My Ritual Journal

Last Updated: May 5, 2003

I have three large Book of Shadows full of spells, sayings, chants, ceremonies, rituals, Goddess lore, and even charts about herbs, crystals, chakras, and candles. These books are more of the "clinical" aspect so to speak; simply a record of information. So I decided to create a Ritual Journal. In this journal, I write about different ceremonies I have performed, my reasons for doing them, the outcome, and different ideas to explore.

In this section of my site I am going to include rituals that are performed and the details surrounding them. Maybe perhaps thoughts and ideas for rituals, as well as history behind some ceremonies. If anyone has anything that they would like me to include, please email me!
The reason for starting this was to create a site that was exploring the advanced aspects of the religion. I wasn't necessarily thinking about more "involved" rituals but maybe exploring a more involved spirituality. Wicca is a part of me, it is who I am. I think spirituality can be incorporated in everything that I do.

For a short time, one of the covens I belonged to practiced something called "Sister Night." The six of us would get together in the evening. Everyone brought something: a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, fruit, smoked salmon, capers, we just brought whatever we felt like. We sat at the circle table and lit some candles around the dark room.
To "cast the circle" we passed this large crystal around to each person and everyone said something. Sometimes things were shared with the group that was troubling to the person, sometimes we shared what we hoped to accomplish or discuss that evening. Over wine and food, we discussed our faiths and beliefs, our ritual practices, dreams, everything. We worked on tarot readings and astrology. It was a very powerful night once a month where the bonds of sisterhood were enriched.
Here are some excerpts from one "Sister Night":

Entry #1 Yule, 1998
Tonight we celebrated new beginnings. Yule is the time when the Dark Goddess welcomes the return of the Sun God. We wanted to rid ourselves of our own darkness to welcome the return of brighter times to come. For the ritual, I compiled a short spell, using different ideas from several spells I had in my Book of Shadows. We went around the circle and I asked each person in turn:
"To die and be reborn,
The wheel is turning.
What must you lose
To the night?"

Everyone's response was different. One said "Sadness. Sadness is lost to the night."; "Anger. Anger is lost to the night." ; "Stress. Stress is lost to the night." ; "Smoking. My cigarette habit is lost to the night." etc... Everyone chose to say something from their heart, something that was troubling them or something they simply wanted to improve in their lives. Then we all wrote down specifically on a piece of paper what we wanted to banish. (i.e. "Sadness" wrote that she wanted to banish the heart-break of loving someone who didn't love them back.) After that, we burned the pieces of paper in turn from the candle in the centre of the circle. While the paper burned, they said:
"Here I offer you my
resentments (bad habit,etc.), and
ask you to absorb
them into your
black universe.
I honor you and thank you
Dearest Goddess."

After everyone was done, we did mini-tarot readings to analyze what we had to look forward to in the coming months. This cleansing ritual is very helpful to me: sometimes I even perform it before I do a major sabbat ceremony, so I can start fresh and unburdened.

Entry #2--New Beginnings
New Beginnings are important to everyone, I think everyone can say that they made new year's resolutions and tried to start new. Mother Earth goes through her cycles and spring is the new beginning for her, women go through cycles and one could say that the end of menstruation is a new beginning.
One of the women in our group had gone through a period of hard times with finances, school, her boyfriend, etc. And she wanted to start new. So one evening in January, we got together and did a purification ritual. We formed a large circle with white candles and we stood inside and began the ritual. She knelt on the ground in the centre of the circle. One of the other girls took a stick of incense and traced over her in the air with it. We all said:
"With this I purify you of the past,
Of hurts and memories,
Keeping only love."

The woman had very long hair, down to her waste. It was curly and brown with gold weaving in and out. We now took turns and, with the athame, cut her hair. Her hair ended up being cut to her shoulders. We tied locks of the hair with red ribbon and each took a small piece home. She kept her locket of hair with her all the time, to remind her of her new start. She often spoke of that night later, and said that it was the most helpful thing we could have done for her to start over!

