In the page about me, I starting talking about some of the new-age-pagan-celtic-type CDs I bought when it dawned on me...just make an entire page about music! So here I will list and comment on some of the CDs I have, some that are not very commonplace but nonetheless worthy! So enjoy the music, I give you my guarantee that it's all worth the money!

This page is a work in progress. I will be updating it slowly as I find the time to review all my "pagan" CDs and also discover new ones! So please check back here periodically for updates! If you have any suggestions on CDs, email me and I will check them out. :)

Table of Contents
Eastern Influences
General New Age

Celtic Music

~~Daughters of the Celtic Moon~~ by Lisa Lynne, harpist.
This CD has some amazing tracks, in fact, I like all of them. It's enchanting music! I really love the remake of Sting's "Fields of Gold". I think I love this version of it much better!

~~Odonata~~ by Amethystium
"The sonic landscape is a very eclectic one: Middle Eastern blends with Celtic, and Sanskrit chants segue over to Gregorian chants. A familiar sample of Tibetan/Nepalese street sounds accents a couple of the cuts (Avalon and Lhasa)- one I recognized from Delirium's Karma: Enchantment."

~~The Sun and The Moon and The Stars~~ by The Spirit of Eden
"Traditional Irish-Type instruments melded with shimmering dance beats....guitar-uilleann Pipe-driven melodies...exotic, evocative Celtic soundscapes... Fusion of World musics dominated by Irish-Celtic aesthetics." There's an enchanting version of Enya's "Orinoco Flow" on the CD as well.

~~Anam~~ by Clannad
I have always been a fan of Clannad. They are an amazing Celtic band, whom the lead singer of which is also the sister of Enya. If you�ve seen the movies �Patriot Games�, or �Last of the Mohicans� you�ve heard Clannad, whether you knew it or not. Their music is always enchanting but the �Anam� CD is my favorite of the collection. There are too many favorites on the disc to mention each one but I will tell you that track #2, �In a Lifetime� is beautiful! AND it�s a duet with U2�s Bono! What more do you need?

~~Banba~~ by Clannad
�Banba� was the first CD of Clannad�s that I bought. Many years ago I stumbled onto it in a CD store in Seattle (called Silverplatters�check it out, they�re expensive but they have the largest selection of hard to find CDs). Besides the fact that the music is beautiful, the lyrics are deep and poetic. �Sorrow deepens only to tell/That silence speaks where words cannot mend�� My favorite song on the CD is �There for you�.

~~Lore~~ by Clannad
This CD of Clannad�s has a darkness to it that�s hard to explain. The music is simply darker and a little sadder than the other ones I own. Track #4 is my favorite, �From Your Heart�. The music is slow and sad and has a haunting quality to it I just love! I love Enya, but personally I feel more connected to Maire Brennan, the lead singer and sister of Enya�so I�d choose Clannad over Enya any day!

~~Or Mabinogi: Legend of the Celts~~ by Ceredwen
�Ceredwen is the Celtic goddess of inspiration, and the legendary mother of Taliesin, King Arthur�s bard. She is also known as the Keeper of the Cauldron.� This is not just another celtic CD, it�s a story, a journey through Ireland, through Arthurian legend�and it�s beautiful! The lyrics are in Gaelic, but in the jacket they have English translations as well as snippets of information on Celtic Legend. I honestly don�t know what to say about this one�the CD always leaves me speechless. I�ve listened to it over a thousand times and I still love every single song. It�s worth whatever you have to pay to get it! As I was writing this, I was listening to each song, trying to figure out which one is my favorite. What a difficult task! But I think I�d say track #9 �Rhiannon� is it. The song starts out slow, with instruments sort of sounding like horse hooves galloping in the background and then lingering flutes morph into what I think is a harp and perhaps keyboards and then her enchanting voice�.it�s indescribable, but amazing!

