it hit me how huge a step it was. That night I had a small panic attack, thinking about the mortgage and how I would afford the payments, etc...but it didn't matter anyways because the deal fell through. And now that some time has passed, I'm glad because the house wasn't perfect. I have something else in mind. So the search continues. I really want a backyard that's large enough to be semi-private from the neighbors. I plan on planting a lot of trees and stuff, but I want to be able to perform rituals outside with the prying eyes of neighbors.

July 1, 2004: Last Friday the Michael Moore movie Fahrenheit 9/11 came out. It had the biggest box office weekend in history for a documentary. Me and all my friends: Anna, Colin, Ian and Aimee and the guy I am seeing met after work downtown Monday. ALL the movies were sold old!! We were sooo bummed. We hung out at the Dragonfish Asian Cafe and shared sushi. So that sucked. But my guy I'll call "Leo" and I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 last night. It was sold out but we had tickets this time.

I went expecting "9/11" to be an anti-Bush movie. Howard Stern has been raving about it for weeks, promoting the movie and really pounding it into the audience that they have to see it. So I went expecting a fabulous movie showing the facts and evidence behind all of Bush's dirty deeds and lies. It was going to be excellent!! I am here to tell everything that it IS an excellent movie. However, go there prepared to have your heart ripped out of your chest. There were so many heartbreaking scenes and footage of horrible things. Some of them are:

1. There is a grainy video of a beheading over in Iraq. It is the most disturbing image I have ever seen and I think it will haunt me until I die. It's not a close up but you can see the killer swinging like an axe or machete and not doing the job in the first swing. The second whack takes off the head. Be prepared.
2. There's footage in Iraq and Afghanastan of the aftermath of the bombings. The dead bodies, shattered corpses scattered everywhere, little children missing limbs, people wailing and screaming over their loved ones. Innocent people, civilian people in pain and living a nightmare.
3. They follow a woman who's kids are in the military. A little peek into her life and how her son is in Iraq. She describes the phone call she received from the Secretary of Defense asking if she had a son. She described the instant breakdown she had. It was the most horrifying thing I've heard. She read the letter her son sent her--that she received one week before he was killed. Her son was angry at George W. Bush, angry about killing, not wanting to be there anymore, wanting to see his new nephew, and missing his family. It broke my heart. Literally. I had to struggle with all my strength not to break down in the theatre.
4. They showed footage of American soldiers being killed. Bombed. Shot. Killer. Murdered. All of them looking like they were barely 18 years old. Not even starting to shave yet. These kids forced to attack innocent people in their homes to do searches, kids forced to kill...And they showed the angry Iraqi's hanging some of the dead bodies in the square--like a trophy, or a warning. It was revolting.

I cried during most of the movie. I wasn't the only one either. The guy next to me was crying, I could hear people throughout the theatre sniffling, crying, blowing their nose...It was so emotionally draining. Leo and I left the theatre and I was quiet for a long time. I just couldn't fathom what I had seen. It was too much. When they showed the footage of American soldiers dying, all I could think about was my cousin Peter, in the Army, stationed in Iraq. Thankfully, he is home now. And safe. But I remember what it felt like to watch the news to make sure his squad wasn't the one that was attacked in Baghdad.

I definitely recommend the movie. I think it's something EVERYONE should see. Especially people who are Bush supporters, or on the fence. Go with an open mind. But go prepared. There is nothing enjoyable about the movie. The facts and evidence showing how corrupt Bush is will blow your mind. You will be horrified by the lies and obvious psychological tricks his administration used. And it will leave you wondering, What is going to happen in November?

June 12, 2004: Pictures of Maya!! She is sooo tiny. She weighs 2 pounds 13 ounces.

May 29, 2004: Lots of updates! The most important, I brought home my new baby!! Maya. She is sooo sweet! She's the most sweet-natured kitten I have ever met. She's about 10 weeks old now. She's all black with just a teeny patch of white on her belly. She probably only weighs 2 pounds now. She weighed 1 pound, 13 ounces two weeks ago. Yggdrasil didn't like her at first. It was a rough weekend when I first brought her home. He was growling, hissing, whining and stalking her. About a week later they were best friends. :) Now they cuddle and sleep together. Yggdrasil grooms her: licking her and cleaning her. Maya purrs sooo loudly when he does. They chase each other and wrestle. It's so cute. (I will post pictures soon.)

Sunfest is coming up soon. Only a few more weeks! I am so excited! I have tons of fabulous camping stuff. I got a new tent and stuff for Beltane. And now I bought a pretty groovy purple camping chair. I am working on making my own tapestry for Fall Eq. Sewing and designing it myself. I am excited. And I am learning the Runes. I will write more about that later...

May 17, 2004:JOHN KERRY and HOWARD DEAN in Portland! We went downtown after work to attend the rally for John Kerry and Howard Dean. Sean Astin said some stuff (I love the Goonies!) and then Everclear performed. I could have cared less about them. In fact, I was more excited to see Howard Dean!! I wish he was still running for President. :( They say an estimated 2,500-5,000 people were there. I can attest to that! It was PACKED!!

May 2, 2004: Happy Beltane 2004!
Beltane was lots of fun! Anna and I drove up the Gorge into Washington to the campground. It was a beautiful site: nestled in the valley surrounded by mountains and trees. The Klickitat River ran right through the campground. However, it was glacier water so it was freakin' freezing!! But that did not keep many people from swimming. There were tons of people there.

We set up our camps, ripped off our bras and joined the festivities! It was so much fun and a nice vacation that I badly needed! There were issues...apparently half of everyone wanted to use a real tree and cut it down for the maypole. The other half (me included) was against that. It didn't matter, the King and Queen decided to BURN the maypole that had already been selected in the BELTANE FIRE and cut down a live tree to use. That is BULLSHIT. I am still very angry about that.

The drumming and fire dancing was excellent! And I made a lot of new friends, and got to know some acquaintances better. It was so much fun! I am really looking forward to Sunfest next month!!

April 28, 2004: It's almost Beltane!! I am sooo excited! Anna and I are leaving Thursday for Beltane.

Here are some EXCELLENT links I think everyone should check out...

HOWARD STERN: Road-Kill on Bush Crusade To Christianize America?

RUN AGAINST BUSH! Get exercise, meet new people and RAISE money to get rid of Dubya!!

Nancy Reagan Fights Bush Over Stem Cells

So you're not a total fan of Kerry? SO FREAKIN' WHAT?!! It's time for a REGIME change! Get Dubya out of office!

Don't like what's going on? LET THEM KNOW!!

Probably the BEST website I have ever seen!

This just terrifies me...the religious fanatics are trying to take over our rights!

April 24, 2004: Oy vey...ugh. I am a tad hung over. I have been so busy the last few weeks hanging out with friends. Ian and Aimee and Bree came over last weekend for our monthly "game night" and it was fabulous and fun! A few weeks before that Ian, Aimee, Anna and I drove to Cannon Beach for the day. The weather was absolutely beautiful! The perfect day for the beach. We had so much fun, playing MadLibs on the drive then had a picnic on the beach, drove to Tillamook to the cheese factory and then when to some wine tasting thing...

I think I should just start a section detailing our bar hopping adventures!! We have discovered the wonders of happy hour and get together after work frequently. And we try a new place each time. Here are some of the places we've tested:

Paddy's -- it's on the maxline downtown on like 2nd I think. It's very good for happy hour food! The quesadillas and nachos are fabulous. The drinks are ok-beer is cheap for happy hour but I don't drink beer so that sucks.
Aura--it's across the street from Powell's on Burnside. This place was awesome!! The decor was groovy retro-industrial with a lot of metal mixed with funky furniture. The bathrooms are very cool too. :) The food was GOOD and the happy hour drinks were cheap. I recommend the Cosmo.
Jakes--this place is fabulous! Our friend Brian apparently knows all the bartenders there so we get free drinks. Our drinks are literally, ALWAYS full. :) Their Lemon Drops are to die for! Jake's is always crowded and loud. But fun. It's on 10th one block down from the Max.
Mo Mo's-- On 10th up from Jake's about 2 blocks. Small place but it has a fabulous "garden" seating area in the back. Their drinks are ok, so is the food. It's more of place "to hang and be seen".
Rockbottom Brewery--Right on the max line downtown on like 2nd or 3rd. It's an ok place. The drinks are good. The thing to order though is the dessert...I don't remember the name of it but it involved chocolate and raspberries...YUMMY!!
Brazen Bean--this place is totally cool and funky. It's in NW on 21st I's actually a little hard to find. It's in an old Victorian house they turned into a bar. There's outside seating for those nice evenings, and inside lots of crowded tables. It's dark with funky furniture, trippy music and LOTS of martini options. The drinks are murderously strong!! Beware! The food is delicious! I highly recommend the pizza in the happy hour menu. Oh and the cool thing about this place is that Happy Hour runs from like 4:30-8:30. So when the nearby happy hours run out, you can skip over to Brazen Bean.:)
Bartini--we went to this one last night. Oy vey...the room is spinning..! It's right down the street from Brazen Bean, next door to Trader Joe's in NW. Very cool place. Walls and ceiling are all black. Decor is all black except for the groovy purple chairs and couch. It's a small place and it fills up quickly for happy hour. We got there are 5:00 and got a table and 30 min later it was standing room only. Their Martini menu is actually a BOOK! I kid you not. Last night we drank sooo much. Actually I only had 2 martinis there (the French Kiss which was Greygoose vodka, champagne and stawberry and the Mintini that was very chocolatey and minty) but they were super strong! Anna had a Peartini, which was good, the Snickertini, the Jasmine Martini and a couple others I can't remember...Ian kept drinking those clear martinis with the green olives. Ick! Aimee had a Hazelnut Chocolate Martini which was more like a milkshake and it was divine! And she had a Lavender Martini which was soooo yummy! I highly recommed it for drinks. Food, on the other hand, WHAT A FREAKIN RIP OFF!!! We ordered a cheese plate, they bring this huge plate with literally, 3 slices of different cheeses on it. Um, and the rest of it is where...?? That's how all the food was. Super small, not worth the $$. We got our bill and for the four of us it was $75!!! But for me it was $22 because I didn't drink as much.
Kell's Irish Pub-- It's okay if there's a cool Irish band playing good music. But for the most part this is the place all the yuppy, jock, frat boy types hang out with their dumb blonde girlfriends.
Berbati's--Cool place to see a band!! We were there a few weeks ago to see Gaelic Storm. THAT WAS AMAZING!!! The music was fabulous, the dancing left everyone hot and sweaty. We hung out with the band afterwards and chatted. Cute boys!! :) The place is very intimate and makes you really feel like you know the band while they're playing.

March 22,2004: Wow, I can't believe I've been such a slacker! Two months since I've updated this site. So much to talk about! Let's start with the anti-christ George W Bush.

February 2004: My cousin Peter has been stationed in Iraq for a year now. He came home for two weeks!! It was fabulous. We hung out a lot. And a friend of mine joined us for drinks at the Mt. Tabor Pub. We had sooo much fun! And it was great to see him again. He had some pretty horrible stories about the war and Iraq. And he told me how the soldiers REALLY feel about George W Bush.

January 8, 2004: Ugh, I've been trapped at home for 3 days straight!! Portland was hit by a huge storm early this week. TONS of snow, which has now frozen into a block of ice. I tried to walk outside to catch the bus this morning and if I had been wearing ice skate shoes it would have been okay. THIS SUCKS! I am ready for this awful weather to be over!!

Last weekend I went to a coming of age party. It was a lot of fun. There were a bunch of people there, drumming and food and talking. Then we did the ritual. It was a lot of fun. The mother and daughter were attached with a red ribbon to symbolize the umbilical cord. Then at the end of the ceremony it was cut. It was a very emotional ritual. And I wished *I* could have gone through something like that.

Happy New Year!! The Year of the Monkey

January 1, 2004: I had such a fun time last night! Anna and I ended up going to a party with some friends. We had no idea who was throwing the party, they were apparently friends of friends of friends. :) It was a pagan party. We got all dressed up and headed over there with our group. Let's see, it was Michael, Doug, Joel, Curt, Dave, Kelly, Anna Beorn, and me. I knew a couple of them from Sunfest. Anyways. Everyone at the party was in costume. Apparently the theme was The Tarot.

There were a lot of people there. Most of the night there was drumming and dancing. That was so much fun. And the group of us hung out talking and laughing. I don't think I've laughed harder in my life! Those guys are hilarious. My side hurt most of the night. Tons of talking, hanging out, dancing. Then at midnight the usual. I ended up getting home around 3am. I woke up this morning to tons of SNOW!!! It's almost noon now and it's still snowing pretty hard. It looks so nice. :)

I took Yggdrasil outside to play in the snow. He was so confused! He was curious and started sniffing the snow and stuff. He started to freak out a little bit. He was shaking and I felt his heart start racing. So I took him back inside. He likes to sit in the window and watch the snow fall. It's so cute. :)

November 23, 2003: I've been so busy lately. Last weekend I went to a play, Beautiful Thing, which was made into a movie a few years ago. It was great and so much fun! I'd forgotten how much I love going to the theatre. It's so intimate. Yggdrasil was sick last weekend too, so I had to take him to the vet and get medicine. He's much better now. Although, he was NOT happy when I gave him a bath this morning! Yesterday I got together with a friend for brunch, then went shopping on HAwthorne. My aunt's been in the hospital for the last week and she had to have surgery. She's much better now but that was another hectic aspect of the last few weeks. I am sooo looking forward to the 4 days off over Thanksgiving.

Happy Samhain!

