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Episode 3
[I find your lack of faith disturbing...]
Database: Character: The Sith
19 AE | Vader 03
   Dark Lord of the Sith
   Human cyborg
   42 (19 AE)
   The Sith
   Galactic Empire
   Sith lightsaber
   Star Destroyer
   TIE Advanced X1
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Main | From The Ashes - Jedi Purge - Dark Lord - Vader's Quest - Power Play - Redemption | Anakin Skywalker
Because Vader was seen travelling between the blockade runner and his Star Destroyer in rough drafts of Star Wars, a breathing mask was designed for him. Little did the artists know his mask was used for more than just space travel
Played by:
   Hayden Christansen (III)
   David Prowse (IV, V, VI)
Voiced by:
   James Earl Jones

   Dar-th Vay-dur
Injuries of Darth Vader
AtomFilms: Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline
By the time the Emperor dissolved the Imperial Senate
nineteen years after the birth of the Empire, Vader's
Jedi hunt had come to an end...or so he thought.

    Vader had been alerted to the theft of the plans to the
Emperor's new Death Star by Rebel agents, and set off
to retrieve them. His flagship, the Devastator, chased a
Rebel blockade runner to the Tatoo system, where
Vader's men captured and boarded the supposed
counsular ship. Princess Leia, whom Vader knew was
an underground Rebel agent, was captured, but the
stolen plans were not on the ship. Vader sent a
squad of stormtroopers down to the surface of Tatooine
to locate them.

    Princess Leia was taken to the Death Star, where she was interrogated by Vader. She proved to be unusually resistant to Vader's mind-probes, though he didn't realize why. Governor Tarkin, the commander of the Death Star, and Vader's superior on the battle station, used harsher means of extracting information: he destroyed Leia's homeplanet of Alderaan, yet still she would not betray the Rebellion. Tarkin ordered her execution, but a rescue attempt was launched before she could be killed. Though Tarkin was troubled by her escape, Vader was focused on something else. He felt a familiar presence through the Force - one he had thought dead long ago. He stalked through the Death Star to confront his former master once more.

    Vader and Ben Kenobi met just outside the hangar that held the ship Kenobi had used. He and the Dark Lord duelled, with Vader goading his Jedi mentor, telling him that his powers were weak. However, Vader had underestimated the man who defeated Anakin almost two decades before. Though Vader struck Ben down, the old Jedi disappeared and became one with the Force. As far as Vader was concerned, however, his old master was dead, and the Rebellion would soon follow.

    The Imperials located the Rebel base, and prepared to destroy it. A small fleet of starfighters made a desperate attack on the Death Star, forcing Vader to engage them. Flying in his TIE Advanced, Vader shot down the Rebel craft as they attempted to destroy the battle station's reactor. However, there was one pilot who proved to be far more difficult to kill. He was resisting Vader as Leia had resisted him on the Death Star. Vader knew the Force was with him, and that made him even more determined to destroy him. Just as Vader was about to end the pilot's futile attack, his wingman was blasted apart by an unknown attacker. His second spun into Vader's ship, damaging it and sending him shooting off into space. As Vader spun into the void, the Death Star exploded behind him.
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