~~If I Ever Return~~ by Connie Dover
Connie Dover�s voice is absolutely beautiful. I love her songs that are in Irish Gaelic, but her songs translated into English are just as wonderful! My favorite is track #1 �Fear an Bhata�. The thing about this CD is that even though Connie is wonderful, it could stand alone on just the music. Some of the songs have a tribal feel to them with the drumming beats. But it�s purely Celtic with the fiddles, bagpipes, Uilleann Pipes, and flutes. All of the songs are traditional Irish and Scottish. Listen to this CD when you want to be transported to a green and enchanted land.

~~Celtic Voices: Women of Song~~
�Women of Song� is a compilation CD of four of the best Celtic musicians and singers and once you hear it, you will never be able to turn your back on it! The first is Mary McLaughlin. �Torn between sea mists and solid land/Nights when I�ve ached for a human hand�.Oh how I long for your sweet caress, Oh how I long for your gentleness�.�

The second singer is Connie Dover (mentioned above). Strangely enough, she was born in Arkansas and raised in Missouri. But you�d never guess it, you�d think she was a genuine Irish woman! My favorite of her songs is track #6 �In Aimsir Bhaint An Fheir�. This song is lively, fun, and will make you wish you spoke Gaelic!!

The third singer is Maireid Sullivan, who was born and raised in Cork County Ireland. Although her songs often speak of heart-ache, her music is surprisingly upbeat and lively.

The final singer on this wonderful CD is Emma Christian. She often performs in castles, cathedrals and chapels where �late at night by candlelight she creates a close, intimate atmosphere for her audience.�

~~The Merlin Mystery~~ by Alkaemy
I adore this CD! Let�s just get that said first.  It�s a Celtic masterpiece with songs like �Le Morte D�Arthur,� �Nimue�s Lament,� �Stonehenge,� �Uther,� and �Legend of the Stone.� The music is enchanting and heavenly, perfect music to end a stressful work-day. So sit back with a glass of wine, light some candles, and let Alkaemy take you on a journey to Avalon. You won�t want to come back to reality!

~~Volume 2: Release~~ by Afro Celt Sound System
At first I thought this should be categorized as tribal because some of the music is indeed very tribal. But because many of the songs are Irish and because the first song, �Release,� is sung by a full-blooded Celt, it�s here in the Celtic section! You may recognize the singer on �Release��or maybe not�she�s Sinead O�Connor. Put aside the fact that she was a �one-hit wonder� in the 80�s, or that she shaved her head, or burned a picture if the Pope on live TV�she is still an amazing irish singer and this CD should not be missed!

~~The Book of Secrets~~ by Loreena McKennitt
Now is when we talk about my favorite singer of all time. Loreena is amazing live and she�s amazing on her CDs�enough said! Ok, maybe more should be said. Most likely you discovered Loreena back in 1997 when in �Ever After� they played on of her songs and all of a sudden Loreena was all over the radio for about a month. But I had the pleasure of discovering her about 10 years ago. �Book of Secrets� is her newest CD and don�t get me wrong, it�s one of her best�it�s enthralling, poignant, and fun to dance to at times. However, of all her CDs, this is the most commercial and �polished.� But that in no way means it isn�t worth the money! �Cast your eyes on the ocean, cast your eyes on the sea, when the dark night seems endless, please remember me.�

~~The Mask and the Mirror~~ by Loreena McKennitt
This is a fantastic piece of work! Of all of her music, �The Mask and the Mirror� is mysterious, dark, shadowy, gothic. Many of the songs have an eastern/Indian sound to them; this is most evident in �Marrakesh Night Market.� I love that song! And it�s near impossible to sit still while listening to it! In the first song �The Mystic�s Dream�, my favorite, it starts with the sound of men slowly chanting. It�s dark and delectable!

~~The Visit~~ by Loreena McKennitt
This masterpiece was my introduction to Loreena and her incredible talent. About 10 years ago I heard it at a friends house and immediately went out and bought the CD�and my passion for her music began! One of the things I love about her music is how she takes poems and makes them into songs: �The Lady of Shallot� by Alfred Lord Tennyson, �Greensleeves� by Henry VIII, and �Cymbeline� by Shakespeare. The first song, �All Souls Night� is my all time favorite song�no matter what genre or mood it�s my favorite. The imagery it evokes is wonderful, and makes my heart beat just a little bit faster. �Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides/Figures dance around and around/To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness/Moving to the PAGAN SOUND��

~~Parallel Dreams~~ by Loreena McKennitt
�Parallel Dreams� is a beautiful, relaxing experience. It includes some great songs such as: �Samhain Night,� �Moon Cradle,� �Huron Beltane Fire Dance,� and �Standing Stones.� Not as commercial as �Book of Secrets,� and not as soul-stirring as �The Visit��but definitely worthy of any pagan to include in their collection of great music!