November 1, 2003: Happy Samhain! I had a fun Halloween. I took the day off work, rested, relaxed, got an awesome massage, and then went to a friend's house. After she took her daughter trick or treating we sat on the floor in a circle with candles and did divinations. Tarot readings, runes, was a lot of fun. Then I came home and did a private ritual of my own. More soon...

October 14, 2003: Geez you would think I would find the time to update this page, but I've just been busy! Going out with friends, finishing up my new apartment, hanging out, looking for stuff to do. I've been checking out school, thinking I might go back and finish my degree in Social Services. I've wanted to work with children for a long time. My dream job would be to work for an orphanage overseas, like Romania and Russia. The orphanages are so overcrowded over there and there's not enough help to care for the kids...

Anyways, this weekend I finally got my pictures scanned and tried to upload them to the site. Unfortunately geocities was having issues and it wouldn't work. I will try again soon. I also got a kittie!!!! I am so excited! His name is Yggdrasil (pronounced "drazzle") and as you fellow pagans might recognize, that's the name of the Celtic/Norse tree that united heaven and earth. There's lots of stories and lore about Yggdrasil. Anyway, the name seemed to fit. I answered an ad in the paper for a kitten. The lady rescued him from some kids that were abusing him. So I adopted him. :) He's so cute! We've been adjusting to each other so far. He's very loving and social. He loves to crawl all over me and play with my. He's such a sweet kitty when he curls up on the couch with me and lets me massage his little paws. He's 4 months old and mischievious as hell!!! I've never had a cat before so all this is new to me (plus I had allergies to a lot of cats....).

Last week my friend Erika and I went down to McCall's Restaurant/Lounge on the waterfront. It's a really nice place, with cheap happy hour!! She's friends with the band Storm that plays Dante's a lot. Storm was awesome! I was immediately blown away by her talent and amazing voice. I had so much fun! And the week before that, I met Erika and her friends at Conan's on Hawthorne. Her friend's band was performing. The music that night wasn't really my type and they don't serve liquor (and I don't like beer) but I had fun. I've been trying to get out more and make new friends since I cut out a certain toxic friend from my life. Things have been going good.

I was hanging out on Hawthorne last weekend when this totally cute guy walked up to me and shook my hand. I was a little taken aback but I stopped and chatted with him for awhile. It turned out he was a Hare Krishna monk. He was selling books on Hindu deities. I asked him if he had any books on Ganesha and he seemed totally blown away that I knew something about Hinduism. That was when he started hitting on me! I won't go into details, though they are very tasty details, but he was cute. And I admit I was a little intrigued by the whole Hare Krishna monk thing. Hmmmm....

I will write more later, and hopefully, upload those pictures!!

September 8, 2003: Last weekend was Labor Day and I didn't get to enjoy my three-day weekend because I was moving! Ugh, moving is evil. I hate it! I have so many books and cds they're such a pain in the ass to move. Anyways I found a totally cute apartment that I love and it's $100 a month CHEAPER than my other apartment! NICE! It has all hardwood floors and it's really cozy. One bedroom, bathroom, a pretty big living room/dining area. Kitchen is big. No dishwasher. I almost didn't take it because of that fact but decided to bite the bullet and just do it. It's not like i really have a lot of dishes anyways! So my parents came down from Seattle and helped me move. So did my cousin (the football player) and he recruited two of his friends to help. So we got everything moved in only a few hours. My new neighbor even offered to help, which was really nice.

So for the last week I've been busy unpacking and stuff. The only thing that sucks about my apartment is storage, there really isn't any. So've I've been getting rid of stuff, selling some of the cool knick-knacks I have, etc. I have about two boxes left to unpack. Then I will be done. And I plan on staying in this place for at least a year. I'm looking into buying a house. I just can't decide if I really want to stay in Portland. That's a hard decision!!

I rented some good movies this weekend to watch while unpacking. "Skulls," "Identity," and "Deliverance." Deliverance...I'd heard about it but didn't know much about it. I was watching the VH1 special on the 70's and they made fun of the movie so much I had to rent it! It was definitely disturbing....YIKES! Skulls was actually really good. I got it as a brainless-teen flick that doesn't have a lot of plot but it turned out good. But my absolute favorite was Identity. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!! It's kind of like the Sixth Sense in that there's a twist at the end, so I won't write about it. But RENT THIS MOVIE!

I also went to Powell's to get my book-fix. My addiction is buying books and reading. And it had been a while since I'd "used" so I needed a fix. :) I was in the psychology section looking through Jung's books when this guy next to me just started talking to me about Jung. It turned out he was visiting from San Diego and a friend recommended Powell's Books. He was impressed. I guess he was going to grad school in San Diego for psychology and he knew a lot about Jung. He recommended some books for me. He was kind of cute too :) I'd say he was 30-35 years old, Hispanic, his job was obviously physical because he had nicely defined muscles in his arms. ;) So anyways, we walked around the Red Room of Powell's recommending books to each other. He bought one of my favorite books, a collection of Rumi's poems. And I got Jung's "autobiography" about dreams. After we parted I shook my head, kicking myself. I should have asked him to coffee or something. I always think about those things AFTER it's too late. grrr....!

August 7, 2003: My life has been a whirlwind of activity in the last month!!! Sooo much has happened!! I went to my family reunion and had a great time. I saw an old friend I hadn't seen in a year and we had a blast. After my reunion I set out on my roadtrip to Montana (which I will write about more later). When I got home a week and a half later, there was a notice from landlord that they're raising my rent. DAMMIT!!! I panicked and gave my 30 days notice and found another apartment which was soooo cute!! I loved it! But I sat down and figured out how much it would actually cost to move in and it wasn't worth it. So I'm staying in my apartment for now. For at least a few months. I'm kind of glad because I love my apartment and was very unhappy about moving. I may even decide to stay here for a lot longer. I'm looking into finding a part time job a few times a week to make some extra money. Anyways. After that fiasco I thought maybe my life was going to settle down a bit but noooo! I fell last weekend and sprained my ankle. DAMMIT!!! So I've been limping on an ankle brace for the last few days. That has majorly sucked. I've been on Vicodin for the last week which has been nice :) thank god my prescription isn't refillable!! I understand why these celebrities get hooked on pain-killers. I always thought they were losers when they announced stuff like that (i.e. Chandler from friends and Robert Downey Jr right?).

What else has happened? Hmmm....I've been organizing my pictures and putting them in albums. I'm hoping I can find some time to get a bunch of pictures scanned onto my site! We'll see. I also cut out a very toxic "friend" from my life. It was difficult and I was very angry but I realized I was doing the right thing. So I've just been trying to adjust for the last few days. It's been strange. But now that this person is out of my life I think I will be able to not have her as a "crutch" and go out and make new healthy friendships. On a lighter note, I discovered my new favorite TV show!! It's called "Reno 911" on Comedy Central. I was flipping through the channels and by accident stopped on it one day. It was sooo bizarre I was hooked and kept watching. And I LOVED it!! It's like a spoof of Cops. It's indescribable! Watch it!!!

Portland Blues Festival!

July 6, 2003: Portland Blues festival! It's been such a crazy weekend! I've been at the waterfront blues festival pretty much all weekend. It's been soooo much fun! If you were there, I was probably seen around Porter's BBQ booth. It's the booth of a friend and my uncle and cousin Joey were working the booth too. It was so cool. We got in free the whole weekend because we went to Porter's "back door". We even got to use the Vendor's bathroom instead of standing in line with 100 other people for the bathrooms. Hehehe AND we got free food ALL weekend!! Porter's is awesome, the best food I have ever had! We're talking smoked, bbqed, delicious food. I won't even get into it. Except that I will say that the smoked salmon was so delicious I wanted to die! And last night my aunt and uncle from Washington brought freshly caught crab and oysters (from their "front yard" aka Puget Sound). YUMMY!!!

The music was totally awesome. Just a run-down of my favorites...Phil Upchurch, Taj Mahal, Northwest Soul Collective, Roy Rogers, Bettye Lavette, Curtis Salgado Band and STEVE MILLER!!!! Yes folks, THE Steve Miller. The Joker. The Love. The Midnight Toker. SWEEEET!!!!!! And tonight, the legendary, the wonderful, the beautiful, the magical ETTA JAMES!!!! I am sooo excited for tonight's show!

I had fun. I got sunburned on Friday which sucked. But it was so beautiful down on the waterfront. The weather was absolutely perfect and there was a nice breeze coming off Willamette. Perfect! I met someone too. His name is Eric and he's the most GORGEOUS black man I have ever seen in MY LIFE!! I was swooning...melting...dizzy...He's in the Navy? I think...All I remember is him mentioning Special Ops. Anyways, he just got back from Iraq. Man was he BUILT! Anyways. We chatted and flirted and hung out Friday night. His friend Andre (I think that was his name) was a total perv though. He was there with one of his girlfriends and he kept hitting on me. I mean like porn movie hitting on me. Like winking and licking his lips. I was like oh my god this guy is a freak! He was cute, looked just like Lenny Kravitz. But come on!! Talk about coming on too strong!! Eric and I exchanged phone #'s and got separated during the fireworks show--which was awesome. We might hook up at the show tonight, who knows.

I will write more after I see ETTA JAMES!!!!!!!

July 4, 2003: Happy Independance Day! I'm just sitting here early in the morning, eating yummy cherries for breakfast and listening to my new CD. It's a cd of Koto music from Japan. It's the traditional music of Japanese Shinto Temples. It's very cool. The Portland Blues Festival is this weekend, which is where I will be for the entire weekend. :)

Well update on "K" I wrote before, it was complicated, and he lives in Washington. But I think for the best, I am just going to walk away from it all and not get involved. I have to think about myself first and how I feel. Which is a total shame. He was the first guy I've met in a long long time that I really felt a spiritual connection with. That's something I look for first in people I date. I don't really care about looks and money and all that stuff. I don't think I mentioned this in my Sunfest update but "K" told me he was bipolar. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! When he said that I sat up in bed and started laughing, yelling "Oh my god!" He was like, "I've never gotten that reaction before." OH MY GOD! That is the 3rd guy in the last four months that I got involved with that was BI-POLAR! Apparently I have a magnet in my body that draws them to me. I couldn't believe it!!! I told my mom and she laughed. Everyone I know laughs when I tell them about the bipolar thing. It is pretty humorous. But my mom said it's because I am such a nurturing person. That's very true. My personality is very mothering, nurturing...I seem to attract people to me that are looking for that type of person in their lives. Which I suppose is a good thing, but at the same time, I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER! LOL...oh well. One of life's jokes I suppose!!

My trip is coming up very quickly! I am sooo excited!! Two weeks from now I will be headed to Montana for my pilgrimage/road trip/vacation. I can't hardly wait! Well I am off for now. I have to get ready for the KICK ASS blues festival! Blessed be! P.S. At sunfest I bought a bumpersticker for my car. It has an american flag on it and it says "Goddess Bless America." :)


June 23, 2003: Sunfest! I had an amazing weekend at the Sunfest Summer Equinox festival. Friday I got off work early and Anna and I drove down to Silver Creek Falls and set up our tent. We were just in time for the opening ritual, which was totally awesome! There were probably about 225 people there. It was a beautiful campground. Friday night there was a drumming circle around the fire, of course.

Also, Anna and I went to the "Tantric Workshop." It was this huge parachute tent in the woods. They had carpets set up inside with altars and candles. About 13 people were inside there and we all sat in a circle. We did a ritual honoring the god and goddess Shiva and Shakti, passing around the candles, wine, food, and other honorings for the gods. Two women performed the ritual as Shiva and Shakti. Despite the "Tantric" name it wasn't really tantric. I know people's first thought is "orgy" but nothing like that happened. It was just really cool.

Saturday Anna and I woke up in time for the main ritual. At each cardinal point, there was an "altar" set up. In the East, there was a woman sitting in a large pink lotus next to a Hindu altar. Everyone sang a song from Krishna Das (?) which was beautiful. I wish I knew the name of it. The South was dedicated to the Egyptian tradition. They actually built an Egyptian "temple" and there was the Pharaoh surrounded by several woman in red dresses. It was awesome! They passed out reeds to everyone. (Mine is on my altar now.) The West was a cauldron of water from the Columbia River. The North was dedicated to the Norse gods.

After the ritual, there was a potluck at the Lodge. Anna and I were so tired afterwards that we took a nap with our friend Chris. He had an air mattress in his tent and it was sooo warm and comfy!! We snuggled and fell asleep for hours. The rain started and it sounded so beautiful falling through the trees and hitting the tents. There was also thunder and lightning. It echoed through the woods and was sooo magickal! Eventually, I forced myself to wake up. If not, I knew I'd sleep forever. So I walked down to the Meadow where the fire pit was. It was still raining a bit. I hooked up with someone I'd met earlier that day, "K". We took off together and found shelter in the "coffee house" tent. We stood in the shelter, sharing a cup of coffee, chatting, and watching the rain fall. It was awesome!!