Entry #3--Friday, October 13, 2000
This is the day that my beloved and I moved into our new place, here in Tigard, Oregon. (It's the cutest colonial-style townhouse!) Before we moved in, however, I wanted to perform several rituals to prepare the house for us.
Almost all of these spells can be found in my Book of Shadows section--so I will just give you the outline of what I did.
First, we physically cleaned the apartment. This helps the atmosphere for the spiritual cleansing. I set up an altar in the middle of the living room downstairs. To cleanse the house, I burned frankincense and (my favorite) nag champa. I also burned sage in a ritual called "smudging." For me personally, I despise the smell of burning sage, so the other incenses were burned to replace that smell with good ones. I lit the altar candles and in two separate bowls, mixed salt and water, and then cleansing/purifying herbs and water. Going widdershins, sprinkle the salt water around the perimeter of each room. Then, going deosil, sprinkle the herbs and water mixture in the same way while you say purification chants.
The next stage was to do protection and house blessing spells. I also did a money charm (You can find many money spells at my other website: Pagan Ganesha). So far, the Money Charm ritual has been working!! Finally, I did a bedroom blessing, which is very important for relationships.

Entry #4--Samhain 2000
We moved recently and our new place had a spare bedroom, so I turned that into my "altar/ritual" room. This is where I perform my rituals and spells. It works perfectly. And it also makes the whole room sacred and cleansed all the time.
For this Samhain, I performed a private ritual and then my beloved, who is an atheist but excited to help me, joined me in the circle and helped me perform a small ceremony. We also did the banishing ritual (you can find it on my Samhain page) I do every Samhain. Afterwards I performed Drawing Down the Moon and we performed the Great Rite.
A few years ago, I wrote a special Samhain ritual based on some different Egyptian festivals and rituals. It's called the Six Day Festival of Isis. I will be posting on this page later. Blessed Be!

Entry #5--Six Day Festival of Isis
Celebrates the murder, search, and recovery of Osiris. October 28-November 2. That is the "official" date that this festival takes place. I personally change the dates so that the SIXTH DAY of the festival is performed on Samhain. (Check out the Goddess Page of my website to get more Isis rituals and spells.)

Day One: Read a story about Isis and Osiris.
Ritual to perform:Marriage of the God and Goddess. Set red-colored eggs around the cauldron to symbolize the divine source of renewing life. Choose two items (can use candles) to symbolize Isis and Osiris. Cast a circle. Light a golden candle in the cauldron and say:
"The Goddess has entered the
Sacred Marriage with her consort
That all beings may be blessed."

Hold the objects in your hands and beginning in the East moving clockwise, retrace the circle with them. Return to the altar. Hold them to your heart. Say:
"Isis, Giver of Life, lies upon the
Marriage bed with Osiris.
Osiris, Lord of the Lords, the Everlasting,
Osiris of renewing life, of death and reincarnation.
The union of Isis and her virile lover
Quickens the life-forces working within the world.
I feel their power fermenting within me.
Working, growing, re-creating.
From out of this thrice-sealed circle.
Creating power of love goes forth
To bless all forms of creation
Of mind and on the earth."

Continue to hold the two objects to your heart. Think deeply upon new beginnings you desire to enter your own life. Place the object before the cauldron. Now is the time for meditation and spellworking.

Spell to do: To empower a new talisman, place it on the altar and hold your athame over it. Say:
"Might into magick,
Power into spell,
Empower this (name of object)
Heed me well."
Finish this ceremony with a tarot spread concerning the past, present and future.

Day Two
Perform the Isis Visualization: Picture a woman wearing a horned disc, holding a scepter in her left hand and an ankh in her right. She is pale-skinned and robed in cerulean blue. (If you have difficulty picturing Isis, there are many pictures of her in history or egyptian books.) Isis represents LOVE and her symbol is the MOON.
"O Mighty Powerful Isis,
Goddess of Love,
Mother of All Children
Keeper of All Time
Look on me thy child
I beg thee look
with Love and Compassion."
Perform a Love Tarot Spread.