~~Dawn of a New Century~~ by Secret Garden
This is a very beautiful and relaxing CD. My favorite song on the CD is track #3 "Elan". It's beautiful! The fiddle, the harp, the flute...if I close my eyes and listen to this music I can see myself dancing in a forest in Ireland, surrounding by my fellow witches worshipping the full moon!

~~A Circle Is Cast~~ by Libana
Libana was another one that I only have in MP3's. I downloaded most of their songs from "A Circle is Cast" and it's beautiful! There isn't always a lot of music, but mostly just singing. Some of the songs are: "Full Moonlight Dance," "Kore Chant," "The Earth The Air The Fire The Water," "A Circle is Cast," "The Earth is Our Mother," and "Sisters, Now Our Meeting Is Over." Libana is perfect for a dianic coven. It's only women singing and I totally picture a coven full of just women dancing around a cauldron naked. The CD is magickal.

~~Gaelic Storm~~
I remember exactly where I was when I first discovered Gaelic Storm. I'd never heard of them before but I was in a small nature store in Canon Beach Oregon in 1998 and saw a display for listening to music. I don't know why, but I started listening to the CD. It was only a few seconds into the first song that I realized I HAD to have the CD! It was later that I found out that Gaelic Storm was the Steerage Band in the movie "Titanic." The CD is totally awesome! I give it 5 out of 5 stars! The music is "a lively collection of traditional Irish sing-alongs, Celtic dance music and festive, rollicking pub songs." So true, the music is very high energy and I dare you to try and sit still while listening to it! My favorite song on the CD is track #4 "Johnny Jump Up/Morrison's Jig". :)

~~Whisper to the Wild Water~~ by Maire Brennan
You may recognize Maire Brennan, she is the lead singer for Clannad, and also Enya's sister. I love this CD, I bought it without even hearing it. I just knew that I loved Clannad and I wasn't disappointed by "Whisper"!! I believe she is a Christian, and I've seen some of her songs on Christian compilation CDs, but I just ignore that fact. Because the fact is, the music is fabulous, and it's not preachy or anything. I think she may mention God once or twice on her CD but that doesn't have to mean anything. We all think of God differently, God to me is a woman, a Goddess, so I think of it that way.

~~Distant Shore~~ by Karan Casey
I heard her music on KBOO, the independent non-commercial radio station here in Portland. As soon as I heard her voice I had to have the CD! "A voice so beautiful, it's almost impossible to avoid falling under her spell." Track #2 "Another Day" is my favorite on the Cd but there's so many other that I like. It was kind of hard to find the CD but I found it on I think I had to wait a few days before it was even shipped. But it was worth the wait!!

~~Lowlands~~ by Susan McKeown
This is another one I heard on KBOO. They played her CD on St.Patrick's Day this year. I really love this CD! The music is great, very lively and fun to dance to! "The album declares its intentions immediately; it opens with an arrangement of "An Nighean Dubh," a Scottish Gaelic island song, that uses instruments as varied as the African kora and the balkan kaval alongside the typically Celtic flute, whistle, and fiddle, adding a touch of jazz in the bass and clarinet playing. Other songs bring in an even more eclectic range of sounds; "Sl�n agus Beannacht" is clearly influenced by flamenco, but also uses Eil�s Egan's accordion to keep it Irish, while "The Lowlands of Holland" uses Chinese erhu and American banjo together to evoke the strangeness of the Holland landscape described in the song..."

Tribal Music

I bought this CD without listening to it, just based on the reviews and I was pleasantly surprised. It's a great CD. "Oceania is what happens when Maori culture--the music and traditions of New Zealand's native people--collides with the modern world." It's tribal, it's hypnotic, it's beautiful!