That night there was more firedancing and drumming. Sunday morning, we woke up around noon for the closing ritual. "K" and I spent a good portion of the morning together in my tent talking. We had an amazing connection. It was as if I was truly looking into the eyes of my soulmate. I felt like I had known "K" for many lifetimes. I gave him directions to my apartment in Portland and later in the afternoon he showed up. :) I was excited to see him! He didn't have tons of time because he had to drive back to Washington for work. But we spent about 4 hours together talking and stuff. We listened to the Portland jazz radio station and even danced to one of the jazz songs. I wish I could remember which one but "K" definitely made me lose all control of my senses.... He is an amazing, spiritual, sensitive person. He's soft spoken and intuitive. He could definitely read my mind. Anyways, he had to go home so we said our sad goodbyes. He gave me a gift and I gave him one of my favorite Miles Davis CDs...he said he wanted something to listen to when he thinks of me. :)

June 16, 2003: I went back to Seattle over the weekend for my brother's highschool graduation. Last week I was actually starting to feel a little homesick for Seattle. But once I got there, NO WAY!! I remembered why I left!! Okay SEATTLE vs. PORTLAND.....
1. took so freakin long to get through Fort Lewis and downtown Seattle. Driving home yesterday, there was an accident and both Northbound and Southbound were completely stopped for at least 40 minutes. I sat there, creeping a long at 5 mph with a migraine approaching. GRRRR. Portland has traffic, yes, but it's nothing compared to Seattle. Even in traffic, it only takes me about 15 minutes to drive home from work. And the people! Oh my god! Seattle drivers make me mental.
2. Bums...In Seattle there are homeless people everywhere. It's not really just concentrated in one area. But in Portland the bums are pretty much only on Burnside. Avoid Burnside and you won't be hassled.
3. Cleanliness...Seattle is such a shithole. There's garbage everywhere, the roads are all old and cracked and lumpy with like craters in them--probably from the earthquakes!! Tons of litter on the ground, debris on the freeways, telephone poles plastered with staples and scraps of papers and ads. Portland, on the other hand, is probably the cleanest city I have ever seen. None of the problems Seattle seems to have is here.
4. Ease...Seattle is not the easiest place to get around. I won't even get into the irritations. But Portland has the max which takes A LOT of traffic off the roads and it's just easier to get around the city when you need to.
5. Downtown...When I lived in Seattle, you had to give yourself an hour and a half AT LEAST to get anywhere in the city. You have to account for traffic, construction (which apparently is everywhere now), PARKING! Yikes!! Portland isn't like that. I want to go downtown, I leave my house and 5 mintues later I'm downtown. Sweet!

Anyways, my trip. It was okay. It was good to see my brother and hang out with him. My mom threw her back out so I didn't have time to get with any of my friends. But it was fun. Andy and I rented "Death to Smoochy." OH MY GOD! It was hilarious! How did Robin Williams NOT win an Academy Award for this movie? I loved it! We were hysterical watching the DVD.

June 1, 2003: The big news that I'm excited about is my ROAD TRIP!!! I'm taking 6 days off of work in July (for a total of 10 vacation days) and decided this time I'm going somewhere! I pulled out my road atlas and realized that I've been everywhere on the West Coast. Didn't want to go to Las Vegas alone (that's the only place I haven't been) so I decided on Montana! Montana you say? WHY?! Because my best friend my highschool lives there! I haven't seen her in 5 years and it sounds like so much fun! And I'm really excited to be frolicking in nature. LOL I can't wait to go hiking and walking through the beautiful countryside. I will definitely post pictures when I go!

I've planned out my road trip and talked to Rachel. She's excited too. Her and her boyfriend live together in Montana. They're going to take me camping and teach me how to fly fish. I am sooo excited! I used to fish with my dad when I was a little kid and it was cool. I'd even clean out the fish afterwards. But it's been a long time and I've never tried fly fishing. I am just so excited about this summer! I'm driving up to Seattle in 2 weeks for my little brother's graduation! Exciting! And Anna and I are going to Sunfest the weekend after that. The Portland Blues Festival is over 4th of July weekend and I'll be spending every waking moment down there. Then our family reunion--which is so much fun! And then my road trip! I haven't planned anything for August yet, I'll have to think of something...

I had a good weekend. Friday night I rented some videos: "The Hot Chick" FUNNY! "The Recruit"--which was totally awesome! And the 4th season of Sex in the City is finally out. I love that show. Saturday Anna and I took the max downtown and met my friends Alexis and Tanya for dinner at Accuardi's Old Town Pizza. It's on NW Davis between 2nd and 3rd, across the street from C.C. Slaughter's Bar. Pizza was pretty good! We hung out a little and then walked down to Burnside for the Starlight Parade, which I guess is what kicks off the Rose Festival. In the 3 years I've lived in Oregon I've never been to the Rose Festival. The parade was fun. Finally it was over and Anna and I walked back to Skidmore to catch the max back to my office where I parked my car. Every train that went by was so packed NO one could get on!! DAMMIT! So we said "screw this" and walked!! From downtown, across the Steelbridge, and about 10 blocks to NE from the Rose Garden. It was actually kind of fun. It was about 10pm, dark, the weather was really warm. It was fun. :)

May 12, 2003: Well....Ivan is back. I went to my aunt's house to drop off her camping gear from Beltane and saw his truck parked in front of his house. I stopped and we talked for about an hour. He's been in the hospital (and jail at one point) for the last month because of his manic-depression. But he's back and actually taking his medications. So that's good. He's a completely different person on his meds, I could tell immediately. He mentioned something about going out this weekend but I don't brain is screaming "NO! RUN AWAY!" I know it would be for the best...but the other part of me is like, "Well...I kinda liked this guy and we have fun together...and he's really hot...what's the harm in just going out?" GRRRR!! How frustrating!! I think I figured out what it is about Ivan that is so magnetic. He has this whole tortured-James-Dean-Bad-Boy thing going on that makes me melt! Well on another topic. It sounds like Anna and I MIGHT be going to Sunfest next month (another festival for the Midsummer sabbat). Which would be totally cool. We'll see.

May 6, 2003: Coming back to the real world was a harsh reality. The magick I felt this weekend is still lingering in my fantasies and my dreams but it�s beginning to fade. I never wanted Beltane to end! It was so much fun. And returning to the daily grind filled with florescent lights, uninspiring work, and mundane duties filled me with disappointment.

If you�ve never seen the movie �The Beach,� I highly recommend it. I�m not a Leonardo DiCrapio fan but this was a REALLY good movie! Long story short it�s about him and his friends finding a secluded island inhabited by a small community. Basically just a bunch of hippies living in a commune, cut off from the rest of the world, growing their own food, building their own huts, and living together as a big family. During Beltane I got a glimpse of what communal living would be like and I must admit�as out of character as this sounds�I loved it! I loved everyone working together for a common goal. I loved everyone sharing food and drinks, passing it around to everyone. I loved the family atmosphere�especially amidst the forest. Returning to my one-bedroom apartment in the cold, alienating city was very depressing.

Beltane 2003!!

May 5, 2003: I have been reborn. Beltane was absolutely amazing this year!! Bear with me, a lot happened over this weekend! Anna and I left Friday after work. We packed up my car for its very first road trip! It was hot Friday in Portland: at least 75. We were wearing tank tops, skirts, and sandals with the windows down and the music blaring!! We drove down to Roaring River Campgrounds. It�s on the Mckenzie River about an hour from Eugene. The drive was absolutely beautiful. The weather was perfect, the mountains, gorgeous Pacific NW trees, and the white clouds just made the anticipation of Beltane more powerful!

Once we got into the National Forest (I can�t remember the name) the drive was even cooler. The road wound around the mountains with these huge canyons below. It was scary but beautiful! Along the way we stopped to take some pictures of the scenery, an old covered bridge, a really cool road sign with a pedestrian and a hool-a-hoop. We finally arrived at the campgrounds where the Beltane Festival was being held. There were about 40 of us and the rest of the campgrounds were empty. It was awesome!

Anna and I borrowed camping gear from our aunt so it took us awhile to set up. Our tent was literally 5 feet from the roaring river!! It was sooo awesome at night! Laying there, letting the sound of the river lull us to sleep. It was wonderful, just like sleeping on the beach! The campgrounds were absolutely beautiful. Indescribable. Sooo many trees, moss growing on the ground, wildflowers, tons of ferns�definitely the Goddess�s playground! We walked around meeting everyone. Anna knew a handful of people from previous festivals and I knew a few through Anna. But for the most part they were all strangers. But by the end of the weekend they all felt like family!

There was the main campground in the middle, that�s where everything was set up. In a clearing in the trees a huge fire pit was dug, edged with large rocks. That was the Beltane fire for the weekend. It was starting to get dark, it was probably around 8:30pm by then. I met this guy named Steve and we started talking, standing beside the huge fire. There were about 5 guys drumming and people were dancing. Steve and I got to know each other, flirted :) and shared the wine I brought. Someone passed around a bottle of homemade Mead, a �May Wine� aphrodisiac! Things were going very well with Steve, I liked him a lot. I won�t go into many details about him to protect his privacy but let�s just say he was almost everything I look for in a man! Steve and I celebrated Beltane together. We rejoined the fire and danced into the night. Many people were either topless or naked as they danced.

The next day we woke up to the sound of the roaring river, distant drumming echoing through the woods and tiny raindrops on the tent. Magickal. Time to prepare for the Beltane Ritual! We gathered in the center of the campground. Last year�s May King and Queen made a speech and we split up into two groups. The men went into the forest to find the maypole while the women stayed behind and prepared the hole. We took turns digging the hole and then gathered decorations from the forest. We used leaves, evergreen tree branches, ferns, moss, wildflowers and anything else we could find. Some people brought small statues of deities and put them around the hole.

At that point the men marched by us dragging a very small branch behind them, acting like that was the maypole! We all made jokes full of sexual innuendos�it was afterall, Beltane, a fertility festival!! We made jokes about the size of the branch, etc. etc. LOL. The men continued into the forest, drumming and doing �manly� things. Later, I heard that some of the men bled on the maypole. (Basically they got scratched while they were tromping through the forest.) It started hailing but it wasn�t cold or wet or anything. The weather managed to stay perfect for most of Saturday!

We lit a purple candle and then began the women�s ritual. It started with all of us standing in a circle holding hands. We closed our eyes and started humming as we rocked side to side in unison. The humming gradually got louder and louder and the circle got smaller and smaller as we moved closer to the hole. Finally we all raised our hands at the same time, screamed out and then dropped to our knees and grounded ourselves. It was one of the most powerful moments of my life. Afterwards I felt like electricity was running through my body!

The men returned with a HUGE maypole! They were all carrying it on their shoulders while last year�s May King was sitting on top of it. They lowered it to the ground and we began to dance the maypole. Only the women danced while the men drummed. The maypole was huge! It was actually a tree that had fallen across the road. They smoothed it out, carved the end of it to look very phallic :) and decorated the top with moss and this pair of antlers they actually found on their journey!! After that we chose the new May Queen who then had to choose her King from four men. There was a small, informal ceremony of the changing of the king and queen and then the men and women split up again to prepare. The women went back to the campground to prepare our Queen. We made her dress from various fabrics and outfits people brought. We made her crown of the flowers. We gathered in the tent while we took turns giving her a massage with homemade lotions. It was very cool. It was almost like we were Native American women huddled in our teepee while we shared a shamanic experience. Our Queen just turned 50 and she was passing into the crone phase. So the various �crones� of the �tribe� passed on wisdom.

We all gathered to the maypole and the men picked up and (in a very sexually explicit way!) inserted the maypole into the hole and raised it up. It looked so awesome! The ribbons were attached to the pole and ready for us. We each grabbed a ribbon (boy girl boy girl) and started the maypole dance. The ribbons interlaced and got shorter and shorter until we could all barely move. It was sooo much fun!! We left the maypole up all weekend.

Dinner Saturday night was a potluck set up underneath a tent by the Beltane fire. We ate, celebrated Beltane, hung out, had fun�When night fell the dancing started again. Steve was drumming with some of the other guys. I was dancing on the other side of the fire, across from him. The fire was big and hot so most of us stripped down to the bare minimum. Some were topless, some wearing a bra and their skirts. I wore just a tank top and my pants. I was also wearing a sheer black scarf with silver moons and stars on them. I closed my eyes and got so lost in the rhythm and the mood. Every once in awhile I�d open my eyes and catch Steve�s gaze across the fire. We�d smile and that electrical feeling that I�d felt all day would just intensify! The dance was amazing; the drumming made my entire body alive! This girl Sarah ended up being my dance partner for the evening :) we danced together and played with my scarf�dancing together so it looked like we had multiple arms like Shiva. Steve said watching us dancing from afar was very magickal, that we looked magickal. I definitely FELT magickal!

Later I jumped the Beltane fire. It was so cool! The story goes that if you jump the Beltane fire with someone, you�re supposed to be married to then within a year. I jumped by myself. I think that symbolizes a new beginning for me. I definitely feel like a new person. I feel like my world has changed, my eyes have opened, I�ve reached a higher level of consciousness. Anna and I eventually went to bed. It was strange, the entire weekend I never felt tired once (except when I ate some brownies someone gave me�hmmm�I think there was something other than walnuts in them. Who knows.). We barely ate all weekend either!! We brought all this food and I think I ended up eating three muffins, drank some apple juice, and then ate at the potluck and that was it all weekend! We mostly consumed alcohol! We brought two bottles of wine, there was tons of Mead passed around, and during the Maypole ritual we drank some Strega�which is awesome!!

Sunday Steve snuck into my tent to say goodbye. He had to take off early. (Actually I had absolutely NO concept of time the entire weekend!) We hugged goodbye and had a little moment and then he left. :( Anna and I got up and hung out for a few hours. One of Anna�s friends, Ed, was there and he took me for a walk into the forest down to the river in search of a walking stick/staff. I found the perfect one that I can�t wait to decorate! I also found the perfect wand I�m going to fix up. It�s on my altar for now. I wanted to bring something home from Beltane.