Day Three
The Slaying of Osiris: This is the sacred rite where you reinact the slaying of Osiris. It reveals to us the perpetual continuation of life through transformation and renewal. This ritual works best with a group or coven. Ritually enact the slaying, dismemberment, and scattering of Osiris and afterwards his resurrection.
There are a number of ways to do this. One way is to use a huge loaf of homemade or freshly made bread (I usually use bread from Great Harvest). Visualize the bread as Osiris. Perform the ritual outside and leave the bread scattered for the birds to eat. On the last day of the festival, perform the resurrection.

Day Four
Perform a Samhain ritual and tarot reading. Go to my Samhain Page.

Day Five
Do a spell for inspiration. I am not including a ritual or spell because it all depends on what kind of inspiration you are desiring. Inspiration for writers, artists, musicians, mothers, women, etc. This would be a great time to practice writing your own. End this day with a tarot spread to analyze your progress in your career, life, family, and hobbies.

Day Six
Ritual:Homage to the Wisdom of the Elders and those Past. Ritual begins at procisely 11:00pm. Invoke Isis:
"O Mighty powerful Isis,Goddess of Love,
Mother of all children, Keeper of all time,
I pray thee grant us the wisdom of the elders
Grant me that the reborn may speak within us.
In their forms of times past
I beg thee grant an altar to Osiris, Thy Beloved
Who has the power over reincarnation
So that we may learn of things gone by
I pray thee remove the veil of time
We thank thee for thy Blessing
O Great Mother."
Decorate the Northeastern altar and drape with a purple cloth. Place a large purple candle in the centre and while bowing, say:
"We thank thee O Wise One,
Blessed be thy Ka."
Holding an ankh, at least 12 inches across, light the purple candle and address Osiris:
"O Mighty Osiris, O Beloved of Isis,
O Mighty Lord of Life who returneth to rebirth
Grant that we may see such joy.
Grant uf words and grant us visions.
With those reborn grant they speak of wisdom
And as we pray so let it be."
Bow to Osiris, cover your eyes and then place your hands on your chest right crossed over the left hand. In deep meditation, gaze through the loop of the ankh. Communicate with the reincarnated Kas of those with whome they wish to commune. End the ceremony and celebrate with cakes and ale. Perform a tarot reading to discover secrets. If you are altering the dates to end on Samhain, now is the time to follow with a Samhain Rite.

Entry #6--Spring 2001
I decided to make a mosaic. I went to Home Depot and bought a circular piece of wood, a bunch of colored ceramic tiles, and Ceramic Tile Adhesive and Grout. The first thing I did was put the colored tiles face down underneath an old towel to protect my eyes from flying pieces. Hit the towel covering the tiles with a hammer and brake them into pieces. You can choose the size. I personally like smaller pieces, but varying them works as well.
The color of tiles I used was blue, white, and black. I made a pentacle out of the blue, with a white background and black circle around the perimeter of the circular wood. Next, practice on the wood, trying to put the design together like a puzzle. If the pieces don't ALL fit together perfectly don't worry about.
Next is the hard part: gluing the tiles to the wood. You can use food coloring to tint the white adhesive, or keep it white. There are two ways you can glue the pieces. I suggest doing one section at a time, instead of taking it all apart and trying to put it back together. The first way is to pick up the pieces one by one and glue them, them place it back on the wood. The second is to take off a section, put the glue on the wood and replace all the tiles--this way is more difficult, I always end up with an extra piece.
Some things I need to point out: read the directions on the adhesive. I bought a bag of latex gloves (like doctors use) while I glue because it's nasty stuff to get on your skin. Also, buy a dry wall knife (plastic is fine) to spread the glue like frosting.
After you glue the tiles in the design you want, press them fairly hard so the tiles adhere to the wood. After you get the entire thing done, let it dry a few hours so the tiles are on there good. I let it dry overnight. Then, you need spread a thin layer of the adhesive with the dry wall knife over the top of the design. This fills the cracks and crevices and all the spots where the tiles didn't fit perfectly with the grout. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then use a damp rag or sponge to clean off the top. It's important not to let the grout dry all the way on the surface of the tiles because it will ruin the shine. After you get the tiles as clean as you can, let it sit overnight and reclean it when it's completely dry. Ta Da! You're done. It sounds a lot harder than it really is. And the supplies only cost about $20, depending on the type of tiles you get (i.e. plain colors or ones with designs).
I decided to do this and make a pentacle design because I wanted to do something spiritual with my crafts and even though it isn't a wonderful work of art, it means a lot to me, because I was doing spells while I did it.
I decided to post this in my ritual journal to share my idea and experience with you. I think that incorporating your spirituality into the things you do during your every day life will really enrich your spirituality.