~~Spiritual Spiritual~~ by B-Tribe
"Dramatic Flamenco guitar, ambient synthesizer tonalities, and moody, wordless vocals evoke a windswept plain, or the ocean at dusk, or the burning desert sun, or a thousand other tableaus of the imagination. It's music as mood. Mood as music. It's love and death and renewal and redemption. It's the aural atmosphere that will soon be providing the soundtrack to your life. It is B-Tribe."

~~Trance World~~ by Earth Trybe
I discovered Earth Trybe almost by accident. I was in the store called "Gifts from Afar" and heard the enchanting music playing. I went out and bought the CD! It's fantastic, especially if you're into indie-tribal-new-age type music! It has a very Eastern feel to it but blends very nicely with the celtic.

~~Music for the Native Americans~~ by Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble
This is a lush, magickal, and beautiful CD. I've been a big Robbie Robertson fan since I was a little kid and my dad would play his music. But when I was in highschool I found this CD of his and fell in love with it! It's beautiful music inspired by Native Americans with drumming, chanting, coyotes in the background, and flutes. The CD has songs like "Coyote Dance," "Ghost Dance," "It's a Good Day To Die," "Cherokee Morning Song" among others. It's really a treasure!

~~Contact from the Underworld of Redboy~~ by Robbie Robertson
This is a very cool CD! It's different from the "Native Americans", it's more mellow and smooth, more commercial and not as much of the Native American singing and drumming. I guess this could be considered more a Rock CD. My favorite songs are: #4 "Unbound" (sends chills up my spine!!), #8 "In The Blood" (beautiful and amazing!) and #5 "Sacrifice" (absolutely haunting). Sacrifice also is about Leonard Peltier. "The Indian activist Leonard Peltier (52) are in prison with life sentences for two murders many believes he could not have done. He has been called USA's Mandela." It will bring tears to your eyes.

~~Drum Prayer~~ by Steve Gordon
This is a pretty cool CD. Of all of Steve and Dave Gordon's CDs this is not my favorite (I'll review their others tomorrow) but it's still worth having. I love a few of the songs. "Ancient shaman rhythms, Native American flute, Spanish guitar, tabla, sarod, ambient trance grooves, and devotional chants (Lakota, Sanskrit and Tibetan), take you on a renewing soul-journey."

~~Drum Medicine~~ by David and Steve Gordon
�The space has been cleared, the offering has been made, we are open to receive. The rhythm has begun�we leave the past behind and enter the sacred�.� This is a great CD! I love Dave and Steve Gordon�s work. The music is always beautiful and relaxing. It�s the perfect music for a coven meeting�with drum beats filling the air, haunting flutes, and some Native American chanting. Drum Medicine has some great songs on it, too, like: #1 �Enter the Sacred,� #2 �Empowered,� and #8 �Four Direction Wind.�

Eastern Influenced Music

~~Moroccan Spirit~~
This is one of my favorite CDs in my collection. This CD is perfect for the person who likes belly dancing and any belly dancer's CD collection is NOT complete without it! But if you're not into belly dancing (like I'm not) than don't fret, this CD is still a must have. You feel like you're in another world immediately. Turn off the lights, light some incense and candles and let the music movie you. Trust me, it will!! My favorite song on the entire CD (which was hard to select just one) is track #4 "Moroccan Soul." The song starts out very slow and then (I think) plays the most haunting violin with chanting in the background. Magickal! But if you want something a little more uplifting, try track #8 Derviche. It will get you dancing!!!

~~Beneath the Veil~~ by Zingaia
"An ecstatic trance...a Goddess dance," Beneath the Veil is a deliciously delightful romp through a garden of Tantric Goddess consciousness. Chants, invocations and songs weave their enchanting, mysterious magic as we are gently drawn beneath the veil of the Goddess of love and life. Here is where "the sensuous and the Sacred, the Spirit and the body unite." A basic Tantric precept is that the body is a Sacred temple, and when two temples unite in love the Sacred Goddess is invoked in all Her glory." That quote basically sums up the whole CD.