Eventually we left. Anna and I followed our friend Chris to the hot springs that are on the way back to Eugene. I think they were called the Terwilliger Hot Springs(??) I will double check that. This very cool guy named Michael met up with us later. He was one of the drummers from Beltane. We hiked about a mile into the forest where the hot springs were. There were probably about 15 people there. The hot springs were sooo cool! At the top there was a small waterfall that went into a little pool then there was another pool and another below that one. The lower you got the cooler the water was. We got in at the top. The water was so warm!! I don�t know the actually temperature but it was hot! I started to feel dizzy so I sat on the rocks to cool off a little. There was a doctor there and he said that my blood pressure was probably really low from the heat. (And I�m sure no food, no water, only alcohol all weekend had something to do with it.)

There is something about nakedness that brings people closer together. Clothing was �optional� at the hot springs. Most people opted for no clothes. We met a lot of really cool people and I think being mutually naked and vulnerable let down people�s pretenses and inhibitions. We stayed in the hot springs for almost 5 hours!!! It was absolute heaven. At one point it started to rain and the rain felt so good while in the hot springs. I laid on my back, floating, and stared up at the blue sky, white drifting clouds and the moss covered trees around me and just floated�.The hot springs alleviated ALL of our pain: all of our back pain from camping on the hard ground, all the sore muscles from dancing, and all of the stress that we had accumulated from work and life. It was incredible! I want to go back!

Anna and I drove back to Portland, hauling ass so we could get our pictures developed in one hour�they turned out cool. I wish we could have taken more. The drive home was a little bittersweet. The further away we got from the campgrounds the more it dawned on me how damaging it is to live in the city. I hadn�t realized how completely out of touch I was with my spiritual side, with my soul, until this weekend. The Beltane Festival definitely showed me what I need to do with my life. One thing is my job. I like my job for the most part, it�s stable, it pays better than retail, I like the people. But it�s not the right job for me. Steve said I should get into social work and he�s right. All this time I�ve wanted to volunteer at a women�s shelter, or volunteer at schools to help kids learn to read, etc�when what I really need is to find a REWARDING job that feeds my soul! Steve has a very noble job and I am so envious and impressed with him. He�s a quiet creature with a good soul. When he crawled into my tent to say goodbye he grabbed my shoulders tightly, shook me and said that I HAD to find another job! We didn�t really make plans to see each other, which sucks. He just said �maybe we�ll see each other in Portland.� But who knows if that will ever happen. If it does I will know the Goddess had a hand in it!!

April 22, 2003: Why didn't I walk away from Ivan a few weeks ago when everyone was warning me to? But noooo I had to learn for myself. Like I stated before Ivan is bipolar. He's been in his depressive state for the last eight months (he doesn't take his meds like he needs to). I got the impression the last time we were together that he would soon be shifting to the manic stage. Sure enough, my aunt calls me at work today and tells me he's gone psychotic. He tore up his house completely, I mean nothing inside is still in one piece. He tore off the walls and sheetrock, broke all the windows and then took off. I've known people who were bipolar before so that's why I wasn't intensely consurned when I found out. I knew one person who was ok when he was manic. He was totally hyper, like he was on speed, but he wasn't psychotic or anything. I should have known that EVERY manic person isn't like that! What was I thinking??

I'm not going to go into details of today because it's long and involved and not pretty. But let's just say that Ivan will probably end up in jail or a hospital by the night's end. And I have to walk away. No matter how much I care about him, or how much I wish I could help...I can't. Ugh, today SUCKED...happy fucking earth day.

Somewhere I Belong -- Linkin Park
"I'd get lost in the nothingness inside of me
I was confused
And I let it all out to find/that I'm
Not the only person with these things in mind
Inside of me......
I will never know myself
Until I do this on my own
And I will never feel
Anything else until my wounds are healed
I will never be
Anything til I break away from me
And I will break away
I'll find myself today...."

April 21, 2003: I had a good weekend. I went to my aunt's house for Easter dinner, which was delicious as always. Peter called from the Middle East! He's stationed in Kuwait now, not Iraq. YES! A huge weight was lifted when I heard that...and also that he was promoted to driver for the Commanding Officer. So that means he will be far from danger! I am so glad. Anyways, I have a new list:

Top 10 Disco Songs
10. "Forget Me Nots" -- Patrice Rushen
9. "If I Can't Have You" -- BeeGees
8. "Ladies Night" -- Kool and the Gang
7. "Ring My Bell" -- Anita Ward
6. "Good Times" -- Chic
5. "Let's Groove" -- Earth, Wind and Fire
4. "Best of my Love" -- Emotions
3. "The Hustle" -- Van McCoy
2. "Dancing Queen" -- ABBA
1. "I Will Survive" -- Gloria Gaynor

April 13, 2003: OH MY GOD! I had the BEST night last night! The BIG DATE...I feel like I can use his real name now instead of just "V"...his name is Ivan. So Anyways, Anna and I picked up Ivan and went to Lush. It was a pretty cool place. But I think it's the kind of place to end up at the end of the night instead of start the night there. It was very cool inside. Very dark, lit by purple and pink lava lamps. There were huge booths that were very private. The tables were of stainless steel. It was a really cool place. Kurt met us there and we all had a drink. I had their specialty "Sour Puss" with Stoli, raspberry and chambord. Very good!

We decided to head out and walked a few blocks to Berbati's. The last time Anna and I were there was almost 2 years ago for the My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult concert. So we got in and found a booth pretty easily. It was about 11:00 and the place was dead. But that was okay. We got drinks and hung out for awhile. Ivan is definitely very shy. He finally opened up to me and told me a few things about himself that were definitely personal. I really felt connected to him at that moment because we both experienced something in our lives should I say this...I can't think of a way to say it politely so I will just say it. He's bipolar. I've dealt with depression my entire life, I've been on medication for it for about 9 years now I think.

Anna and Kurt left us and went back to Lush to meet one of Kurt's friends who was supposed to hook up with us. They were gone for at least two hours!! But Ivan and I did NOT notice. LOL. At one point this guy came and sat down next to us in the booth. I thought it was just some random guy being a retard but it was the bouncer! LOL Later another bouncer came over and shined a flashlight in our face and told us to get a room. Whatever. :) It was pretty embarrassing. But the mood and moment was just perfect. Around 2:00am the bouncer came over and asked us to leave for being too "hot and heavy"!! OH MY GOD! I was so embarrassed! It was strange because in our little booth it was just the two of us and it felt like the rest of the club had disappeared. Anyways. So I found Anna and Kurt, who had come back by then. Kurt pulled me onto the dance floor and we started dancing and he asked me what the chances were that Ivan and I could take a cab home. LOL I said "$20 and Anna's all yours!" LOL I was joking, but Kurt gave me $20 for the cab ride home. So Ivan and I walked out into the pouring rain, my arm around his waist, his arm around my shoulders. We hailed a cab and climbed inside. It only cost $14 to get to my apartment. We said good night and then Ivan took the cab back to his place. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face. It was one of the most romantic nights of my life I think...I don't know how things are going to go. Our last relationships weren't great for the both of us. He said it would be best for us to take it slow. But he said he wanted to see me again so we'll see what happens...Okay there--that's my story, I bared my soul--a little bit censored but nevertheless naked honesty. :)

April 12,2003: Oh my god I had *such* a fun night last night! Anna called me Thursday night and was like "Where going out with a bunch of Marines Friday night." And I was like "Ok." LOL Her cousin Robert was in town and Robert's dad, Dick, flew in to spend the weekend with him. So Anna, her brother Adam, Adam's one year old son Kobe, and I went downtown and met them at their hotel on the waterfront. We all walked a few blocks to this NICE restaurant. There was me, Anna, Adam, Kobe, Dick, Robert and his Marine buddies Kurt, Rick and Dennis.

They all LOOKED like Marines. The haircuts, the CUT bodies, the macho attitudes. It was funny!! I was kinda hoping some punks would hassle us on the street so I could watch four Marines kick the crap out of them! LOL...anyways. The food was good but goddamn it was expensive!! Anna, Adam and I looked at the menu and looked at each other--we could all read each other's thoughts: "Holy crap, the caesar salad is HOW much?!" But the food was really good. Definitely a gourmet restaurant. The Marines ordered a few bottles of wine (NICE wine too, we're talking $40 a bottle!!) and for dessert there was a chocolate souffle. Before dessert, Dick did the smoothest thing. He got up to use the bathroom and paid the entire bill! I was so impressed. And that was totally cool too, the bill was probably about $300! Robert said that the Marines usually play "Credit Card Roulette." The game goes like this: you all order whatever you want for dinner (without considering the price) and then everyone throws their credit card on table. The waitress takes them all, mixes them up, puts them in her pocket. One by one she takes the cards out. The last credit card is the one that has to pay the entire bill! Holy crap!! :) The restaurant was called Veritable Quandary.

Okay anyways. After dinner, Adam and Kobe left and the rest of us walked down to the waterfront Marina and went to this bar called McCormick and Schmicks. Classy place! We all sat at the bar drinking and talking. If you were there we were the two girls with 4 Marines. :) I was sitting next to Rick and we were talking, really hitting it off... ;) But he was tired so him and Robert left and went back to the hotel. Understandable, they're all pilots and had to work at 6am the next day. They fly F18's I think they said. Anyways...So Dennis was at the end of the bar talking to two women (who looked pretty skanky) so it was just the four of us talking and hanging out. Kurt kept buying drinks for the four of us.

Kurt and I really had some chemistry. :) So we flirted and chatted until about one am....It was a lot of fun. I liked Kurt. But he lives in Southern California and obviously dating a Marine who's travelling all the time isn't fun. He asked what we were doing Saturday night. Anna and I told him about my date with "V"... :) So long story short, Kurt is going tonight as Anna's date. LOL! I can't wait. It's going to be sooo much fun tonight!

So around 1:20am we decided to go. We walked back to the hotel in the pouring rain. We were all dripping by the time we got back. But it was fun!

April 8, 2003: I rented some really good movies over the weekend. The first was "Red Dragon" from the Hannibal Lecter series. It's actually a remake of a movie I saw awhile ago called "Manhunter." It's from the 70's with that guy from CSI and Joan Allen. The guy that played Hannibal wasn't Anthony Hopkins unfortunately. But Manhunter was a great movie! At the end when the bad guy is found they play (forgive my spelling...) "Anagoda Devida" or whatever. LOL Red Dragon was good though because #1 the actors in it were great (my favs too!), #2 they filled in the blanks that were kinda confusing in Manhunter.

April 7, 2003: What a weekend!! My cousin Peter, the one I wrote about earlier, didn't actually leave for Iraq until this morning. The first half of them went Saturday and Peter went this morning. But yesterday (Sunday), was the weekly dinner at my Aunt's house. There were TONS of people there, probably about 15 or 20. The food was sooo good! My uncle barbqued chicken on this new humongous bbq he built. Anyways, Peter called to say goodbye so we passed the cell phone around so everyone could talk to him. I talked to him first and managed to make him emotional. I just told him how proud I was of him and that I loved him. He said he loved me too and got all choked up. So that's when *I* started getting choked went downhill from there! So a bunch of us were crying a bit and hugging. That was kind of bittersweet. But the rest of the evening went fantastic!

I met someone...It almost feels like I shouldn't say anything that might jinx it. I really like this guy. He's a year older than me. His job is very physical so he's cut!! Just think that incredible scene of Brad Pitt's washboard abs in "Thelma and Louise"!!! DAMN! LOL So anyways, Anna and I told "V" (that's what I'll call him for now) that we were going to kidnap him and take him clubbing in Portland. He's fairly new to the area and hasn't been anywhere yet. He's VERY shy and introverted-at least that's what I was told-but he wasn't that shy with me so who knows. So we planned on going clubbing Saturday night but now there's a birthday party for my aunt's friend this Saturday night and we're going to that first. It should be a lot of fun...I am dying for the weekend to come already! It's going to be a LONG freakin' weekend! we got on the subject of taking "V" clubbing...Anna told this joke to everyone at the party last night. "Why did Jesus die on the cross? Because he forgot the "safe" word!" Okay, Anna and I were the ONLY ones that got the joke! So for those of you that don't get it either, I'll explain...LOL In the S&M world, people tie each other up or whatever and there's a "safe" word for that person to say when the sadism gets too intense and they want to stop. So anyways, after we explained the S&M world to our middle-aged friends and relatives LOL they got it. Then it was the long-running joke about how Anna and I got to S&M clubs...Which isn't true. Never been, I didn't even know Portland had them! So I told "V" we were going to take him to a goth club. Now I just have to find one. Either Berbati's or Dante's I think. Dante's is on Burnside, I've never been, but apparently they have a bunch of fires in the club. That's cool. J So we'll see. I'm going to agonize in anticipation ALL week long! I will post what happens next weekend. :)

April 4, 2003: I love getting my tax refund! I did a little shopping :) I got some CDs: Santana's "Shaman," the new Linkin Park CD and Coldplay (which I'm listening to right now). I love the CDs!! I've started working at the new building over in NE Portland, in the Rose Quarter by the Convention Center. It is a REALLY nice building!! I'm on the 9th floor and by a window--it is such a beautiful view of the city, bridges, and sky. Portland is actually really beautiful to live in.

Tonight Anna and I went to a Jewish Synagogue. We decided awhile ago that in order to learn new things in Portland and make new friends we were going to do something cool and new once a week. So I suggested checking out a synagogue. We were both curious so we went to this synagogue in NW Portland on 18th...I can't remember the name. It turned out that it was a Reconstructionalist synagogue or something. It was very casual, not the stoic and serious environment we pictured. It was a lot of fun! We thought we would just be able to slip in unnoticed...not! There were only about about 40 people there and everyone knew each other so we stuck out like a sore thumb.