Entry #7--Full Moon, February 8th 2001

We all have money problems. I know I am not alone in this: I saw on the news that the twenty-something generation has the highest credit card debt of all ages and I believe it! I know that for us, we both have a credit card, and things got a little out of control. I think our credit card debt totals about $900 between the two of us, which doesn't sound like much, but it accumulates fast. So to stop our money troubles, I decided to do a spell that I came across in a book of mine. I did some tweaking and changed the spell to fit my needs, and added a step but here it is:
The first step was to do a freezer binding ritual. I blessed some water, added a few drops of peppermint oil for attracting money to the water. Next, I poured the water into a plastic bowl. I took our two credit cards, put them in a plastic ziplock bag and then put that in the water. I said:
"East and West,
South and North,
I bring thee forth!"
I put the bowl of water covering our credit cards and put them in the freezer. The water froze over the credit cards making them a big block of ice. It's stayed in the freezer for over a month now and I have no intention of defrosting it!!! Besides, it would take forever to melt them. :) I got this idea from a friend who had the same problem with credit card debt. So she put all of her credit cards in her fish aquarium to feign off her spending habits. I figured freezing them would take that extra added step of safety! Blessed be!

Entry #8--Banishing

This entry is dealing with a subject that some people can be confused about: banishing and binding. Basically, banishing is clearing the negativity from your life. I must emphasize, IT IS NOT CURSING, if you do it right.
Let me explain the situation. My cousin Di is having problems with her ex-boyfriend she had a kid with. He has become abusive and harrassing to her, their son, and her new husband. Basically, he's an asshole, that about sums it up. So my other cousin Kristin [hi Kristin! :) ] who is also pagan, has decided to join me in the banishing ritual of the asshole.
I scoured my Book of Shadows and compiled a few rituals that we might perform. Kristin lives in Washington and since I live in Oregon, it will be difficult to perform the ritual together, so we are planning to perform the rituals at the same time on the same night.
These rituals are to be performed during a Waning Moon, that's when you banish things from your life. The rituals we are planning on doing are a protection spell, banishing spell, and a justice spell--so he gets whatever the universe is planning for him. This IS NOT CURSING. We are not saying "Curse him, make his hair fall out and his teeth turn black, etc. etc." We are simply asking Athena to perform the justice that he deserves and that we deserve.
The herbs we are thinking of using are:
Exorcism: basil, dragon's blood, frankincense, sandalwood, or lilac.
Protection: dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, lavender, patchouli, and rose.
Purification: hyssop, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, rose, and sandalwood.
The crystals we are thinking of using are:
Citrine: projective, element of fire, used for protection.
Onyx: projective, element of fire, used for protection and defensive magick.
Red jasper: projective, element of fire, used for defensive magick and anti-negativity.
Malachite: receptive, element of earth, used for power, peace, protection, protects children and detects danger.
I was a little hesitant to use malachite because of it's receptive powers, I didn't want it to attract any negativity the Asshole is sending into the universe. But I think the fact that malachite protects children is really helpful. I suggested that Kristin make an amulet for Di to wear for protection. It would be easy to make too: go to a bead store and buy the little hooks that a necklace chain goes through and use a hot glue gun to glue together some of the above crystals and the hook to the top of the crystals. Then simply string through the chain and wear it at all times. (After a blessing, of course.)
We haven't performed the rituals yet, but when we do, I will update the journal and then report the outcome. Keep in mind that when binding or banishing someone or something from your life, it takes time. It takes time for the universe to work it's magick and purify your life, as well as giving the culprit what's coming to him. Remember the Three-Fold Law and do not curse the person because that will simply send more negative energy your way.