~~Tibet~~ by Waterbone
I hadn't heard this music, I ordered the CD with the faith that I would love it. And I do! "Ancient visions in an extraordinary mix of trip hop grooves and organic voicings." This CD is awesome. It tells the story of their journey to Tibet and Kathmandu, among other places. They recorded tibetan children singing, monks chanting, and mixed it with trippy music. It's like Delerium meets Tibetan monks. I love it!

General New Age

~~Mystic Spirit Voices~~ by Lesiem
This is a great CD. Lesiem is often compared to Enigma. It's a little similar but Lesiem is much more on the Gregorian Chanting. It's a cool atmosphere CD.

~~MCMXC a.D.~~ by Enigma
I love all of Enigma�s music. It�s gothic, it�s romantic, it�s highly sexual. It�s perfect to set the mood for a romantic evening, a high pagan holiday, or simply to accompany a rainy night or power-outtage! This one of their CDs is heavy on the calming music as well as the sexy drum beats. As most people on the planet know, Enigma is also about Gregorian chanting. They do a lovely job of combining the otherwise stark religious chanting with fantastic music!

~~The Cross of Changes~~ by Enigma
This is my favorite of Enigma�s collection. This CD is perfect for getting in the mood to spend a romantic evening with someone you love. Light some red candles, burn some jasmine, anoint yourself with rose oil, and chant a little and you�ve got the perfect love ritual! I won�t even try to pick just one song from this CD as my favorite because I love every single one with the same amount of passion! But I will say that �Age of Loneliness� is very cool. Most will recognize it from the cool movie �Sliver.� I will also say that �Return to Innocence� is probably the best song but that�s because it incorporates Enigma�s trademark sexy, gothic, enchanting-ness with Native American chanting. Perfect in my book!

~~The Screen Behind the Mirror~~ by Enigma
This one is rather strange to me. It doesn�t really have the distinct sounds and recognizable songs like �Return to Innocence.� Rather, this one is like taking a step into another world; it�s like listening to the soundtrack of your dreams. It�s slow and mesmerizing; with Enigma�s typical chanting echoing like it would in a cathedral and soft music that immediately puts you in a meditative state. I love it. It�s one of their best works so far. Also, the strange thing about this one is that every song bleeds into the next. This is cool because it makes it seem like one continual experience instead of just a collection of separate songs. Buy this CD and buy it quickly!

~~Le Roi Est Mort, Vive le Roi!~~ by Enigma
This CD is almost identical to �Screen behind the Mirror� in the sound and feel of it. You hear some resemblance to �Cross of Changes� every once in awhile, but it�s more like Screen than anything else. What�s different is that the tempo is much faster. It�s not the relaxing, sleepy dream music of Screen, it�s quicker and exciting. All songs are great but my favorite is probably track #11 �Prism of Life.�

~~9 Songs of Ecstasy~~ by Pilgrimage
I was reluctant to add this to the list because I love it so much. It feels like the best kept secret and I didn�t want to share! But no list would be complete without my favorite CD of the entire �pagan� collection. I�m not even sure how to describe this kind of music. It�s in a class all by itself. It�s beautiful: with what sounds like religious chanting, opera, and choir. The music is lush and magical, with strings, keyboards, drumming and the unforgettable singing of Catherine Bott, Phillip Pickett and the New London Consort. �Everyone sojourning in the flesh is passing through this earth to a mysterious state of future bliss�The Pilgrim�s progress is toward no earthly destination.�

~~Medicine Woman~~ by Medwyn Goodall
I discovered Medwyn by doing a search years ago on Napster. I loved it so much I downloaded everything I could find by him. It's enchanting transports you right back in time to a place with faeries and goddesses. I love it! Besides Medicine Woman, Goodall also has "Rhythm of the Ancients," "A Celtic Journey, "Way of the Ocean," "Earth Healer" and many more. Worth the investment!

~~The Memory of Trees~~ by Enya
I don't know why I'm reviewing Enya--I think everyone on the planet either owns at least one of her CDs or has at least heard the music before. But since I own about 6 of her CDs I figure I should review a few. :) Enya's music is relaxing and always heavenly. My favorite tracks on the CD are #2 "Anywhere Is" (very energetic), #6 "China Rose" (probably the most beautiful song I've ever heard in my life), and most of all #11 "On My way Home" (enchanting music, gorgeous singing--the song just gives me goosebumps!).