Everyone was REALLY nice though! This old couple was very friendly and gave us pointers. The song books were in Hebrew and like in Asia they read from the opposite side of the book. So they showed us which pages to follow along in. They were very helpful. Then during the Shabbat, the rabbi welcomed the new faces and asked if any of them wanted to stand and introduce theirselves. Everyone turned their head and looked at us! YIKES! But we bowed out. :)

The evening was a LOT of singing, which was really cool! I liked the singing. It was all in Hebrew but it had translations into English too. I liked what some of the things said. I've been starting to feel spiritually isolated. Paganism is a hard religion at times, especially since there isn't really a stable community--no churches, etc. But tonight I really felt the love and sense of community from everyone...eventhough we were outsiders. Everyone was so nice to us and came up afterwards to chat and find out what we thought of the services. The little old ladies seemed particularily curious. :)

Anyways, that was my night. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we did it. I'm thinking I might go back one of these days. And I definitely want to check out other churches and religions. I think it's important to see what other people do and what they believe.

My little cousin Peter is being deployed to Iraq in a few short hours. He's in the Army. He's been stationed in Colorado (lucky bastard) for the last year. I talked to him this morning while I was at work. It was hard talking to him without getting emotional. I thought of Forrest Gump when Jenny tells Forrest to run away in the war and protect himself. LOL But seriously, since I found out last week my thoughts have been preoccupied by Peter leaving for Iraq.

I totally support our troops. Whether you're anti-war or pro-war, I think everyone should STOP PROTESTING!!!! We are ALREADY AT WAR and protesting isn't going to do anything EXCEPT depress our troops who are over there risking their lives for us. Please, everyone, the next time you want to protest the war, think of the young 20 year old boy in Iraq who joined the military to be a hero and wants to protect OUR WAY OF LIFE!!! And think about how he feels hearing that half the country isn't even supporting his efforts. That thought makes me want to cry. :(

March 23,2003: As I write this I am listening to my new CD by Karan Casey. It's beautiful music! Check out my review on my Pagan Music page. I've had a blast this weekend!! Friday night my cousin Anna came over after work and we hung out with some wine. We chatted about how men suck as a general rule :) and how annoying the War Protestors are that are congesting Portland streets on a daily basis. Saturday Anna and I went to Hillsboro for the Pagan Faire. That was a lot of fun! There some really cool booths with some nice pagan jewelry and stuff.

Saturday night was so much fun! We picked up our friend Stephanie, who totally rocks! She's from Alabama and has the accent and everything but she's very liberal. She's a Howard Stern fan! Yea! She said that she's Howard's soul-mate, but he just doesn't know it yet. LOL that's almost word for word what I say! Our plans were to go to Harvey's comedy club because Anna got some free tickets. But there was some mix-up on the time so we got there and there was no room. Oh well. We hung out in their lounge for a drink while we decided what to do. I suggested we find a place to play pool until it was later in the evening when the clubs were actually crowded! So we went to NW Portland and checked out Touche's. It's this totally awesome restaurant (very nice!) with a bunch of pool tables upstairs. So we got drinks and a table and played a few games. By the end game we were totally sucking! None of us could get a ball into the pockets, Anna was frequently MISSING the ball altogther! And I--somehow-- managed to make the 8 Ball OFF the table and hit this girl at the next table! She was cool about it though and just laughed. But I stil felt like an idiot! So we decided that perhaps pool wasn't our sport and went on to the next destination.

We picked up a Willamette Weekly and a Mercury to see what was going on at clubs around town. We went to The Cellar Bar on Burnside, up the street from Powell's Books. It's a totally awesome bar. You walk downstairs into the underground bar and it's dark, lit by only candles and there's awesome music playing and mosaic's on the walls. We sat down for a drink and looked through the papers to find something fun to do. We decided to go down to 2nd and 3rd near Burnside since there's so many cool clubs in one area. Our idea was to check out Red Sea, this Reggae club. But we got there and it was $10 to get in so we decided to walk down the street to Kell's Irish Bar. That was sooo much fun!! There was this really great Irish band playing. I want to say they were called the Kings because I saw a bunch of people wearing the T-shirts, but I'm not sure. It was lively and fun music. We talked to some guys from Salem. The one I talked to was a 26 year old lawyer. It was pretty interesting chatting with him. But eventually we called it a night and went home. We had so much fun!

So today I am just taking it easy! Tonight is the Oscars. The Academy Awards have always been like my Superbowl. But this year is going to suck. They aren't even doing the red carpet, which is the best part! So I may not even watch it. I rented 8 Mile, I might watch that instead. Which is really depressing since the Oscars have always been such a big deal to me. Hopefully next year will be better!

March 18, 2003: Well it's about freakin' time that this war got started already. I just want whatever is going to happen to happen so this whole thing can be over and done with! Now as most people within shouting distance of me know, I despise George W. Bush. With a passion. Everytime he opens his mouth I groan and cover my face from embarrassment. What happened to the day and age when our presidents were brilliant? They wrote books, they could READ books, they could get out a grammarically correct sentence and invoke passion and patriotism in the nation? Grrr...I'm getting off track. As most of the world knows, except for the poor Iraqi citizens who aren't allowed to have satellite dishes or radios, we're going to war in 48 hours. As I stated above, I hate George W. but his ultimatum last night was the first thing he's done that I supported. And did everyone else notice that as soon as war was announced the stock market all shot up? No more of the bright red downward arrows of death and despair. Yippee!! Let's hope this black hole called our economy will improve too. I don't know how much more of this recession I can take!!

March 17, 2003: Happy St. Patrick's Day! The day to celebrate the Irish. I am very Irish. But I did not go out this weekend to the St.Patrick's Day parties and stuff. Things are good for me, my car is totally awesome! I love it. I've been really busy with work and doing research for my new book.

I'm getting sick of all these war debates. Let's just get this out of the way, I am PRO-war. This war anyways. Portland has been aflood with Peace Rallies, Marches, Anti-war protests and it just makes me groan. I don't want to get any emails from people complaining to me either, so don't bother. But what drives me crazy is that people in the USA are defending Saddam Hussein--whether they realize it or not. They protest saying there's no reason to go to Iraq or fight Saddam. Um....yes there is. Whether he's hiding weapons or not I can think of about a million reasons to get rid of Saddam. For starters, what about the torture and poverty he's inflicting on his people?? (Rent "Three Kings" it may open your eyes...I know it did mine, I never really thought about the innocent people in Iraq. It's easy to objectify a country and just label them as "bad guys".) Anyways, what about 9-11? I'm sure Saddam funded the terrorists. I mean COME ON! He funds other terrorists, he gives money to the families of suicide bombers!! Who cares if you think we're going to war for oil? If we get Saddam it's worth it. It would be like getting Al Capone on tax evasion. Who cares that it was tax evasion? He was caught and that's what counts. I think the same applies here. Anyways, that's the end of my venting.

February 22,2003: Okay my vacation started yesterday and I've been sick since Wednesday. This sucks! I didn't want to get sick, not now! So I'm laying low this weekend in hopes I will be cured by Monday so I can start my vacation. So I've been drinking Nyquil like it's Applejuice lol laying in bed, watching videos. I just had to share. I rented "Six Feet Under." For awhile now I've been hearing about this HBO show and was curious about it but I didn't really know what it was about. So I rented the first tape with the pilot and 2 episodes. It is such a good show!!!! I absolutely love it. The characters are so bizarre but at the same time, loveable and totally relateable--minus the whole "mortuary" thing. :) Check it out the next time you're at Blockbuster. It is hilarious!! I especially loved the cheesy "commercials" promoting things morticians use like a commercial from the 1950's or something. LOL hilarious!

February 18, 2003: Last night I went to a very cool place. It's called Burlingame Pizza. My cousin Anna finally moved up to Portland and she wanted to show me this place. Pizza was pretty good, your typical beer and pizza joint. But last night was Open-Mic night so there were tons of musicians. It was a lot of fun! We sat upstairs in the balcony area. Some of the music was pretty bad, others were fantastic! Especially the african drumming music. Great place, check it out.

February 17, 2003: I bought a new car!!!! I am sooo excited! It's a 93 Buick LeSabre. But I bought it from a friend of my grandma's so I got an amazing deal on it. The old woman that owned it bought it brand new and drove it once a week to the store and church (I'm guessing). There's barely 40,000 miles on it! I've never had a car less than 90,000 miles on it!! I've been looking at 2000 and 2001 cars (Hondas mainly) and those didn't even have less than 60,000 miles! I am sooo lucky that I got this car. It's in perfect condition. There's absolutely no damage to it, it was taken care of and there's nothing wrong with it. I've even got another 2 years or so on the tires. I am so excited! I love my new car!!!

I'm taking a week off from work next week. I can't wait. I'm so excited to take my car out! I don't know where I'm going to go. I may end up going to the beach. I have no plans. :) I thought about driving down to southern Oregon and check out Ashland, and some of Oregon's vineyards. Oregon has the best Pinot Noir wine. I need a vacation from work. Don't get me wrong, my job is great--very cushy :)--but I haven't taken a vacation since August when I went to San Francisco. But even then it wasn't really a vacation--we drove to SF and we only had about 4 of 5 days to check everything out. It was a little stressful.

February 11, 2003: Well I applied for another job. I have no intention of leaving the company I�m at now because it�s a good company and I am grateful to have a steady job!! But I applied for this other job just out of curiousity�wondering if I�d even get called for an interview. Lately I�ve been doing research into government jobs and to me, that would be a sweet deal! My first choice would be working for the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). But I applied to the Department of Justice ATF (Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives) Department. This was sort of a �practice� application to see how far I�d even get. I�m sure there�s lots of people more highly qualified with specialized training�but we�ll see. :)

I've also started research on a new novel I'm working on. Part of my research is taking me to "the dark side", so to speak: serial killers. Right now I'm researching psychology, which is cool in itself because when I first went to college my major was going to be Psychology. Specifically Child Psychology.

January 23, 2003: Last weekend was my birthday. It was a lot of fun. My cousin Anna took me out to dinner and then we met Tanya and Alexis at a club in Northwest Portland. It's called Jimmy Mak's and it's a really fun jazz club! It was a great time.

I've been fairly preoccupied lately. While I'm at work with plenty of time to think about things, I find myself thinking about Colorado. My family is totally baffled by my urge to move to Colorado. Anyone who's ever known me knows me as a city girl. I loved Seattle's culture. I love going to museums, big bookstores, clubs, etc. etc. So they don't understand why I am suddenly wanting to move to the sticks. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just getting older and wiser. :) Maybe I'm nesting...preparing my life for a family. I've always wanted to adopt a child in need of love and a family and lately I've been thinking about it more and more. It isn't an oddity for my fantasies at work to turn to me adopting a child and building a home and a stable life in Colorado. Surrounded by the ostentatious, magnificent purple mountains covered in white snow...walking down the quaint mainstreet in a small community...enjoying the air and 300 days of sunshine amidst snow! How amazing does that sound?

January 11, 2003: I had so much fun tonight! Here's a tip for Portlanders: The Haven Coffeeshop on Division. It's like Division and 35th. It's this funky little coffeeshop with a few big tables, some small intimate tables and a couch. It's run by a really nice lesbian woman who picks the best musicians to perform! I don't know the name of the woman tonight but her music sounded a lot like Ani Difranco's. Anyways. I was supposed to meet some new people there from one of my other yahoo groups and then Alexis and her girlfriend Tanya. But the other girls never showed up. However, I did run into these two girls that I keep running into every Saturday night!! They're really nice! They had two friends with them so the 7 of us all sat down together and played Trivial Pursuit! I love that game. LOL But it was so much fun. As nerdy as that sounds, I don't think I'd had that much fun in a long time. It was so cool and we ended up chatting about a million things other than the game too. It was just a blast. And Haven is an awesome and comfortable place to just hang out. Anyways--check out my new Pagan Music Page. I just got a bunch of "new" CDs that I am adding to the list.

December 24, 2002: THE RAMBLING CONTINUES...There are two times during the year that I pause to reflect on life and such. Samhain is the first. Fall is inherent for such thoughts. The seasons are changing, the life that we've watched grow and prosper throughout spring and peak in summer is now dying. It causes us to pause and think about our own death. Oh maybe not always consciously. Anyways, the other time for this reflection is my birthday. Birthdays are landmarks, road signs, check points for life. Sort of a gauge for how we're doing so far. My birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks. I will be 23. Growing up we all have goals and fantasies of where we'll be at certain times in our life. For me (and maybe most) those landmarks were 18, 21, 25 and then 30...and so on. I always thought I'd be married by 25 and probably have a kid. When I was with my ex that seemed to be working out. Things change, we get older and a little wiser. Or do we?

As I'm writing this, I'm staring at my calender. It's a beautiful calender with images of Buddha and quotes from my favorite poet, Rumi. December's is: "Gamble everything for love, if you're a true human being. If not, leave this gathering." I'm a capricorn and it's in my nature to settle down into something stable, familiar, and comfortable. Which is a good thing in itself. But left alone, that quality can flip into stagnation, compliancy, and apathy. I have definitely felt apathetic since Samhain this year. I've had a rollercoaster ride of a life the last year and half. Lots of changes, lots of new things, new experiences, new places, new people. Yet I've walked through all those new things, experiences, places, and people with a detatched apathy. I look around me and see people I know settling into relationships, getting married or having kids, because IT'S THE THING TO DO. I've talked with these friends who seem to have an underlying fear that they won't find anyone else if they don't "settle" for what they have now. There's a quote that says:
"Relationships are not answers to problems. They are rewards for getting your life in order."