Entry #9--More Banishing

This entry is coming soon so check back often!!
Basically, some new neighbors have moved into the townhouse next to ours. There's a young woman with a little baby and her boyfriend. The boyfriend is a prick. I am a raging feminist and let me just say this: it takes all of my strength not to go beat the crap out of him. Why do I feel this way? Because day and night I hear him screaming at his girlfriend, swearing at her, calling her names, fighting with her, and what sounds like physical abuse. The negative energy coming from him seems to be seeping in through the wall we share and I am determined to banish his negative from MY home because my honey and I have worked hard to be happy and have a safe, loving environment in our home.
A woman I have been corresponding with for the last month or so, has suggested a few things to me to deal with the situation. She suggested I make some dreamcatchers (don't know how to, but I am going to learn!) amd also to hang some crystals in the doorways and windows of the house. I'm going to take this one step further.
I have decided that I am going to find some banishing, purifying, and protecting crystals (I will post more later on this) and I am going to cleanse and bless them. Next, I am going to tie a ribbon around each one and hang them on the wall that we share with the Wife-Beater. When we first moved in here back in October, I purified the entire house and blessed it but I think it's time to do another "Spring Cleaning" so to speak. But that is an entirely new entry! So check back soon and I will post what happens with the Wife-Beater.

Entry #10--More Banishing...continued

Life has been so busy lately! I received an email from Maiya Seadreamer in England who reminded me that I never updated my Ritual Journal about my neighbors. Thank you for reminding me! I did a small banishing ritual to keep the negative energy out of our apartment. That was the extent of the ritual I did, for the time being. I was planning on doing a few others, but never got around to it.
About two or three weeks ago, I discovered that my neighbor kicked the wife-beating asshole out! I am not sure about all the details, but it sounded like he actually did hit her and either her or her sister kicked him out. He has not been back to the apartment since then! I am glad she finally found the strength to tell him to leave. And I am curious how it all happened! Thank the Goddess!
I just want to add, that if anyone else is having problems with a spouse or partner who is abusing them, or if you know someone who is being abused, please get help. You can call 1-800-435-7276. It is a toll free number to a Crisis Support Network. Or go to At the website, you will find answer to common questions about domestic violence, how to make a difference to help others, referrals, and much more.

Entry #11--Update on Me, Summer Solstive 2001

As some of you know, my boyfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago. Things were hard at first, since we were together so long. But now I am feeling fine. Part of the reason for that was that I did a ritual to Ease Grief and Sadness. This helped. What also helped was my faith in Lord Ganesha. He is the Lord of Obstacles. When we are walking down the wrong path in life, he puts obstacles in our way. BUT when we are walking down the right path in life, he removes all obstacles in our way. I truly believe that and I realize now that I wasn't walking the right path FOR ME.

Entry #12--Preparing for Lughnasadh

Lughnasadh deals with the first reapings of the harvest. It was known as the time when the plants of spring wither and drop their fruits or seeds for our use as well as to ensure future crops. As autumn begins, the Sun God enters his old age, but is not yet dead. The God symbolically loses some of his strength as the Sun rises farther in the South each day and the nights grow longer until Yule.
Here are some correspondences of Lughnasadh (I have more information in my Book of Shadows section):
Traditional Foods: Apples, Grains, Breads and Berries.
Herbs and Flowers: All Grains, Grapes, Heather, Blackberries, Crab Apples, Pears.
Incense: Aloe, Rose, Sandalwood.
Crystals: Carnelian.
Special Activities: As summer passes, it is time to celebrate its warmth and bounty in a celebrated feast shared. Save and plant the seeds from the fruits consumed during the feast or ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant or tree with love and as a symbol of your connection with the Lord and Lady. Walk through the fields and orchards or spend time along springs, creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes reflecting on the bounty and love of the Lord and Lady.
(adapted from an informational email sent to me from a fellow witch)

Entry #13--Dealing with Pain

I am doing very well with my pain from the breakup. It's been a little over a month and I find that I do not miss my ex, or think about him much. I feel sorry for him because his life is so sad; he has no goals or life aspirations and I, on the other hand, have so many!
I am excited about my future because I have so many plans! And I have good friends that I will be returning to soon (when I move back to Portland, Oregon). I also finished writing my novel and I am in the process of trying to publish it. I feel great about myself too. Although I have always been a feminist, and a strong woman, I see now that I lost a bit of myself in that relationship. It's time for ME now!
I have never lived on my own. I moved in with my ex from my parent's house. That is one of the things I am looking forward to the most. When we were together, I always felt a little regretful that I did not live on my own first. I think it's important for women to live on their own before getting married or moving in with a boyfriend. It's important to find yourself, who you are. It's important to live on your own and see that you are self-sufficient and self-reliant. It makes you a stronger person!
I came across this prayer for strength and I enjoyed it. So I thought I would pass it along.

