The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Episode 3
[I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy...]
Database: Location: Buildings
13 BE | Tatooine 04
   Slave hovels
   Mos Espa, Tatooine
Points of Interest:
   Anakin Skywalker's hovel
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Expanded Universe
Anakin's Hovel Interactive Tour
Located in one of Mos Espa's poorer sections, the
cramped, crowded slave quarters were hardly fit for a
single person, yet whole families were forced to live in
them by their uncaring slave owners.

    Still, for many, it was the only home they knew - and
for some, even the spartan slave hovels were a
welcome change from their lives with even worse
owners. For the most part, slaves living in Mos Espa's
tiny hovels managed get by with what little they had.
Some of the hovels even connected to each other,
forming something resembling a normal family

    There were various slave quarters around the outskirts of Mos Espa, though Slave Quarters Row was one of the best...if 'best' could describe it. Designed to be cheap and temporary, the hovels were built by the miners that originally settled and then abandoned Tatooine. The hovels used antiquated bio-converter power generators, which received liquid sludge composed of animal and municipal waste via underground pipelines. This sludge was then converted into a natchgas, which fuelled the hovels' power needs.

    Officially, maintenance of the slave hovels was down to the slave owners themselves, but this rarely was the case in practice. It was only until the slave quarters threatened to collapse - and squash valuable slaves - that the owners reluctantly dispatched a repair droid to bodge up a sub-standard repair. Despite these problems, the slave hovels were tough and able to withstand the searing heat and dangerous sandstorms of Tatooine. Having been bleached by the suns for so long, the slave quarters resembled natural formations growing from the sand. The sandstorms actually helped in blasting away grime on the walls, which were dual layered and filled with stones from local quarries. This kept heat and dust at bay, while providing a cool interior.
The slave quarters in The Phantom Menace were real buildings found in Tunisia, though they were added to with extra doors, moisture vaporators and other 'greeblies'
Main | Tatooine - Settling the Deserts | Mos Espa - Slave quarters - Anakin's hovel - Watto's shop | Mos Espa Arena - podrace course
Mos Eisley - Chalmun's cantina - docking bays - Jabba's townhouse | Jabba's palace - Dune Sea - Jundland Wastes - Ben Kenobi's hut
Anchorhead - Tosche Station - Lars moisture farm | Tusken camp - Fort Tusken - Jawa camps
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