I've been stuck in some sort of limbo for the last year. Last year I moved from Seattle back down to Portland, by myself. I got a crappy retail job to sustain me while I searched for something better and about 6 months after moving I found that job. It's been a great job that's given me money and opportunities. I've dated a few people--one of which, "S", could have worked out and been amazing but it didn't--and the others were nothing worth mentioning. But through out all of these things, I have not felt complete. Part of me doesn't want to get into any serious relationships because I don't plan on being here much longer. I've set a date for my move: June 2005. Two years. But a thought came to me today while I was studying feng shui theory...Perhaps I am using the move as an excuse to NOT get involved, NOT set down roots...I've slacked off on my worship. My daily prayers had gone down to weekly. And it HIT ME! My entire problem was just that, I hadn't been in touch with my religion, my god, my faith. THAT was the detatched, apathetic feeling I was having. One of the core principles of buddhism is LIVING IN THE MOMENT, mindfulness, being aware, being ALIVE. I have NOT been living in the moment. I've been living in two years from now. I've let TODAY pass me by yet again, while I was staring at 2005!!

What does all of this mean, you ask? It's simple really. Religion--WHATEVER RELIGION YOU ARE--does NOT work unless it is practiced, unless it is performed. The whole meaning of ritual is that it's something you do with frequency. Where was I while my Ganesha statue and pentacles were getting dusty on my altar? I was dreaming of the future, ignoring the present. (Now this is just my opinion so take that into consideration as I continue with this thought.) The spiritual journey is often a rocky one. We get lead astray, we take the wrong fork in the road, we meet people on that road that test our faith. The first thing that comes to my mind is when I was forced to go to the Catholic church growing up. Every Sunday, sitting in the pew staring blankly. Periodically rising and kneeling with everyone else without even thinking about it. The whole act was robotic.

Sometimes we lose our way on that spiritual path. That doesn't mean we're on the wrong road, please don't think that. Sometimes we just need to wander a little bit. But in my experiences, getting lost is the best thing. Every time I've gotten lost somewhere I've discovered a new place or experience that was completely amazing and I would have missed it all if I hadn't gotten lost. The next time you get lost on your path, BREATHE...OPEN YOUR EYES...take it all in. And think about it this way: how do you know you're really lost? Maybe this was the way you were SUPPOSED to go! Maybe you've been fighting your destiny, trying to take the road YOU think you should take, and not the road you're really supposed to take. I've learned that lesson the hard way. (Listen to me, get a glass of wine in me and suddenly I'm a philosopher--but I'm simply sharing the experiences I've found helpful in my spiritual journey.) Take this final thought with you--in context with the rest of this LOL--


December 17, 2002: Okay...this is getting frustrating! I'm sure you've all read my ramblings about where I am going to move to...But as soon as I make a decision, I change my mind. Here I thought I had settled on Albuquerque, New Mexico and then I change my mind BACK to Colorado. I think I've "decided" on Denver or Boulder or Colorado Springs...My cousin is stationed in Colorado Springs and says it's beautiful but he doesn't really enjoy living there. But if I was there because I was in the military I probably wouldn't be that happy either. So HELP! Are you from Colorado? Do you live there now? EMAIL ME! :)

Other than that, it's been a busy few of my aunts had a heart attack last week. She was in the hospital overnight and then went home. I guess she's doing okay now. That was stressful, but I knew she'd be ok.

Sooo basically, the only thing really occupying my mind right now is where to move to. I spend my lunch breaks at work surfing the web reading all I can about the cities I'm interested in. I have file folders at home filled with print outs on cities and info and emails I've gotten from people. I need to decide soon because there's sooo much planning for that type of move! It's not like moving 4 hours away! I have to decide on a city, go there and check it out (probably take a week or so vacation), find an apartment, find a job, make a savings plan, set a date, then comes the "fun" part of actually packing up here and moving from Portland. GRR! I hate moving. I'm not too sure about Denver. It's just another big city. And while I've always been a city girl (and could never imagine living in a hick-small-town) I am beginning to grow tired of the city I may cross Denver off the list....

There's a Poll on the front page. Help me decide!

December 6, 2002: My cousin and best friend Anna got a new job here in Portland so she will soon be leaving the dreadful Salem, Oregon to live here. We're going apartment shopping this weekend. We're not going to live together but she needed moral support. lol It should be fun. I wouldn't mind moving a little closer to downtown, maybe the Pearl District.

Also on the "news" front, I went to my old job today to visit with old co-workers and catch up on the gossip since I've been gone. I found out that this HORRIBLE supervisor I had that I absolutely hated and she hated me too I'm sure, well not long after I left she found out she had breast cancer and she's been doing chemo and had to have one breast removed. Her husband also left her, taking their kids. At first I felt sooo bad for hating her! Then I wondered, "did I give her cancer?" That may sound illogical to most. But I remember many a time that I wished she would be fired so I didn't have to deal with her hostility everyday. So all evening I've been wondering if I sent out that negative energy unknowingly and ultimately caused her life to spiral down! I confided in my cousin my fears and she brought me down to earth. No, I did not cause her cancer (obviously)--but perhaps her Karma was catching up to her. All those times she was a nasty person. That makes much more sense. Karma works in mysterious ways. I honestly can say that I think I've kept my karma "slate" clean my whole life. Sure we've all had moments in the heat of an argument where we say nasty things, but in reality I have never consciously wished harm another person.

November 30, 2002: I had a great Thanksgiving! Although I am morally opposed to the holiday I enjoyed spending time with family this year. For Thanksgiving Dinner I went to my aunt's house near Salem, OR. Everyone was there almost, Anna, Adam and his wife and new baby Kobe, Di (see family pictures) her husband and two kids, my cousin Carrie. It was so much fun. And before dinner we sat and watched old home videos of when we were kids! That was a trip. Friday I went to my other aunt's house, the one that lives down the street from me, for their annual after-Thanksgiving party. My uncle was building a huge inferno of old branches and leaves in the front yard (they live on a lot of land so it was ok!). There was this guy we call "Big Mike" there, a real cowboy from Georgia (I think) in his huge Stetson, strumming his guitar. And best of all, my cousin Peter was home from the army!!!! He looks so great and he's so grown up now! I can hardly believe it. I spent the afternoon there and took a ton of pictures (which will most likely take forever to upload here!). I had the last two days off from work and I've got the rest of this weekend off too. It's been a GREAT mini-vacation!! Paid too. I am sooo glad I'm not in retail anymore.

I watched this fabulous movie today called "Big Eden." It was an excellent movie about an artist in New York that moves back home to Montana to take care of his ailing grandfather. He's gay. He meets his high school best friend whom he'd had a crush on for 20 years and they begin to get close again. But it's not that relationship that's so romantic. It's relationship between him and this GORGEOUS Native American actor named Eric Schweig and they are just really sweet together. It was such a touching movie! The way the rest of the small Montana town gets behind them all. It's my new favorite movie!!

November 4, 2002: Recently I mentioned that I started seeing a guy I called "S" from West Africa. It didn't work out. He was one of those guys that's perfect on paper...except for one thing, which is the reason I decided not to pursue the relationship: he's a christian. I struggled with this for 2 weeks before I decided to end it. I felt like a bad person to dump someone for religion. But I started thinking about it and the more I thought about the more I realized it just wouldn't work out. I think that people of different faiths can have very successful relationships--in fact, I've seen it many times. But in my opinion, Wicca and Christianity are so different it wouldn't work out. Wicca and Christianity are on completely different ends of the spectrum. How could two people date when one believes the other worships the devil? And even if they weren't practicing Christians, there are still issues to deal with. No matter what someone says about not being a "practicing Christian/Catholic" there are still times in people's life when they often return to their faith. The example I thought of was this: "S" and I get married and have kids and since he's not exactly "practicing" his Christianity, he agrees to allow me to raise the children in the pagan faith. Perhaps this works out very well for us for some time. Things happen, perhaps someone we are close to dies, a parent, sibling, or there's some other catastrophe. It's during these types of trying times that people often get "born again". Either way I looked at the situation--no matter how great the guy was--I just couldn't justify staying in the relationship. This confession may anger many people, it may offend many people. But think of it this way, is it any different than a Jew wanting to marry another Jew? Not really.

October 31, 2002: Blessings on this Samhain! I am excited for Samhain this year. Although I am not doing anything spectacular (just a simple ritual tonight) I love this time of year. It's a bit windy here in Portland and the trees have changed, it's absolutely beautiful!

Anyways, tonight I will be performing a spell to have a vision of my future. When I moved to Portland last year, I decided that it would simply be a stepping stone; I only planned on staying in Portland for no more than four years. So now I have three years left in the Pacific Northwest and I am perplexed at where to take my journey after that. I have several destinations on my list, and am unsure about which one is right for me. I am definitely nearing a crossroads, and it's difficult when faced with a major decision like this. If I go down one road, what will happen to me? Will it be the wrong road? Will I be faced with different experiences? Will I regret taking this road and not the other road? What comes to mind is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;"

Anyways, to help my decision along, I went to Find Your Spot where you take a quiz and it calculates where in the USA you would mostly likely enjoy living. Most of the cities on my list were in two places: Oregon (oh the irony!!) and New England (specifically Connecticut and Massachussetts). However, one cities stood out: Albuquerque, New Mexico. So I've been doing research on Albuquerque and the more I read about it and see pictures, the more I love it! I think I have found my city. :)

I will be posting my ritual notes in the Ritual Journal tomorrow. And I will be posting the actual ritual in my Samhain Page. Check it out tomorrow!

October 2, 2002: I just realized that a few days ago was the one-year anniversary of my moving out on my own to Portland. It's hard to believe that it's been an entire year. Looking back, I can see how much I have changed. Breaking up with my ex was the best thing that ever happened to me: Ganesha puts obstacles in our path when we're going in the wrong direction; my ex was definitely an obstacle. I've grown emotionally and spiritually in the last year. Having time to reflect, I realized I moved in with him for all the wrong reasons. I know a lot of women move in with their boyfriends for the wrong reasons, so my "story" really isn't all that uncommon. My reason was that I wanted to move out and couldn't afford to do it on my own. But I made it. On my own. It is the most empowering thing a woman could do, and I did it. I've survived my first year and came out strong! I embarked on my journey alone, moving out without a roommate or anyone to lean on. I've had a busy year too, getting a new job and going through their classes to get a promotion. I went on a vacation to San Francisco, something I've been wanting to do for years, and I've made a bunch of friends that I cherish (you guys know who you are)!

October is a time of reflection for many reasons. For me, it has always been a new beginning. Samhain is the celtic "New Year's Eve" and I've always done some sort of cleansing ritual as well as my "resolution list" on Samhain. This year will be no different! My spiritual life goes in cycles, it seems. There are times in my life when unfortunately I neglect my faith. I always know when there's something "not right" in my life because I get that "dead" feeling inside. I felt that way when I was with my ex, I felt completely dead inside. It took time to realize, after the fact of course, that I was going down the wrong path and THAT was why I felt that way. And believe me, Ganesha tried to warn me, many times. Everytime my ex lied or did something dishonest (which was A LOT), that was Ganesha saying to me: "Do you really think this is the right path for you to be traveling down? Relationships are not supposed to be filled with constant pain, distrust, and agony." Of course, I ignored him. Most people ignore their inner voice. I just shut down because of the ex, causing that dead feeling. Neglecting my faith, ignoring the warnings.

Something that comes to my mind when I think about this last year, and specifically last summer, is The Tower card in the tarot. The Tower represents traumatic change, something that shakes your entire being or your entire world and makes you WAKE UP, take notice, and realize you have to fight to survive. Some people turn over the Tower card and are filled with dread. They think of it as being a negative card. But there's a saying that I think is very fitting: "Life is like use the negative to develop." When I see the Tower, I see something positive, I see change and adaption, something new, *I* see renewal and rebirth. That is exactly what I needed in my life to WAKE UP and see that I was miserable with him, unhappy with my life, and angry at myself for neglecting my Faith!! For Samhain this year, I am going to decorate my altar a little differently than I usually do for Samhain. The Tower card will definitely be on it. But I will discuss my Samhain altar in further detail in my Ritual Journal.

September 30, 2002: I flew up to Seattle for the weekend to surprise my "little" brother. He turned 18! Wow, I feel old. :) He was at the highschool football game and wasn't expecting me. I walked up to him in the bleachers and said "Nice skirt" (he was wearing the school band uniform, we were the "Scots" afterall, so you can imagine the "attractive" kilts!) he turned around and his jaw dropped open. It was a nice visit. He's grown since I last saw him, he's now 6'6", towering over everyone and ducking in doorways. lol The plane ride home sucked, it was turbulence the entire way. I've never been afraid of flying, I used to like it in fact, but since September 11th I don't think anyone in America can board a plane and NOT think about it. It was nerve-wracking and it was hard to control the anxiety. But I made it home alive (despite my panic everytime the plane dipped and shook--jesus!!!!!).

September 24, 2002: Tonight I am listening to a mixture of Moroccan dance music and Poe's "Haunted." I found some awesome websites! The first is a hilariously disturbing animated stick figure website. Watch the Stick Figures meet terrible and tragic endings! My favorite is the Bungee Jump. :) Now some of the drawings are a little graphic, so beware. I was stunned when I was at work and first saw it! My jaw just dropped!! Okay, next! Have you ever wanted to KILL A BACKSTREET BOY? Now's your chance! LOL!

I started my new Tai Chi class this week. It was sooo much fun! I finally found something I love. I tried to do yoga for a few years and I got a few poses down pretty good but I really need to take a yoga class 2 or 3 times a week for it to really make a difference and I just don't have time for the practice. But Tai Chi is amazing. I will be writing more about it soon!