Prayer for Strength
"Goddess Mother help me
to be patient and strong
to see what is truly important
to act without selfishness or fear

Goddess Mother help me
to trust your wisdom
to resist the coward's way
to walk in faith and compassion
to be truly human in spirit and heart"

Entry #14--Update on the Wife Beater, Summer Solstice 2001

In a previous entry, I wrote about a neighbor of mine who is abused by her ass-hole boyfriend. I wrote that I did a banishing ritual and he moved out. Well I just found out that after I moved, he moved back in with her and continued where he left off. It's a shame really, that women can be so desperate that they will stay with a man like that. I don't care what anyone says, no one deserves to be treated like that.
Anyways, my ex still lives in our old apartment so he is the one that told me the ass-hole moved back in. I do not see this as my spell "failing" per se, because it did in fact work. I suppose my healing energy keeping him away isn't strong enough now that I am in another state! :) Oh well. It served it's purpose for me!

Entry #15--A Woman Should Have, Lughnasadh 2001

I came across this and loved it! Since I am writing about the strength of living alone, learning who you are, and being a strong woman, I figured this was fitting.

"A Woman Should Have..." old love she can imagine going back to...and one who reminds her how far she has come...
...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...
...something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
...a youth she's content to leave behind...and a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age...
...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra... friend who always makes her laugh...and one who lets her cry...
...a feeling of control over her destiny...

"Every Woman Should Know..." to fall in love without losing to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
...when to try harder...and when to walk away...
...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
...that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over...
...what she would and would not do for love or more... to live alone...even if she doesn't like it...
...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
...what she can and can't accomplish in a day...a month...and a year.

Entry #16--A Strength Ceremony, Waning Moon August 2001

Things are good for me. I am working very hard at two jobs to save up some extra money and am succeeding. I have always been able to achieve my goals once I set my mind to them. I am making new friends and meeting lots of people :) and just sent off my manuscript to the Library of Congress: the first step in attempting to get my novel published.

As I stated above, I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I feel wonderful about it. Now that I have some clarity, I see now how wrong he was for me. I overlooked a lot of things that made me unhappy about him. I don't think it's right to have to sacrifice part of yourself in order to make another person happy, and that is exactly what I did. All you women out there, don't do what I did! Be yourself, think of yourself first, and never sacrifice the best part of you for anyone! And don't become your boyfriend's mother!! If they are so immature and incapable of taking care of themselves in a responsible way, they aren't worth your time! Let them figure it out on their own, if they fail and flounder like losers, it's their problem, not yours.

I came across a chant that I have been using lately for strength and clarity:
"From doubt to certainty,
light to mark my way.
Misgivings be gone,
I'm seizing the day."

Like I said, things are good. And I have a positive outlook on everything.

Entry #17--Choosing A Path in Life, August 2001

I was reading something in my Book of Shadows the other day called "The Fool's Journey." (I am sure you can find it online somewhere.) It's about how the Tarot is metaphorical for life. There were a few interpretations that really stuck out for me and I wanted to share them with you.

The first card is the Death Card. Most people freak out when they do tarot readings and get the Death Card. Me, on the other hand, do not. I don't see it as a physical death. The meaning of the card is deeper than that. The fool's journey basically said: "Death is simply a transition to a new, more fulfilling way of life." I realize that now. My old life with my ex--no matter how "happy" I was or how much I loved him--was uninspiring and stagnant. I felt dead inside and it was time to do something about it. Thus the second card...