~~A Day Without Rain~~ by Enya
I just have to get this annoyance out of the way: many of you may have first heard of Enya because of the TV show "Friends." On their endless promos a few seasons ago they played the song "Only Time." Then all of a sudden, teeny-bopper little girls "loved" Enya. Grrr. But putting that trendyness aside, this is probably my favorite Enya CD. Every song has a magick to it, and a beauty that's indescribable. My favorite tracks are: #2 "Wild Child" (brings tears to my eyes), #6 "Flora's Secret", and most of all #10 "One by One". I can't even think of words to describe the way this song makes me feel. Spend the money on this CD, you won't regret it!

~~Shepherd Moons~~ by Enya
This was the first CD I bought of Enya's. I discovered it after seeing the movie "Far and Away" when I was about 12 or 13 years old. If it's possible to wear out a CD from listening to it so much, than that's what happened with Shepherd Moons! My favorite songs on the disc are: #2 "Caribbean Blue" (the music has a lovely flowing feel to it--like actual water), #4 "Ebude" (I like the "Native American" chanting to it), and of course, #7 "Book of Days" from Far and Away. That song always brings tears to my eyes. Beautiful!

~~Watermark~~ by Enya
This isn't my favorite of Enya's CDs, it just doesn't touch me like the others do, it doesn't evoke strong emotions. But it is a pretty good CD. There are some great songs on it like "Orinoco Flow," "Storms in Africa," and "River." If I were you, I'd buy some of the other CDs first (Especially "Memory of Trees") before "Watermark"--but I wouldn't exclude it altogether!

~~Metaphor~~by Patrick O'Hearn
This is a pretty good atmosphere CD. It's not my favorite but it's enjoyable. Some of the songs sound very "Twin Peaks"!! :) There's no singing on the CD, it's just music. I'd buy Govinda before Patrick O'Hearn.

General & Gothic-New Age Mix

~~SpiritChaser~~by Dead Can Dance
I love Dead Can Dance, let's just get that out of the way. They've been around forever it seems. Lisa Gerrard has an amazing and haunting voice. Some of you maybe have recognized her songs in the movie "Gladiator." Anyways, I ordered "Spiritchaser" and was kind of disappointed. I was hoping for more of the beautiful singing by Lisa that I'd heard in my mp3 downloads and instead the CD has a lot of singing by Brendan Perry. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool CD, and he has a great voice. But I bought it for Lisa and not Brendan. Dead Can Dance have better CDs out there. If I were you, I'd buy them first. UPDATE! I've been listening to this CD a lot more lately. It's grown on me and I love it! It's strange how some CDs just don't work for me until one day I listen to it again and discover how good it actually is!

~~Karma~~ by Delerium
I first discovered Delerium in the coolest store in Seattle: Gargoyles. It�s on the Ave in the U District next to Cellophane Square. Gargoyles is an awesome store! When you walk into the dark, candlelit store full of stone statues, fountains, and gothic d�cor, it�s like you entered the Gothic Heaven. Anyways, about eight years ago I walked into the store and they were playing this strange and gothic music. I asked what it was. It was Delerium. Thus began my obsession with Delerium. A few years ago when �Karma� came out there was a short-lived sudden �obsession� with the music simply because Sarah McLachlan sang one song on their CD. But if you were like me, and had loved the band for years before, you knew there was more to them than �Silence� with Sarah McLachlan. However, Karma is an awesome CD. �Karma� is commercial and glossy but nonetheless enchanting. Every single song on the CD is breathtakingly fabulous. In �Karma�, unlike Delerium�s older work, there is singing. As you will read in the other reviews, their older stuff is mostly strange, gothic sounds. But I love the work Delerium does with the singers! On Karma, my favorite tracks are: #5 �Forgotten Worlds� and #1 �Enchanted.�

~~Stone Tower~~ by Delerium
Stone Tower is dark with techno beats mixed with scary sounds and strange noises. There is nothing beautiful about this CD, in fact there�s little if no singing, but it�s strangely cool. Despite it being slightly disturbing to listen to, it is the perfect atmosphere setter for a Halloween party, or a night of Gothic bondage. LOL. I don�t recommend listen to it if you�re home alone at night and it�s dark outside. It�s definitely the perfect music for a horror flick!