September 14, 2002: Tonight I am listening to a mix of disco and dance tunes to get ready for tonight. At the moment it is Alpha Bill's "Big In Japan." I've been getting a lot of emails from people saying they love this page about me. That's so cool. I started this page mostly for my friends who still live in Seattle and other places, it's cool that strangers like it too. But most people who email me say that they like to read what I do but that I should have more information about WHO I am instead. So here you go:) Here are some little known facts about me:
1. In highschool my best friend and I used to each lunch in the cemetery 2 blocks from the school. It was very cool. She tried to teach me how to drive a stick in that cemetery too. Good thing everyone was dead because I was a dangerous driver! :)
2. I am a Capricorn...very capricorn...compulsively clean--ask anyone who's been to my apartment...which leads me to the next fact...
3. Almost everything in my apartment is purple.
4. I love horseback riding and I took horseback riding lessons when I was a kid.
5. I hate Star Wars. Don't email to bitch and moan about this fact either. :) I hated SW ever since I was a kid and my ex-boyfriend was a total geek obsessed with Star Wars. Ugh, makes me cringe.
6. I am not an animal person. I don't like cats or dogs...they're dirty, they smell, they get excited and jump all over me and lick me, and cause really bad allergies.
7. I love Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" among other cheesy bands like Milli Vanilli...Before you rake me over the coals though, I must say it's mostly for nostalgia and remembering my youth. HOWEVER, I do know most of the words to Ice Ice baby. :)
8. I am wearing my hair in pigtails as I write this...just killing time before I am meeting my friends at the club. :)
9. I hate all the "reality shows" on tv. I saw one or two episodes of Survivor and it was beyond lame. You know, people watch TV to ESCAPE reality, why the hell are reality shows such a huge craze? Anyways, I will rejoice the day this fad dies.
10. About 5 years ago, I had a temp job working at a Halloween Store in Seattle. Part of the job required dressing in the costumes, standing on the busy street (Aurora Avenue) wearing a sign for the store and waving to people. UGH that sucked! But it was cool that I could pick my costume. The most popular costume (which got the most honks and shouts) was the Scream costume. Of course. But the other favorite was this: I dressed up as a devil (the red costume and everything--even the pitchfork) and wore a Bill Clinton mask. People liked that. LOL It was the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal I believe.
11. All the other "little known facts" about me are either embarrassing or things I will NEVER share with the world. LOL. So there.

September 10,2002: The concert was so much fun! Anna and I got glammed up and went downtown to the Keller Auditorium (beautiful place by the way). Our seats were in the third row so it was almost like we were on stage. They sounded amazing! And they played a bunch of songs that I love that I didn't even know were their songs! It was a little strange to see middle-aged white people trying to recapture their youth or something. It was a fun concert. And they DID play "Let's Groove Tonight"!! Anna and I jumped out of our seats and started dancing as soon as I realized it was my song! That is the coolest moment, going to a concert and then they play your favorite song. What a high!! I am going to add my favorite songs to my concert list. Oh and I discovered a truly wonderful website. Only go here if you have a sense of humor!!

September 8, 2002: I finally finished my page on San Francisco. I will add my pictures to it when I get off my ass and do it. :) I've been really busy with work. I am taking a class through work (which they paid for and bought my books) so I can learn more about the biz and hopefully figure out what I want to do there. My boss keeps encouraging me to apply for the openings in other departments but I'm just not ready. I don't know anything about the business yet but hopefully these classes will help! OH! I got home from work Friday and there was a message on my machine from 105.9 The River. The new radio station in Portland that plays all my favorite classic rock. Anyways, I won two tickets to Earth, Wind and Fire playing at the Keller Auditorium this Monday. I am very excited! I've never won anything before (at least, nothing as cool as concert tickets) and can't wait to go! I hope they play my favorite song: "Let's Groove Tonight". YEAH! I will let you guys know how the concert was. I had a blind date tonight that went really well. He's such a smart guy too, he's one term away from receiving his Masters Degree. Wow. Impressive!

August 26,2002: Check out the page on my trip to San Francisco!! I will be uploading my pictures very soon too. Other than that, Anna and I went out this weekend to celebrate her 22nd Birthday. We had a blast. First we went to Darcelle's drag show, which is guaranteed to be a great show! They did a disco medley which I LOVED, being a disco queen and all. :) Then we club hopped a little: went to Ohm and ended up at Embers. We danced all night at Embers with this guy named Ethan. I'm sure he was having some sort of twisted typical guy fantasy of two girls because he was wooing us both. Whatever, get a life dude. But we just had fun letting guys buy us drinks and stuff. It was a fun weekend.

July 4, 2002: So much has happened since I updated my site the last time, I don't even know where to start...Let's see, I was in a minor car accident. My car is basically fine, just a little dent, but still driveable and that's all I care about. Minor whip-lash, nothing too painful. The good news: it was the other guy's fault and I got a pretty nice settlement. It was almost like money just fell out of the sky for me. :) My job is going very well. It's so nice to have a real job with paid holidays off.

The month of June was crazy with Pride in Portland, hanging out with all my friends. We also went to Seattle for Pride. I wanted to be able to visit my family but we just didn't have time. Alexis and I went to this club in Seattle called "The Catwalk". We walked up to it and looked at each other like "what the hell are we doing here?" It was underground, the bouncer was this huge scary looking guy, and there were leather dykes outside fighting. Oh my goddess, strange world! Alexis was wearing knee-high black boots, short shorts, skimpy shirt, and a rainbow colored feather-boa. While we were walking the streets of downtown Seattle, some drunk ass-hole thought we were hookers and kept asking us how much for us. Excuse me?? If I hadn't stopped her Alexis would have beaten the crap out of that guy. So we just messed with his mind a little. That was fun. I am still offended that he thought we were prostitutes. Please! We do NOT look like prostitutes!! Anyways, Sunday was the parade. It's not just for gay people, straight people go and have a lot of fun. It's just fun watching the parade with disco music and lavish costumes. I had fun even if I didn't really fit in my jeans and a t-shirt. Not exactly glamorous. :) But I am truly a Disco Queen at heart so it was fun.

Being back in Seattle made me miss it a little bit. We went to my favorite store, Gargoyles and I bought some things. If I could decorate my entire apartment like Gargoyles I would be a very happy person. I missed hanging out on the Ave, Broadway, going downtown. I did NOT miss Seattle traffic, the stress, the driving, the freeway backed up for miles, the rude people, paying sales tax, paying too much for everything. No thanks. Portland is growing on me. No where in Seattle could I get a great apartment like the one I have here. And my apartment is 5 minutes from downtown--you can't say that about Seattle!!

I did a little art project the other day. I built something for my altar, painted it dark red and decorated it with black spirals. It's kind of hard to describe, but it hangs on my wall. It's a square with 2 shelves. The first shelf is for one of my Ganesha statues. The second shelf is for a square black candle with gold japanese writing on it. I've decorated it with incense and candles. It's basically an altar on my wall. I put it in the hallway. I love it so much, it turned out really well. If I can take a good picture of it, I will try and add it to this site. Hmmm...I finally broke down and bought cable. I hate spending money on useless things, but I am glad I did. Not I can watch BBC shows!!! YES! "Absolutely Fabulous" is my favorite show. If you haven't seen it, rent it and enjoy! I guarentee you'll love it.

The last of my news that I can write about on my site is that my best friend Anna and I are going to San Francisco in a few weeks! I am sooo excited about this trip. The next time I update this site it will be with stories and pictures of San Francisco!!

May 27, 2002: I had a great Memorial weekend, in fact, it started early! Thursday night I was getting ready for bed and my friends Al and Alexis showed up on my doorstep basically kidnapping me. :) We went to the Boom Boom Room and our friend Annie met us there. It was so much fun! I didn't get home until about 2:00am and I had to get up and go to work at 6:00am. But surprisingly enough I wasn't tired Friday. And I met someone that night, so that was cool. So Friday after work a few friends from work and I went bar hopping. We ended up at this place downtown called Ohm. What an awesome club! They played this strange blend of tribal-techno-rave-dance was so much fun. We danced all night non-stop, for a good 3 or 4 hours. I lost track of time after that.

Saturday was pretty low-key. I had to recover from 2 days of partying. And my friend from work came over Saturday night to help me fix my computer. Unfortunately there was a lot of stuff wrong with it, so it took hours. I didn't get to sleep until 4am. I couldn't believe it. I was starting to feel like I'd been up for 3 days straight! But it was worth it cause he put The Sims House Party on my computer. YES! I love the Sims. He also had The Sims Hot Date, which I really really wanted but my computer ran out of space. Dammit!

Sunday my friend from work invited me over and we hung out and then headed downtown. We ended up at this delicious Greek restaurant. I don't remember the name of it but it was a block from Polly Ester's and has a big Octopus on the building. The food was sooo good! After walking around downtown for a while I headed home to get ready to go out (again). I met my friends at the E-room for the 7th Annual Wet T-shirt contest. I thought about entering but I chickened out. My friends entered though. :) So that was my weekend. I had planned on spending it resting and relaxing and didn't get to do either. But it was totally worth it.

May 19, 2002: I am listening to the soundtrack of the second season of "Queer As Folk". I've been so busy for the last two weeks. I quit my other job and started my new one. My parents came to visit for the weekend to celebrate Mother's Day and me getting my new job. We went to Mt. Hood and checked out the Timberline Lodge. It was so much fun. I wish I ski. :) But it was cool to see the Lodge that was made famous--The Shining. Speaking of movies...

I rented "The Gift", which was very good, "From Hell"--totally awesome movie! Gotta love Johnny Depp. And anyone who knows me knows I despise Heather Graham (which was the reason I didn't see the movie in the theatre) but amazingly enough she was good in this movie. The movie was great and takes place in my favorite time period: late 1800's in London. I've always been interested in history, and have read a lot of books on Jack the Ripper. Morbid, I know. And I also rented "The Others." Oh my god. If you liked "The Sixth Sense" at all, rent this movie. I won't ruin it, but I will say the ending is twisted and frightening!

Anyways, my job is going great. The benefits and everything is so great. I'm really excited. And I survived my first week without any problems, cool.

May 1, 2002: I received the best Beltane gift today. I got a new job. For a month now, I have been trying to get hired at this one company. I had a great interview, everything was going well but they had a hard time getting a hold of my references. I was beginning to get discouraged. I lit a candle on my altar and said a prayer to Lord Ganesha, to remove all the obstacles in my way of getting this job and he did. Within a few hours, they called me and made me an offer. AND the salary is much more than I asked for! I've been doubly blessed. I've been on a high all day. I think I will be until my new job starts. Right now I'm listening to John Coltrane to try and relax so I can go to sleep. I'm too excited to sleep! I am truly grateful to the Gods for their gifts.

March 23, 2002: God I have been sooo busy! So much has happened. I've been working overtime which sucks because I'm tired and need a vacation, but the money is good. A few weeks ago I went with some friends to see JANENE GAROFALO!! She came to Portland and we got tickets to see her stand-up comedy. It was at the Crystal Ballroom downtown. We drank our wine upstairs in the ballroom and I was absolutely mesmerized by her. I can't even begin to start to explain. She is my favorite person in the entire world!

My friends and I have still been meeting every week at the Egyptian. It's become like a family for me since my family still lives in Seattle. And I met someone....But I don't want to jinx it by saying the words...Our Friday night crowd is great. Me and Claudia and Alexis, and whoever else we meet, we spend the night dancing in the Tomb, hanging out in the Karoake room, and now we go to this restaurant over on SE Powell. After the E-Room we go to Hot Cakes (I think that's what it's called). Anyways, it's a pretty popular place; where all the club-hoppers go after last call. I won't even mention on my website the things we've done...but Alexis and Claudia know exactly what I am talking about. ;)

Anyways, there was a point to this...hmmm...I've been going through a sort of religious hunger I guess. I've been so busy I've been neglecting my spiritual life. "At each second, we are at a crossroad: between unawareness and awareness, between being absent and being present--or between experiences and experiencing." I would like to add a new section to my website but I need all of your help. I would like to add a section about personal spirituality, your experiences with yoga, aikido, kundalini, meditation...just about anything relating to these spiritual subjects. So PLEASE EMAIL ME so we can get this page going!

February 27, 2002: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back!! I LOVE this movie! I have never laughed harder in my entire life. There were parts where I almost cried laughing! Chris Rock was fucking hilarious man! He was ranting and shouting about the niggers and crackers and The Man. Check out some of the pictures of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back!

February 22, 2002: After work I met up with my friends and we saw "Queen of the Damned." I am a very big fan of vampires, and I liked this movie. My other friends are big Anne Rice fans so they were bummed that it wasn't like the book. But I thought it was a cool movie. :) Check out some of the pictures!

february 15, 2002: Valentine's Day! I had the best Valentine's Day! I had flowers delivered to me at work. It's a beautiful boquet of sunflowers, baby's breath, and daisies. I took a picture and I'll post it later. After work I went to my friend Alexis's house for dinner (heart shaped pizza, yum!) and we watched "Queer as Folk." That is such a good show! I wish I had Showtime and HBO!!! :(

February 13, 2002: FAT TUESDAY! I had the best Mardi Gras! Alexis and I went to the Egyptian. There were sooo many people there! And since it was Mardi Gras, most were topless. :) As soon as we walked in the door people were flashing us for beads. :) I got a few drinks and then I was ready to get me my own beads! And I did. Lots. Tons. "S" was there again last night and I was so excited! We had a blast, dancing, doing other stuff, talking, I'll leave it up to your imagination. There were strippers there in exotic costumes and face masks. So "S" and I sat by the stage to watch this one stripper who was dancing to one of my favorite Marilyn Manson songs "I Put A Spell On You". The stripper put a cherry on the edge of her long sword and she walked over to me in front of about 50 people and made me eat the cherry off the end of her sword!! It was so much fun though. I was dying of embarrassment on the inside. :)

Most of my friends were there. I danced all night, until I was sweaty and my muscles were aching. Someone I will call "JO" showed up, another person I'd been kind of eyeing for a few weeks. It was a lot of fun dancing with "JO". There were also fire dances, that was really cool. I've never celebrated Mardi Gras before, hell--I don't even know what the holiday means! But it was a blast and I am sooo going back to the E-Room next year! :)

February 9, 2002: This was so bizarre. I pulled out of my driveway and was stopped at the light by my apartment. This old man in the car behind me got out of his car and came up to me, motioning for me to roll down my window. He had seen my license plate cover that says "This Feminist Loves Howard Stern!" So he says to me, "Are you sure that feminists love Howard Stern?" I lowered my sunglasses and smiled, saying smoothly: "This feminist does!" He started laughing and then ran back to his car. It was so weird! I just laughed to myself and drove off.