The second card is The Tower. "The Fool may only find release through the sudden change...the fool may need such a severe shake up if he is to free himself. But the resulting revelation makes the painful experience worth while." That describes my situation pretty accurately. I am now getting clarity and realizing that in order for me to change and grow, my old life had to die. The transformation had to be severe and traumatic in order for my to find that clarity and insight.

I realize now that I was on the wrong path in my life. I couldn't see that I was lost while on that path. But I encountered a guide, a sign post, a message from beyond, that told me I had taken the wrong fork in the road. But I must not go backwards because that will not lead me to my destination. I must stop at this next crossroad and make a decision. Do I go right and continue on the path I am on: the path of regret, anger, and heartache? The path that won't let me leave my ex in my past?

Or do I take the left road and move forward? Encounter guides in the form of the Hierophant, the Magician, and the Hermit? Do I take their advice and guidance in order to find my way to the Empress and motherhood, and the spiritual enlightenment of the Priestess?

As many of you know, I worship Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Obstacles. I realize now what Lord Ganesha was trying to do. All the pain and anguish I was feeling when I was *in* the relationship with my ex were signs that I was on the wrong path. They were the obstacles put in my way. And I chose to ignore them. That is when Lord Ganesha decided to get my attention in a dramatic way. I see that now. And I choose the second path.

Entry #18--RHIANNON, August 2001

Wise and magical goddess of the moon, Rhiannon hears our wishes and guides us on the path of inspiration - but only if we learn how to ask!

I ask and therefore I receive
I welcome change in my life
I see the path intended for me
My future is full of possibilities
I invite new choices into my life
My goals are becoming manifest
I deserve to have my dreams realised

Related essences: bayberry, cedar, pine, and rosemary
Related gemstones: cat's-eye, ruby and moonstone
Rhiannon (Great Queen) was the lunar Welsh Goddess of fertility and rebirth, transformation, wisdom, and magic. Goddess of ethereal beauty, she was born with the first moonrise, Muse of poets, source of artistic inspiration, she was worshipped outside amidst the trees at woodland alters and underneath the Moonlight.

As goddess of fertility, Rhiannon gave birth to a son, Pryderi, at Yule - the winter solstice being a significant reminder that the ultimate product of death is rebirth. (Centuries later, in 273 C.E. (Common Era), Christians adopted this time of Yule as Jesus' birth).

Her son was abducted one night while she slept, and as punishment she was tied to the town gates and forced to bear visitors on her back as though she were a horse. Her dignified strength and perseverance during this time serve to remind us what all women are, and will continue to be.

In her death goddess aspect, she is symbolised by an unearthly white mare and three birds that sang so sweetly they could raise the dead. According to bardic folklore, she later become Vivien, the Lady of the Lake in Arthurian myth, honoured for granting the wishes of those who could ask for what they wanted, and scorning those who could not, or would not, ask for what they wanted. This aspect is also a possible source for the Grail Question of Arthurian legend.

Rhiannon carried the souls of the once-living on her white mare to the Underworld, which, according to Celtic legend, is where the soul exists in a similar way to that in our world. They did not see a difference between the spiritual world and the material world, the natural or the super-natural. After a "life cycle" in the Underworld, the souls die and are reborn into this world again, perpetuating the cycle of birth and death, renewal and destruction.

As we have now passed the winter solstice, and head into the phase of rebirth and renewal, we welcome new inspiration and Rhiannon's energy into our lives. At the next full moon, honour Rhiannon by lighting four candles (one each of red, green, gold and silver) and make your wish known to her.

Entry #19--Samhain 2002

I took a few days off from work to take a vacation and celebrate Samhain. I went to lunch by myself so I could read "The Pilgrimage" by Paulo Coelho. I wanted some time alone to contemplate and develop my spirituality. I went to Tara Thai in NW Portland, an EXCELLENT Thai restaurant!! And the spices definitely clear the system of impurities. Then I headed over to Sylvie Day Spa for a Swedish massage. I decided it would be my yearly Samhain ritual "treat" to myself.

I spent the evening in quiet contemplation before I performed the ritual, which I will soon be posting on my Samhain page. It was a wonderful and peaceful Samhain.

Entry #20--Beltane 2003

Check out my Beltane stories!

This Page Updated October 31, 2002.
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