~~Spheres II~~ by Delerium
Spheres is much like Stone Tower in that it�s dark and creepy. But Spheres has more music than Stone Tower and it�s strange and scary noises. Track #1 �Morphology� is very cool indeed. Some of the music on Spheres would be perfect for an underground Rave. #4 �Hypoxia� is my favorite song.

~~Morpheus~~ by Delerium
Morpheus is very similar to Spheres and Stone Tower. (see above reviews)

~~Syrophenikan~~ by Delerium
Of Delerium�s old CDs this is my favorite. This is the one I heard at Gargoyles, the one that first got me interested in Delerium. This one is more tribal, with hypnotic drum beats and magnetic rhythms. The best tracks are #2 �Shroud� and #4 �Fallen Idols.� My favorite is #7 �Prophecy.� There�s no words to describe �Prophecy�, it�s just something you have to hear. It�s totally awesome though. Buy this CD!

~~Faces, Forms and Illusions~~ by Delerium
On the cover of this CD is that famous photograph of that Buddhist monk who set himself on fire. Although this one is more techno than tribal, there�s still remnants of the tribal element. There�s also a very Middle Eastern feel to it. In track #2 �Mecca� and #4 �Sword of Islam,� the music really makes you feel like you�re in an adventure/horror/mystery/gothic movie set in the Middle East. The thing about Delerium�s older music, is that you really have to just listen to it. There�s no way someone could describe the music for you, it�s something you have to experience for yourself.

~~Semantic Spaces~~ by Delerium
Although �Karma� is definitely one of their best CDs, �Semantic Spaces� is my absolute favorite of Delerium�s CDs. It is rich in ambience and rhythmic masterpieces. Kristy is an amazing singer and her voice is like a little slice of heaven in each song. The music is gothic and lovely. It sounds like a heart beat mixed with the dark, almost demonic chanting in track #5 �Consensual Worlds� is worth it alone to buy the entire CD! Let me get this point straight though, it isn�t �demonic�  It�s actually Buddhist monks but when I�ve played the song to people before that�s the first word that has always come to their mind. Enjoy it!

~~Odyssey~~ by Delerium
This is the �new� Delerium CD. It�s a 2 CD set of remixes. I�m including it simply because I�ve reviewed the other Delerium discs I have. But Odyssey has nothing �pagan� about it. They took their best songs like �Silence,� �Flowers Become Screens,� �Heaven�s Earth,� and many more and turned them into techno music. It�s an awesome CD, however! If you like raves and dancing to techno music you�ll love Odyssey. And for those of you that like Delerium because of Sarah McLachlan�s one-hit wonder contribution, you�ll be happy to know that there�s three very cool remixes of her �Silence� song!

NEW! ~~O Earthly Gods~~ by Govinda
I just received this CD and I love it!!! RUN, don't walk to the store to buy it. It's absolutely fabulous. On the back of the CD it says "A mix of hauntingly seductive melodies of gypsy violin and guitar with ethnic styles from Spain, India and Ireland all woven into textures of deep groove, ambience and modern psychedelia."

~~Chimera~~ by Delerium
This is Delerium's new CD. I've heard both good and bad things about it. It's the kind of cd that you either love or hate, I guess. I will tell you this, it's definitely different than any other Delerium cds. It's very cool in my opinion. Every track features a different singer, which I like. They have Zoe Johnston, Jael of Lunik, Margaret Far, Leigh Nash (Sixpence none the richer), Rachel Fuller, rani, Julee Cruise, and Kristy Thirsk. I recognize about half of those names. Either way, it was nice to hear other singers. I'd say the theme of this cd is love. The CD comes with an extra disc with two bonus songs and also three videos. Check it out.


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This Page Last Updated: February 17, 2006

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