February 2, 2002: I've had a great weekend so far. My weekend actually started Thursday. I met Alexis and Claudia and a bunch of other people at this lounge called The Mad Hatter on SE Grand. It was open-mic night and a friend of ours, Annie, was performing. She played the guitar (acoustic) and sang a few songs she wrote, and one cover song. She was breathtaking! I told her I'm her new groupie :) because she has an amazing voice! The place was so cool too. Claudia and I drank a a couple glasses of Merlot and just talked while (most of the singers) listening to the good music. The Mad Hatter was awesome too. It's downstairs in this dim room. There's a bunch of intimate tables lit by candles and the walls were all brick. The crowd was your typical hippie-fest. :) I felt like I had gone back in time to like the Beatnik days in San Francisco. It was an awesome place.

After Mad Hatter, everyone in our group left. Claudia and I finished our drinks and then went to meet them at the E-Room. We got in her SUV and listened to Tracy Chapman's "Talkin' Bout a Revolution", singing at the top of our lungs. It was very empowering. But it was when we listened to "Fast Car" that I had a strange moment. It felt kind of like a deja vu, except not. If that makes sense. "...And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder/And I had a feeling that I belonged/And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone...." It was one of those strange, life-affirming moments. I think I had some sort of defining moment where I realized my life was on the right path, I DID belong with my great friends and new life, and I CAN be someone. It was very empowering. I don't know if any of this makes sense, it's still kind of garbled in my mind. But it was cool to listen to "Fast Car" as we were just driving aimlessly.

Friday night I met Claudia and Alexis at the Egyptian. But it was surprisingly dead for a Friday night. Usually we see all the regulars. We've actually become part of the regulars! It's like "Cheers", every body knows our name. Today is going to be awesome. I have a friend visiting from Seattle and tonight I'm going to a concert. So I will write about all that tomorrow. Definitely check out the Mad Hatter all you Portlanders! It's an awesome place!

January 27, 2002: Oh today is a happy day!! :) For several reasons. The first, it's been snowing here in Portland since last night. The power even went out and I had to read by candlelight. I love that. Secondly, I started writing a new novel and it's going very well. I've been inspired lately. And thirdly, the most important news of all... BEN AND JERRY'S NOW HAS LOW-FAT "PHISH FOOD"!!!!! Oh happy day! Yes, Ben & Jerry made my all-time favorite ice cream "Phish Food" out of frozen chocolate yogurt. So it's just as delicious but only 5gm of fat. I had DIED and gone to B&J's Heaven!! :)

January 26, 2002: Last night was so much fun! I went to the Egyptian, like I do every Friday night now. :) My friends and I hooked up with some other really great people. The Biter was there as well. :) But I actually met someone new, who I will call "S", and we really clicked. We danced to some great great great songs!! 80's rap and some popular new songs. My favorite song of the night being "NIN "Closer." That, whenever it comes on the radio I about DIE! And I know it immediately too, 3 seconds into the song where it's like a heart beating-- Anyways, I had so much fun dancing. That's become my new addiction. :) I look forward to dancing all week long and then Friday comes and I can't sit still!!

I met a woman in the bathroom named Tony. Claudia and I were just standing there bull-shitting and Tony said she'd buy me a drink if I let her cut in front of me because she had to use the bathroom so bad. I agreed. I wasn't even in line to use the bathroom!! :) She discovered that afterwards of course, but she bought me a screwdriver anyways. :) I left later than I wanted to stay and I slept through my alarm this morning so I missed my yoga class. Dammit!! :( But I had so much fun last night. That's all that matters right? "My whole existence is get me closer to God...." Well enough of that, I am going to spend my day off writing and looking at the snow out my window. :)

January 20, 2002: I started out my birthday weekend great! Friday night I met a bunch of friends (Alexis, Tonya, Claudia, and Christy--hi!!) at The Egyptian. Everyone bought me a drink so four Cosmopolitins later.... :) They sang me Happy Birthday in the Karoake room and bought me a boquet of roses and carnations. Ah, how sweet. :) There was this drag queen there named Deandra (I think) who was hanging out with us. She said she'd sing anything I wanted for my birthday so I requested Dancing Queen. That was great! :) Then they all sang that song that goes "Jeremiah was a bull-frog..." I don't know the name of it. Anyways. We had fun and then went into the E-Room to dance. That was Friday night.

Saturday was my birthday and my cousin Anna came to Portland to celebrate with me. We had so much fun! We went out to dinner at Marrakesh Moroccan. It was soooo delicious! "This cozy oasis adorned with richly textured Moroccan rugs, ornate silver urns, and tapestries makes you feel like an honored guest in the sultan's tent." The tables are very low to the ground and we sat on these bean-bag type chairs. I had the "Cous Cous Marrakesh" which was delicious couscous with vegetables and tender Lamb. Yum! We had some Moroccan wine too. There was a belly dancer while we ate and that was so awesome! That's all we could talk about all night, how great the restaurant was.

Next we drove downtown to the Cobalt Lounge in Chinatown. We both had a White Russian. There was this really great band playing (heavy metal) but we decided to leave because we were both in the mood to dance! So we went to Embers. It was so much fun! The dance floor was so crowded though, that's the only thing that kind of sucked. But we spent the night dancing until they closed the bar at 2:30. We decided to beat the long lines to get out so we left at 2:30 am instead of staying the whole time. Embers is supposed to be a gay/lesbian dance club but I think it was 90% straight-trendy-yuppy people. Oh well, it was fun anyways. Except for the several guys grabbing my chest and ass while I was dancing and pretending it was because the dance floor was too crowded. Please. Bite me. That's all I have to say! All in all, it was an awesome weekend. One of the very best birthday celebrations ever! Anna went home today and I spent the day off lounging around. That was my weekend. I'm going to post some pictures later. :)

January 2, 2002: Happy New Year! I had a great New Year's Eve. I had the day off from work and spent the day sleeping and just hanging out. I watched the great movie "200 Cigarettes", since it was pretty fitting. Around 9pm I got dressed and met some new friends at The Egyptian. I had sooo much fun. It was one of the best New Year's Eves I have ever had (second being on a cruise in Mexico a few years ago).

I had three Cosmopolatins and the drinks were very strong, so I was feeling pretty good. The three of us went to the dance floor and danced the night away. I kissed three different people at midnight, so hopefully I'll have a lucky 2002. :) I danced like crazy to Abba's "Dancing Queen" and "I Will Survive" (very fitting for the year I've had). One of the fellow dancers and I started to get down and dirty. I won't go into the illicit details, but let's just say it was like something out of an amateur porno. :) Just kidding--it wasn't that bad. Just a heavy make-out session, which is totally unlike me, but I had fun. For those of you that know what kind of club the Egyptian is, you can fill in the blanks. :) My new friends and I nicknamed my dance-partner The Biter. 'Nuff said. I didn't leave the bar until almost 3am and made it home just fine. But I had so much fun, it was so worth the $10 cover charge!

December 21, 2001: Merry Solstice everyone! Life has been crazy busy lately. I have been making notes and plans to update my site and add more spells, etc...but have just been too busy. I went to Seattle for my family Christmas party two weeks ago. It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed myself! I have been spending money like crazy on stuff. I figured that since I am actually debt-free this winter (as opposed to last) I could reward myself by shopping! I bought a CD by Alkaemy (awesome pagan music!), some books ("The Vagina Monologues" is my favorite so far), and other things. I am looking forward to the future. Anna and I are planning a trip to Chicago for September 2002! I am dying of anticipation. I need to save about $500 more, which won't be a problem, but I don't know about Anna. :) If she doesn't have enough money by September, I guess I'm goin' alone! I am just so excited to go to Chicago. Yesterday I saw "Ocean's 11". I highly recommend it! What a GREAT movie!!

November 24, 2001: Wednesday I went to OMSI and had so much fun. Especially about the T-Rex named Sue. I've always been kind of a science geek so the exhibits were a lot of fun for me to check out. Then I met Robyn at McMenamin's Pub in NE Portland. Since it was the night before Thanksgiving, holiday traffic was horrid...but not too bad for me. My family, on the other hand, spent 6 hours driving from Seattle to Portland--when it only takes about 3 hours! Glad I wasn't them! But Thanksgiving was good, despite my personal feelings against the horrid holiday. I worked for a few hours to get the big bucks, and then came home to have dinner with the family. Today we went shopping in NW Portland, jokingly called "Snob Hill" (it's really Nob Hill). Peter called from South Carolina...he said his drill sergeant "instructed" him to say that he was great and that joining the Army was the best thing he ever did. When asked how he REALLY felt about Boot Camp, he whispered to my aunt, "Mother, my drill sergeant is standing right behind me." Ah, that is life, I suppose. Well I am going to go back to listening to my HEAVENLY cd by Sarah Brightman...till we meet again!

November 17, 2001: Last night was great. Robyn and I went to The Egyptian in SE Portland on Division. It was so much fun!! I only had 2 Rum & Cokes but they were so strong they knocked me on my ass!! I went home feeling like that old V-8 commercial where people walk sideways...! But Robyn and I had a blast so it was good. :) We have big plans for this Wednesday too. I'll write more later.

November 14, 2001: Today I mailed my manuscript for my novel to several publishers. It will take anywhere from six weeks to six months before I hear any news. But I am very very excited!! My little cousin (well, not so little anymore) Peter left for the Army. My thoughts are with him but I know he will do well.

November 2, 2001: I will be posting about my Samhain in the Ritual Journal section of my website. But things are good. I am beginning the Celtic New Year on a bright note. I got promoted to management at work, which is nice. So check out the Ritual Journal in a few days and read about Samhain.

October 27, 2001: I got Anna addicted to "Sex and the City"! So she came to Portland and we hung out watching the show. Then we went to Fado's Irish Pub. It was a really cool place with a neat atmosphere. But the service was iffy and the drinks were way over-priced AND weak. That made me mad. If I am going to pay $7 for a Cosmopolitin, I want it to give me a buzz!!

October 20, 2001: I have discovered some great music! I thought I would pass it along to other witches who are interested in similar music. :) The first is Diana Krall. She has an amazing voice, she reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald. You can listen to some of her songs if you go to her Official Website. The other group has been around for a long time, but I never gave them much thought until I heard one of their new songs. So I bought one of their old cds..."By your Side" by The Black Crowes . They are awesome!

October 19, 2001: I am thrilled to death about Samhain approaching. I am planning a huge private ritual. And looking forward to doing a well-needed cleansing to rid myself of a certain person's negative vibes. I've started running at night, which is strange...but for some reason every night I feel the urge to go running right around midnight. I've always been a night owl, but I'm even more-so. Once a week, I also go to this jazz club called Jazz de Opus here in Portland. It's a fabulous place! I go and listen to the great music, write and just chill. It's nice. :)

October 5, 2001: I am officially addicted to The Sopranos. :) Love it love it love it! Tonight was great, Robyn and I had a great time at La Carretta in SE Portland. I had a Daquiri (the old stand-by drink), a Cosmopolatin (my new favorite) and a Grasshopper. Robyn had a Margarita, a Long-Island Ice Tea and a Midori Sour (really yummy!!). We had so much fun, great conversation, and big plans. Last night was the concert, by the way. It was a blast! The concert was at Berbati's Restaurant and Pan (any Portland-ites looking for a good find go to Berbati's!!).

October 4, 2001: I am finally moved back to Portland. My apartment is great. Very spacious and bright with a beautiful view. It's about 3 minutes from downtown Portland. I have never been happier! I finally got finished unpacking and spent yesterday setting up my altar. My great friend Robyn and I are making plans to sign up for a yoga class and I am really excited about that! Oh, tonight my best friend Anna and I are going downtown to a concert...My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult. Strange, I've loved them for about 5 years now and no one knew who they were and now all of a sudden they're doing concerts and people know them! Amazing...So that's been my week so far. :) Well I am off to watch my "the Sopranos" tapes! GREAT show...

September 19, 2001: Life is great! I am doing very well on my own, I barely even remember "what's his name!" :) I am in the process of moving back to Portland, Oregon. I have an apartment lined up and am just waiting for my 2 weeks notice to end so I can move! I am very excited and will be taking tons of pictures to post on my site. I don't want to be an "enigma" anymore. :)

June 2001: I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I'm sure many of you that have been here before saw the dedication and picture of him at the bottom of this page. I am surviving just fine, I have realized that my faith is what is getting me through it all. Lord Ganesha puts obstacles in our path when we are travelling down the wrong road. So now Ganesha has put me on the right one, and I need to do this on my own. Ganesha has given me the strength to do so. :)

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